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Bernard, Claude: Introduction à L'étude De La Médecine Expérimentale Paget, Stephen: Experiments on Animals. With an Introduction by Lord Lister Roberts, Nigel K and Henry Gelband, eds: Cardiac Arrhythmias in the Neonate, Infant, and Child
Senator, H., Stewart, Alexander P., & Landau, Leopold: Selected Monographs Comprising Albuminuria in Health and Disease; Some Considerations on the Nature and Pathology of Typhus and Typhoid Fever; Moveable Kidney in Women Singer, Charles: Technology and History. L.T. Hobhouse Memorial Trust Lecture, No.21. Delivered on 23 October 1951 at The London School of Economics and Political Science Schulte, Bento P. M. ; Endtz, Lambertus J: A Short History of Neurology in the Netherlands. Published on the occasion of the Eleventh International Congress of Neurology, September 1977
Whittier College: Acropolis 1939. Whittier College Annual Yearbook Czermak; Dusch; Schroeder Van Der Kolk; Radicke; Esmarch: Selected Monographs : Practical Uses of the Laryngoscope; Thrombosis of the Cerebral Sinuses; Atrophy of the Brain; Application of Statistics to Medical Enquiries; Uses of Cold in Surgical Practice Roberts, Lydia J: From Danger Valley to Safety Hill. A Health Play for Children
Vandermonde, M: Recueil périodique d'observations de médecine, chirurgie, pharmacie, etc. Juillet 1756. Tome V Harley, H.R.S: Subphrenic Abscess Hays, Isaac, ed: The American Journal of the Medical Sciences. New Series. Vol. XIV
Fordyce, George: Elements of Agriculture and Vegetation. To Which Is Added An Appendix for the Use of Practical Farmers. Third edition Witkowski, G. -J: Les Droleries Medicales. Anecdotes, Bons Mots Penses, Chansons, Epigrammes, etc Mangin, Arthur: Les Savants Illustres de la France
Onderdonk, John: An Inaugural Address Delivered before The Medical Society of the County of New York on the 8th Day of August, 1825 Harvey, William: The Works of William Harvey Bayliss, W. M: The Nature of Enzyme Action
Bignall, J. R., ed: Carcinoma of the Lung. Neoplastic Disease at Various Sites. Volume 1 Walsh, S. Zoe; Meyer, W. W.; Lind, John: The Human Fetal and Neonatal Circulation. Function and Structure Hosack, David: An Inaugural Address Delivered before The Medical Society of the County of New York on the 12th Day of July, 1824
Various: Selected Essays and Monographs. (From Foreign Sources) Charaka Club: The Proceedings of the Charaka Club. Volume I Dreyer, Georges and A. Jex-Blake: On the Agglutination of Bacteria
Brock, Sir Russell: The Anatomy of Congenital Pulmonary Stenosis Dupouy, Edmond: Le Moyen Age médical. Les médecins au moyen âge.- Les grandes épidémies.- Démonomanie.- Sorcellerie.- Spiritisme.- La médecine dans la littérature du moyen âge.- Historiens.- Poètes.- Auteurs dramatiques Williams, J. W.; Taylor, .J W.; Roebuck, W. Denison: Land & Freshwater Shells. An Introduction to the Study of Conchology. Fourth and Revised Edition
Waite, Herbert T: Compendium of Natal Atrology and Universal Ephemeris Behrens, Wilhelm: Remarques et Observations sur la Degenerescence graisseuse du coeur Robinson, William J: Psycho-Analysis or The Freudian Philosophy. A Popular Exposition of Its Truths and Errors
Leubuscher, Rud: Uber die Entstehung der Sinnestauschung. Ein Beitrag zur Anthropologie Schaefer, Rom. Joh: Wilhelm Fabricius von Hilden. Sein Leben und seine Verdienste um die Chirurgie McLachlan, Gordon, ed: Medical Education and Medical Care: A Scottish-American Symposium Arranged by the Nuffield Provincial Hospitals Trust and the Josiah Macy Jr Foundation to Commemorate the 250th Anniversary of the Founding of the University of Edinburgh Medical School. .
