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Venanzio Monaldini: Vestigie Di Roma Antica R.U. Goode, E.D. Barnard: Map of Alaska Tracy D le Luay: Map of the City of Toronto. Plan "A", proposed new and improved through streets
Tracy D le Luay: Map of the City of Toronto. Plan "B".
Paul E. Moffet: Public Works, Canada. Georgian Bay Ship Canal Bascule Bridges Giacomo Cafa: Asia - Persia
David Roberts: Convent of St. Catherine, with Mount Horeb David Roberts: Scene on the Nile near Wady Dabod, with Crocodiles Balzac: Le Kaire. Vue de la Place Appellee Birket-El-Fyl, Prise Pendant l Inondation
Protain: Le Kaire. Vue Perspective dUne Partie de la Ville des Tombeaux Balzac: Le Kaire. Vue Interieure de la Maison dOsman Bey Cabanel: Sultans Harem
Protain: Coupes et vue Interieure dUne Grande Salle de la Maison de Hasan Kachef, Destinee aux Seances de linstitut. Detail dUne Porte de la Cour Balzac & Cecile: Le Kaire. Vue dUne Salle de la Maison de Solyman Agha. Vue Interieure du Palais de Qasim Bey Balzac: Rosette et Environs. Vue de la Ville de Rpsette et de Lile de Farcheil. Vue du Boghaz ou Embouchure du Nil
Roberts, David: Convent of St. Catherine. Mount Sinai.
Dutertre;Jomard;Redou: Vases, Meubles et Instrumens Dutertre; Balzac: Vases, Meubles et Instrumens
H. B. Barlow: Outside Cylinder Tank Engine, as made for the Manchester & Birmingham Railway, 1847 H. B. Barlow: Outside Cylinder Tank Engine, as made for the Manchester & Birmingham Railway.
D. Levatar: Longitudinal section, of Iron Duke: Engine & Tender
Jan Wagenaar: 'T verheughd Amsterdam, ter gelengenheid van het plegtig bezoek hunner doorlugtuge en koningklyk Hoogheden, Willem, Prinse van Oranien en Naussau, Erfstandhouden der Vereenidge Nederlanden, enz. enz. enz. En Zyne Gemaalinee Fredrica Sophia Wilhelmina, Prinsesse van Pruissen, Op Maandag, den 30 May, en eenige volgende dagen des jars 1768 Basil Lubbock: Adventures by Sea From Art of Old Time Alexander McDonald: A Complete Dictionary of Practical Gardening: Comprehending all the Modern Improvements in the Art; Whether in the Raising of the Various Esculent Vegetables, or in the Forcing and Managing of different Sorts of Fruits and Plants, and that of Laying Out, Ornamenting, and Planting, Gardens and Pleasure Grounds: With Correct Engravings of the Necessary Apparatus, in Buildings and other contrivances, as Well as of the More Rare and Curious Plants Cultivated for Ornament or Variety: from Original Drawings by Sydenham Edwards
Caroli Renaldini: Caroli Renaldini Serenissimi Magni DVCIS ETRVRIAE. Philosophi, ac Mathematici Et in Patiauino Lyceo Philosophi primae sedis. Ars Analytica Mathemativm in Tres Partes Distribvta Qvarvm Prima Vetervm Analystarvm, Secunda Recentionum Doctrinam locupletatam complectitur, atque adea de Refolutione, & Compofitione Mathematica edifferit; Tertia demum in majorem Artis illustrationem Theoremata, ac Problemata refoluta exhibet. Pars Prima. Editio SECVNDA CORRECTIOR, & AVCTIOR. Serenissim Mavritio Vvigliemlmo DVCI Saxoniae, Ivliae Cliviae, & Montivm, &c Charles Roberts: The Complete Billiard Player Janssonius, Joannes: Argonavtica
Guicciardimo: Groninga Ortelius: Siciliae Veteris Typvs Joannis Janssonius: Insvlar Aliqvot Aegaei Maris Antiqva Descrip; Evboea Insvla.; Insvlarvm Sardiniae et Corsicae Antiqua descriptio
De Laet; Hessel Gerritz: Nova Francia et Regiones Adiacentes Charles Unwin: Plan of Building Lots on Queen Street in the City of Toronto Canada West. The property of Mrs. Samuel Ridout Giovanni Battista Ramusio: La Nvova Francia
S.R.G. Penson: Plan of the City of Toronto and Suburbs Lucious Lyon: O. Sketch of the Public Surveys in Michigan J.Arrowsmith: Columbia Dedicated Colonel Belford Hinton Wilson, Late Aid de Camp to thye Liberator Limon Bolivar By His Obliged Servant J. Arrowsmith
J. Arrowsmith: Peru & Bolivia Watteau: Mort du Marquis de Montcalm Gozon Peter Helck: Surface Conditioning Stainless Steel Billets
Mayr: Vue du Palais de Marbre & de ses environs Guerard de la Barthe: Vue de la porte sainte et de ses environs a Moscou J. D. Kelly: Confederation Life
