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Sotheby's: The Library of Humphrey Winterton: East Africa, the Sudan, Egypt, Arabia and the Indian Ocean: London, 28 and 29 May 2003 The Kabaka of Buganda 'King Freddie': Desecration of My Kingdom (Kabaka of Buganda) Croxton, Anthony H: Railways of Rhodesia
Government Tourist Bureau,: Ceylon - A Tourist Guide Hellyer, Peter; Richardson, Colin et al: Natural Emirates: Wildlife and Environment of the United Arab Emirates Jeffries, Sir Charles: The Colonial Office. The New Whitehall Series. (Inscribed by author)
Kiwanuka, Professor Semakula M M (Ed): Makerere Historical Journal: Journal of the History Department of Makerere University, Kampala Vol 3, No 1 Moffatt, Tom; Lawrence, J T and others: The Railway Magazine January 1911, No. 163, Vol. XXVIII (includes Railway Travel in India) Command of the Governor of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya: Standing Orders of the Legislative Council of Kenya
Gray, Sir John Milner; and others: Uganda Journal: March 1949: Vol. 13; No. 1; The Journal of the Uganda Society Pitman, Captain C R S (Ed); and others: Uganda Journal: September 1951: Vol. 15; No. 2; The Journal of the Uganda Society Pitman, Captain C R S (Ed); and others: The Uganda Journal: September 1950: Vol. 14; No. 2; The Journal of the Uganda Society
Pitman, Captain C R S; Milner Gray, Sir John; and others: Uganda Journal: March 1951: Vol. 15; No. 1; The Journal of the Uganda Society Bolton, Kenneth and others: Harambee Country: A Guide to Kenya Stevens, W H: East African Safari: A Pictorial Impression of East Africa; New and Enlarged Edition
Greenaway, P J (Ed) and others: Journal of the East Africa Natural History Society, Vol. XXIII, No. 6 (103) June 1960 Hasen, Holger Bernt and Twaddle, Michael (Eds): Changing Uganda: The Dilemmas of Structural Adjustment and Revolutionary Change (Eastern African Studies) Leggat, George: Your Obedient Servant: Tales of a Uganda Forester
Losse, GF; Tweedy, C J and others: Journal of the East Africa Natural History Society and National Museum, Vol. XXV, No. 3 (112) January 1966 Napper, D M ; Sessions, P H B and others: Journal of the East Africa Natural History Society and National Museum, Vol. XXVI, No. 1 (113) June 1966 Verdcourt, B and Hemming, Mrs V M: Journal of the East Africa Natural History Society, Special Supplement No 7, April 1961 East African Slugs family Urocyclidae Parts III and IV The Genus Trichotoxon
Watts, David (Ed) and others: A History of the China Fleet Club in Hong Kong; Produced on the occasion of the Closure of the China Fleet Club, Royal Navy, Hong Kong, 30 Nov 1992 Losse, G F and others: Journal of the East Africa Natural History Society and National Museum, Vol. XXVII, No. 3 (117) July 1968 The Journal of the East Africa Natural History Society and National Museum, INDEX, Vol XV111 to Vol XXVII, Nos 81 to 118 (1968)
East Africa Tourist Travel Association: Kenya: Your Queries Answered Harwich, Christopher: Introduction by H H The Kabaka of Buganda: Forward by Lord Twining: Illustrated by Sefania Tunginie: Red Dust: Memories of the Uganda Police 1935 - 1955 Lumsden, DR W H R; Southall, Dr AW (Eds) and others: Uganda Journal: September 1954: Vol. 18; No. 2; The Journal of the Uganda Society
Mackay, Donald (signed by author); new foreword by Anthony Short: The Domino That Stood: The Malayan Emergency 1948 - 1960 Marshall, R A; and others: The Railway Magazine October 1950, No. 594 Vol. 96 (includes Kuala Lumpur: an Important Malayan Railway Centre) Miller, Keith and Whitington, R. S: Foreword by Rt. Hon. R G Menzies: Bumper
Milne Home, Bob: Fairservice, Ian (Ed): Dubai and the United Arab Emirates Morris, H F ; Pallister, J W and others: Uganda Journal: March 1957: Vol. 21; No. 1; The Journal of the Uganda Society Robbins, Michael: and others: The Railway Magazine April 1953, (Includes - A Century of Railway Development in India)
