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S. Sanson; Robert Vougandy; Delamarche: Galliarum Descriptio ex Sansonum Tabulis editis et manuscriptis excerpta etc. F. de Wit: Gouvernement General de L\\\'Isle de France ou font la France, le Vaois, Soissonnois, le Beauvaisis, Laonnois, la Brie, Francoise N. Sanson; S. Jallot: Tabula nova partis meridionalis episcopatus carnutensis, ad usum serenissimi Burgundiae Ducis
S. Sanson; S. Jallot: Le Cercle De Westphalie divise en tous ses Estats et Souverainetes F. de Wit: Circuli Saxoniae Superiori Pars Meridionalis in quasunt Ducatus Saxoniae Comitatus Mansfeldiae et Voitlandiae, Landgraviat Thuringiae, Marchionatus Misniae, Principatus Anhaltinus, et Episcopatus Hallensis S. Sanson; S. Iallot: La Basse Partie Du Cercle Du Haut Rhein divise en tous ses Estats et Souverainetes
F. de Wit: Novissima et Accuratissima Archiepiscopatus et Electoratus Coloniensis Ducatuum Iuliacensis et Montensis etc.. Homann: Ducatus Brunsuicensis in tres fuos Principatus Calenbergicum sc. Grubenhag. & Guelpherbitanum distincte divisi, nec non Episcopatus hildesiensis, etc.. Homann: Tabvla Generalis Holsatiae complectens Holsatiae Dithmarsiae Stormariae et Vagriae Dvcatvs
Homannum: Landgravia Thuringiae Homann: Exactissima Palantinati ad Rhenum etc. Arthur Edward Elias; Oliver Master: Animated Map of British Columbia
Arthur Edward Elias; Oliver Master: Animated Map of Alberta Arthur Edward Elias; Oliver Master: Animated Map of Manitoba Arthur Edward Elias: Oliver Master: Animated Map of Saskatchewan
Arthur Edward Elias; Oliver Master: Animated map of Ontario Arthur Edward Elias; Oliver Master: Animated Map of Prince Edward Island Arthur Edward Elias: Oliver Master: Animated Map of Nova Scotia
Joseph Bouchette; Engraved by J. Walker: Map of the Provinces of Upper & Lower Canada with the adjacent parts of the United States of America &c. Compiled from the latest surveys and adjusted from the most recent and approved astronomical observations by Joseph Bouchette. ;His Royal Highness George Agustus Frederick Prince of Wales Duke of Cornwall and Prince Regent of the United Kingdom of Great Britain & Ireland; This Map is with His Royal Highness\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\' Special Permission, most gratefully Dedicated by A Faithful and Zealous Canadian Subject, and His Royal Highness most Obedient and most devoted Servant Joseph Bouchette, His Magesty\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s Surveyor General of the Province of Lower canada and Lieut. Colonel C.M Nicolaus de Bruyn: Carmina cum siluasy tra Eunt ot sexa firas Quidnon, dura Licit, moztalia cozda moubunt (Orpheus Playing, Surrounded by Animals) Daniel: Nouvelle Regles De La Poule A Deux Billes, Redigees d\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'apres les avis des plus forts Joueurs particulierment des Lieurs & Publiees par P. Charles Chereau, Fabricant de Billards, Brevete du Roi. (Billiards)
Kunikane: Actor Iwai Kumesaburo as woman squatting and holding a mask Second Toyokuni: Courtesan strolling under the cherry-blossom boughs; poem in the fan-shaped cartouche Sam Prout: Doge\\\'s Palace and Central Square, Venice
C. Napier Henry: The Last Reef Down Edmond Du Sommerard: Interieur de la Cour du Palais Ducal, a Venis... (Venice) Giacomo Casa: Asia - Persia; Costumes plates LII, LIII; Court Scenes plates L. XLIX, LIV,; Nobility LI
Lachaussee: Ecclesiae Sancti Marci Prospectus et urbis Venetorium Canalis magni Aspectus; L\'Eglise St. Marc et le grand Canal de Venise Laurenzi: Venezia (Venice) Fullarton, Archibald & Co: Scenery and Animated Life Guayana II
Fullarton, Archibald & Co: Scenery and Animated Life Iceland Fullarton, Archibald & Co: Scenery and Animated Life Ceylon II Fullarton, Archibald & Co: Scenery and Animated life Ceylon 1
