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Eugene Flandin: Porte de Ville
Eugene Flandin: Imam Zadeh (Tombeau) a Kachan
Eugene Flandin: Ruines D\\\\\\\'Un Palais Sassanide A Firouzabad
Eugene Flandin: Palais De Kasr-e-Kadjar Pres Teheran
Eugene Flandin: Barout - Khaneh ou Poudriere (Pres de Teheran)
Eugene Flandin: Palais De Hapht - Dest. Ispahan
Eugene Flandin: Enceinte Fortifiee De Zenguian
Eugene Flandin: Restes Du Palais De Zobeideh Tabriz
Eugene Flandin: Habitation D\\\\\\\'un Khan
Eugene Flandin: Imam Zadeh & Cimetiere Zenguian
Eugene Flandin: Kazeroun
W.H. Bartlett: Fish Market Toronto
W.H. Bartlett: Toronto
Lemercier: Nasser-Ed-Din
J.C. Savigny; Barraband: Egyptian Birds of Prey; H.N. Zoologie Oiseaux par J.C. Savigny Pl. 2
Sampson: Two Champions Neilson\\\\\\\'s Jersey Milk Chocolate
A.H. Hider: The Allen Line New Steamers Quadruple Alsatian and Calgarian Turbine Engines Largest - Fastest- Finest on the Canadian Route
C.E. Turner: Cunard R.M.S. \\\"Queen Mary\\\"
Stanley Berkeley: The Heavy Brigade, The Crimean War
Eduard Hildebrandt (1818-1865): Manila / Indisches Dorf auf den Philippinen
David Roberts: Sidon, Looking Towards Lebanon
Volkoff: Alexander the First, Emperor of the Russias
Raphael (Raffaello) Savonarola: Golfo de Trieste
Raphael (Raffaello) Savonarola: Pesaro Nella marca di Ancoa
Raphael (Raffaello) Savonarola: Isolade palmosa Patmos
Raphael (Raffaello) Savonarola: Arcipelago
Raphael (Raffaello) Savonarola: Aegyptvs
Raphael (Raffaello) Savonarola: Italia
Raphael (Raffaello) Savonarola: Piacenza Citta Antichiss in Lomobard di quandalPo
Raphael (Raffaello) Savonarola: Isola Del Negroponte Evboea
Raphael (Raffaello) Savonarola: Graecia
Raphael (Raffaello) Savonarola: Roterdam
Raphael (Raffaello) Savonarola: Isole Selandie
Raphael (Raffaello) Savonarola: Belgivm Sev Germania Inferior
Raphael (Raffaello) Savonarola: Lativm Sev Territorivm Romae
Raphael (Raffaello) Savonarola: Isola Di Cerigo Cythera
Raphael (Raffaello) Savonarola: Roan
Raphael (Raffaello) Savonarola: Hertogenbosch
Raphael (Raffaello) Savonarola: Bopart
Raphael (Raffaello) Savonarola: Padoa
Raphael (Raffaello) Savonarola: Patavia
Raphael (Raffaello) Savonarola: Amsterodamum
Nicolas Sanson: Partie de L\\\'inde au delà du gange; Presqv-Isle de L\\\'inde au delà du gange
Jansonius; G Valk and P. Schenk: Insularum Indiae Orientalis Nova Descriptio
Jean-Michel Chevotet: Vuë intérieur du grand Escalier de Versailles du côté de l\'entrée; Prospectus interioris majorum scalarum Versalianarum pars introitus
Jean-Michel Chevotet: Vestibule du Grand Escalier de Versailles sur les Desseins de charles le Brun; Vestibulum magnarum Scalarum Regiae Versalianae juxta adumbrationem Caroli le Brun
Jean-Michel Chevotet: Vue du côté droit du Grand Escalier de Versailles; Prospectus partis dextrae Majorum Scalarum Versalinorum / Vuë du côté gauche du Grand Escalier de Versailles; Prospectus partis sinistrae majorum Scalarium Versalianarum
Jean-Michel Chevotet: Trophée des armes de Minerve dans le grand escalier de Versailles; Trophaeum Minervae In Majoribus Scalis Versaliarum
Jean-Michel Chevotet: Trophée des armes d\\\'Hercule dans le grand Escalier de Versailles; Trophaeum herculis In majoribus Scalis Versaliarum
F. Vandermeulen; C. Le Brun: Prise de Saint-Omer dans le grand Escalier de Versailles; Audomaropolis expugnation In majoribus scalis Versaliarum
F. Vandermeulen; C. Le Brun: Bataille de Cassel dans le grand Escalier de Verseilles; Lugna ad Castellum in majoribus Scalis Versaliarum
Bettannier: Vue de Théodosie, ci-devant Kafa, en Crimée
Louis Joseph Watteau: Mort Du Général De Montcalme
Eugene Flandin: Darab-Cherd
Sir William Logan: Plans of Various Lakes and Rivers between Lake Huron and the River Ottawa to accompany the Geological Reports of Canada for 1853-54-55-56
Paul Gallico: Jennie
M. Spark and D. Stanford: Emily Brontë her life and work
Lawrence and E.M. Hanson: The Four Brontës
Rene Kraus: Winston Churchill: A Biography
Robert Burns: The Scottish Keepsake or The Songs of The Ayrshire Bard
William Robertson: History of Scotland
William Robertson: History of America
William Robertson: History of Charles V
J. Cheevers: A Plan shewing the Attack and Disposition of the Detachment which sallied on the 27th of November 1781 from Gibraltar, and destroyed the Spanish Batteries before that Garrison
J. Cheevers: A Plan of the Batteries erected before Gibraltar, with the Attacks made by Sea and Land on that Garrison by the Duke de Crillon and Admiral Moreno, on the 13th of September, 1782, In Presence of the Combined Fleets of France and Spain
A. Kincaid: A Chart of the Nth. West Coast of America, & the Nth. East Coast of Asia. Shewing the Discoveries that have been lately made in Those parts
Raphael (Raffaello) Savonarola: Tvrcici Imperii Descriptio
Raphael (Raffaello) Savonarola: Brescia
Raphael (Raffaello) Savonarola: Brixen
Raphael (Raffaello) Savonarola: Bebgamo In Lombardia
Raphael (Raffaello) Savonarola: Bergen
Raphael (Raffaello) Savonarola: Fermo Metropoli della Marca di Ancoa
Raphael (Raffaello) Savonarola: Natolia olim Asia Minor
Raphael (Raffaello) Savonarola: Candia
Raphael (Raffaello) Savonarola: Crembs
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