Robinson, Spencer (Editor): Introduction by Sir Denys Roberts: A History of Hong Kong Cricket Club 1851 - 1989 (signed by Spencer Robinson) Shaw, Robbie: Kai Tak: The Final Decade (Hong Kong Airport) Stoneham, C T: Mau Mau
Wright, A C A; and others: The Uganda Journal: March 1952: Vol. 16; No. 1; The Journal of the Uganda Society Barrie, D S and others: The Railway Magazine March and April 1945, No. 556, Vol. 91 Forsyth, Frederick: The Making of an African Legend: The Biafra Story
Guy, G L; Elkington, B D; Wisdom, K D. Forward by Sir Humphrey Gibbs: The Bundu Book of Trees, Flowers and Grasses of Central Africa. Bundu Book 1 Irwin, Stuart M P; Whellan J A and others: The Bundu Book of Birds, Insects and Snakes of Central Africa. Bundu Book 2 Burgess, Alan (Ed): The Narrow Gauge: Number 210 ( including: Kuala Lumpur Shed 1981, A Railway Journey in Abyssinia 1934)
Viewing, Dr K A; Sweeney, J W; Garlake, P S: The Bundu Book of Geology, Gemmology and Archaeology of Central Africa. Bundu Book 3 Al-Alkim, Hassan Hamdan: The Foreign Policy of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) Dalton, David (Ed): Rolling Stones: An unauthorized biography in words, photographs, and music
East Africa Tourist Travel Association: Exploring East Africa Fyvie Mayo (complied by): Stories & Sayings of India, Ceylon, Burma, & The Near East. Stories and Sayings of Many Lands, Booklet IV Hattle, Jack : Winterton, Rex; Krog, Walter (Photographer): The Bundu Book of Meteorology, Rock Climbing and Way Finding (Bundu Series)
King, Peter: Afghanistan: Cockpit in High Asia Korean Overseas Information Service: Forging a New Era: The Fifth Republic of Korea (President Chun Doo Hwan) Lawrence, J C D (Ed); and others: Uganda Journal: March 1959: Vol. 23; No. 1; The Journal of the Uganda Society
Reeves, Nicholas and Wilkinson, Richard H: The Complete Valley of the Kings - Tombs and Treasures of Egypt's Greatest Pharaohs Slater, J N (Ed): Huxtable, Nils and others: The Railway Magazine April 1971, No. 840, Vol. 117 (Steam in Malaya) India on Canvas: Khushii Charity Auction (Sunday, 28 October 2007)
Saffronart: Winter Online Auction: Modern Indian Art (December 5-6, 2007) Scenes and Services in South Africa: Moffats Missionary Labours: Presentation copy The African World and Cape-Cairo Express. 3rd July 1909
Centenary - The Royal Hong Kong Jockey Club 1884-1984 NEW ZEALAND - Brighter Britain of the South: The country, its people and resouces Sha Tin Racecourse: The Royal Hong Kong Jockey Club
The Journal of the Manchester Geographical Society. 1921 -22 Vol:XX XVII - XXXVIII Parts 1 - 4 Uganda. Independence Celebrations 6thOctober - 16th October 1962. Publicity Arrangements and Programme for accredited Press, Radio and television representatives only Jones, Stephanie: Forward by Sir David Orr: Two Centuries of Overseas Trading : The Origins and Growth of the Inchcape Group
Yin-yin Szeto, Naomi: Dress in Hong Kong: A Century of Change & Customs Agar-O'Connell, R M: Illustrated by G M Pemba: Xhosa translation by B A Bangeni: Iintsomi: Bantu Folk Stories Ali, Salim & Ripley, S. Dillon : Illustrated by John Henry Dick: Handbook of the Birds of India and Pakistan [vol 05] - Together with those of Nepal, Sikkim, Bhutan and Ceylon: Larks to Grey Hypocolius
Anderson, Wayne (Illustrator): Logue, Christopher (Text): Ratsmagic (Signed copy) Anderson, Wayne (Illustrator): Logue, Christopher (Text): The Magic Circus (Signed copy) Arnold, A. E: Foreward by A B E Mitchell: Putting and Spared Shots
B.B. (illustrated by D.J. Watkins-Pitchford): DOWN THE BRIGHT STREAM Bainbridge, V: The PLANKTON of INSHORE WATERS OFF FREETOWN SIERRA LEONE: Fishery Publications No 13, 1960 Bargna, Ivan: African Art
Barrass, Eric (Secretary): Rolls-Royce Enthusiasts' Club (R-Rec Ltd). Membership List 1980 Barrow, Terence: An Illustrated Guide to Maori Art Benson, C W: White, C M N: Check List of the Birds of Northern Rhodesia
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