Fullarton, Archibald & Co: Scenery and Animated Life Borneo William E. Logan: Geological Survey of Canada / Index to the Plans Showing the Explorations on the North Shore of Lake Huron. And thence Eastward to the Ottawa William Richardson Arrh: The Monastic Ruins of Yorkshire From Drawings by William Richardson Arrh. With Historical Descriptions by the Rev. Edward Churton. M.A. Lithographed by George Hawkins
Jane Austen: Pride and Prejudice The World’s Popular Classics Sandford Fleming: Survey and Premliminary Operations Canadian Pacific Railway. Report by Sandford Fleming Engineer in Chief. Addressed to The Hon. Alexander Mackenzie, Minister of Public Works, Canada Jalal-ad- Din Rumi: Mathnavi Ma’navi, Persian & Sufi poetry
Baha’u’llah: Kitab-I Iqan, a Baha’i Text Robert Louis Stevenson: Familiar Studies of Men and Books The Merry Men Markheim George Orwell: The Collected Essays, Journalism and Letters of George Orwell. Vol. 1 An Age Like This 1920-1940, Vol. 2 My Country Right or Left Vol. 3 As I Please 1943-1945 Vol. 4 In Front of Your Nose 1945 – 1950
Mikhail Sholokhov; Translated by Stephen Garry: And Quiet Flows the Don H. Montgomery Hyde: The Quiet Canadian: The Secret Service Story of Sir William Stephenson Eric Williams: The Escapers: A Chronicle of Escape in Many Wars with Eighteen Firsthand Accounts Arranged & Introduced
Oscar Wilde: Stories, Plays and Poems, Essays and Letters William Hazlitt: Lectures on the Dramatic Literature of the Age of Elizabeth Arnold Bennett: The Old Wives’ Tale
Victor Hugo: Oeuvres de Victor Hugo: Religion et Religion, L’Ane, Le Pape, La Pitie Supreme, Alpes et Pyrenees, Choses Vues; Bug-Jargal; Les chants du crepuscule Thomas Forester: Norway in 1848 and 1849: containing Rambles among the Fjelds and Fjords of The Central and Western Districts; and including Remarks on Political, Military, Ecclesiastical, and Social Organization Ducheese de Gontaut: Memoirs of the Duchesse de Gontaut, gouvernante to the children of France during the Restoration, 1773-1836. Translated from the french by Mrs. J. W. Davis
Rev. James W. Lee: The Self-Interpreting Bible with Commentaries, References, Harmony of the Gospels and the Helps Needed to Understand and Teach the Text John James Audubon: The Birds of America Henrich Mayr: Malerische Ansichten aus dem Orient gesammelt auf der Reise Sr. Hoheit des Herrn Herzogs Maximilian in Bayern nach Nubien, Aegypten, Palastina, Syrien und Malta
Munster, Sebastian: [Map of Cairo] Rapkin, J: Nova Scotia and Newfoundland Theodore de Bry: Occidentalis Americae partis, vel earum Regionum quas Christophorus Columbus…
A. Kincaid: Map of Hindoostan A. Kincaid: Bhering\\\'s Straits with the Adjacent Coast of Asia and America McIntyre: A General Map of North America from the best Authorities
Ortelius, Abraham: Dvcatvs Oswie Czensis, Et Zatoriensis, Descriptio L.R. Voligny: Georgian Bay F.A. Brockhaus: Afrika
Tosh: Ottoman Empire Map of the English Isles J. Arrowsmith: Central Asia; comprising Bokhara, Cabool, Persia, The River Indus, & Countries Eastward of it Phil. Buache; Dezauche: Carte De La Mer Noire Comprenant la plus Grande partie De L\\\\\\\'Empire Otoman, Parie des Etats De L\\\\\\\'autriche, De La Russie, & Dresse par Dezauche Geographe; Theatre do La Guerre Entre Les Turcs..
William Bryce: Bryce\\\\\\\'s New Index Map of Toronto A.G. Burrows; W.R. Rogers: Map of the Porcupine Gold Area Willet G. Miller; A.P. Coleman; W.R. Rogers; H.L.Kerr; F.B. Taylor: Bureau of Mines Map of Toronto and Vicinity
M. Bonne: Carte De La Nouvelle Zeelande Sanson: Royaume Du Iapon Designe Par le Pere Ph Briet de la Compagnie de Iefus Sure les Memoire des Pere de la meme compagnie A.St.Laurent; C.R.Coutlee; S.J.Chapleau: City of North Bay and Vicinity, Georgian Bay Ship Canal Lake Huron to Montreal
F. de Chalot: Talon Lake, Nasbonsing Lake, and Vicinity Bellin: Carte Reduite De L\\\\\\\'Isle de Cube. Dressee au Depot des Cartes et Plans de la Marine Pour le Service Des Vaissaeax du Roy Par ordre de MLe Duc de Choisaul Colonel general des Suisses et Grisons Ministre de la Guerre et de la Marine James Wylde: Nouveau Plan de Londre Wyld\\\\\\\'s New Plan of London Neuer Plan von London
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