Boris Riedel: 4th Edition Black Forest International Ice Revue featuring Champions of the World on Real Ice Captain Sutherland of the 25th Regiment: A Tour up the Straits, from Gibraltar to Constantinople with the Leading Events in the Present War Between the Austrians, Russians, and the Turks, to the Commencement of the Year 1789 Vice Admiral Sir George Nares: Seamanship: Including Names of Principal Parts of a Ship;Masts, Sails, Yards, etc.; Bends and Hitches; Manufacture and Tests of Steel Wire Rope; Flexible Steel Wire Hawsers; Tests and Weights of Hemp Rope, Flexible Steel Wire Hawsers, and HCain Cable; Splicing Wire Rope; Knots and Splices; Fittings of Standing Rigging; Rigging of Masts; Yards and Bowsprit; Tests of Blocks; Fitting of Tackles; Staying Masts and Setting up Rigging; Tanks, Ballast, and Provisions; Managing Sails; Boat Sailing; Instructions on the Management of Boats in a Surf; Stowage of Anchors and Cables; Proof Tests of Anchors and Chain Cables; Hoisting in Boats; Use of Mooring Board; To Unmoor and Proceed to Sea; Maneuvres; to Tack Ship; Trimming Sails; Making and shortening Sail; Ropes and Spars Carried Away; Rule of the Road; Vessels’ Lights and Fog Signals; Glossary of sea Terms. Etc., Etc., Etc
J.G. Sing, Isham Randolph, Willis Chipman, T. Aird Murray: Report Upon the Existing Water Works System and Upon an Additional Water Supply H.W. Dulcken, Ph.D: Wild Animals and Their Homes: Being Pictures of the Animal Creation, Drawn from Nature, and Accurately and Carefully Coloured, For The Amusement and Instruction of the Young. With a Descriptive Text, Intended to Serve as an Introduction to Natural History Canadian Aviation: Candian Aviation: 1932-1937
Barnhart: Catalog 25-A: Type Faces, Border Designs, Typecast Ornaments, Brass Rule. Selective Specimens of Preferred Materials for Modern Typography. Superior Specialties for Printers J.H. Colton and A.J. Johnson: Johnson’s New Illustrated (Steel Plate) Family Atlas, With Descriptions,
Geographical, Statistical, and Historical.
Johan Michael Roth (Publisher): Augspurgisches Iubel-Gedachtnus das ist, alle sinnreiche Inventiones order so genandte Iubel- Gemahlde, welche im Jahr Christi 1730 auf das…alhier verordnete… wegen der Anno 1520 ubergebene Confession danckbarlich zu celebrirende aber in ein einig Werck zusammmen colligiret
William Hayley: The Life, and Posthumous Writings, of William Cowper, ESQR.
With an Introductory Letter to the Rights Honourable Earl Cowper.
Rene Aubert de Vertot: Histoire Des Chevaliers Hospitaliers de S. Jean De Jerusalem. Applellez Depuis Les Chevaliers De Rhodes. Et Audjourd’hui Les chevaliers De Malte Pazzi: Carta Rappresentante la Penisola della Florida
J. H. Pope: Plan of Limehouse. Esquessing Township Jacques Nicolas Bellin: Carte du Cours du Maragnon ou de la Grande Riviere des Amazones Charles C. Gregory: Mc. Millans Map of New Brunswick 1867
Guicciardimo: Graven Hagethof Vanhollat Montanus A; John Ogilby: Mappa Aestivarvm Infularum alias Barmvdas Timotheo Pont; Blaeu: Lidalia vel Lidisdalia Regio, Lidisdail
Timotheo Pont; Blaeu: Coila Provincia. The Province of Kyle Charles E. Goad: Map of the County of Ontario The map company: Perth County
Sidney Hall; Asheton, J.T: Topographisch-historische Charte von Palaestina A.H. Brue: Carte de L'Oceanie ou Cinquieme Partie Du Monde Wilh. Hoffmann: Vereiniate Staaten von Nord-America
D. Macdonald: Map of Tecumseth Township Giuseppe Camerata: S. Cristoforo dipinto da Tiziano sopra la Porta della Scala che conduce il Sereniss al Pregadi in Palazzo Ducale Petrus Berettinus Cortonensis: Abut Ananias et introivit in domum: et imponens ei manus, dixit: Saule . .
Gio Batt. Tiepolo: Decolazione di S. Cristo foro Opera del Tintoretto sopra la portella dell Organo della Madonna dall Orto Raphael: La Sainte Famille de Jesus Christ Paul Rubenius: Exstimulat Chrvs Dns S.M.Teresiam vt opem ferat animae D. Bernardini Mendozy, ignibus purgatory detentae. .
Romeyn de Hooghe: Belegering Van Bon Frederick Remington: Ukrainian Soldier Carmona: Tequila Y Crema Almendrada El Viejito
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