Wolff, Etienne, Christian Fouchet, et al: Philosophie et Methodologie Scientifiques de Claude Bernard Fischer, Martin H: Nephritis. An Experimental and Critical Study of its Nature, Cause and the Principles of its Relief Woodhall, Barnes and Beebe, Gilbert W., eds: Peripheral Nerve Regeneration. A Follow-up Study of 3,656 World War II Injuries
College of Physicians of Philadelphia: Annual Report of the Library Committee of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia for the Year 1923 Green, Samuel Abbott: A Centennial Address Delivered in the Sanders Theatre, at Cambridge, June 7, 1881, Before the Massachusetts Medical Society Donders, F[ranciscus]. C[ornelius]: On The Anomalies Of Accommodation And Refraction Of The Eye With A Preliminary Essay On Physiological Dioptrics
Fenn, Wallace O: History of the American Physiological Society: The Third Quarter Century, 1937-1962 Best, C. H: Diabetes and Insulin and the Lipotropic Factors Hunt, Thomas, ed: The Medical Society of London 1773-1973
Ward, James: Heredity and Memory. Being the Henry Sidgwick Memorial Lecture Delivered at Newnham College, 9 November 1912 [Commission on Medical Education]: Medical Education and Related Problems in Europe De Moulin, Daniel: A Short History of Breast Cancer
Michel, Julius: Über Sehnerven-Degeneration und Sehnerven-Kreuzung. Fest-Schift Medizinischen Fakultät der Universität Würzburg zur feier des LXX. Geburtstages des Herrn Geh.-Rat Professor Dr. Albert von Kölliker Arlt, Ferd. [Ferdinand]: Die Krankheiten des Auges, für praktische Ärzte. 3 Teile in 1 Bd. (3 Volumes in 1): Vol 1: Die Krankheiten der Binde- und Hornhaut; Vol. 2: Die Krankheiten der Sclera, Iris, Chorioidea und Linse; Volume 3: Die Krankheiten des Glaskörpers,. der Netzhaut, der Augenmuskeln, der Augenlider, der Thränenorgane und der Orbita Holland, Sir Henry: Medical Notes and Reflections. From the third London edition
Targ, William (edited with and introduction and notes by): Bibliophile in the Nursery. A Bookman's Treasury of Collectors' Lore on Old and Rare Children's Books Young, Franklin K: The Major Tactics of Chess Hartley, Walter Noel: Air and Its Relations to Life. Being with Some Additions the Substance of a Course of Lectures Delivered in the Summer of 1874 at the Royal Institution of Great Britian
Wilde, Oscar: La Tragédie finale. Suivi de Episodes et Souvenirs et des Apocryphes Thoma, Kurt H: Clinical Pathology of the Jaws with a Histologic and Roentgen Study of Practical Cases Hardwicke, Herbert Junius: Alpine Climates from Consumption
Mann, R. D: Modern Drug Use. An Enquiry on Historical Principles Laennec, R. T. H: Traite De L'Ausculation Mediate et Des Maladies Des Poumons et Du Coeur. 2 Volumes Blumenbach, J. F: Handbuch der vergleichenden Anatomie. Dritte verbesserte und vermehrte Auflage
[Ontario, Chief Superintendent of Education]: ANNUAL REPORT OF THE NORMAL, MODEL, GRAMMAR, And COMMON SCHOOLS, In Upper Canada, For the Year 1852, With An Appendix: By the Chief Super- intendent of Education. Printed by order of the Legislative Assembly Meier, A. G: The Practical Orthodontist Lendon, A. A: Clinical Lectures on the Hydatid Disease of the Lungs
Huxham, John: An Essay on Fevers. To which is added a Dissertation on the Malignant, Ulcerous Sore-Throat Meigs, Charles D: Observations on Certain of the Diseases of Young Children Lee, Edwin and Edward Warren: Fisk Fund Prize Essays. The Effects of Climate on Tuberculous Disease. The Influence of Pregnancy on the Development of Tubercles
Negre, J.n Edourard: COUP D'OEIL RAPIDE SUR LE PIAN Cushing, Harvey: Laboratories: Then and Now. An address given October 5th, 1922, at the dedication of the New Biological Laboratories of McGill University, Montreal Stopes, Marie C: Oriri
Hudson, W. H: Birds in Town & Village Watson, John: The Medical Profession in Ancient Times. An Anniversary Discourse Delivered Before the New York Academy of Medicine, November 7, 1855 Andre, Emmanuel-Auguste: Thèse pour le doctorat en médecine, présentée et soutenue le 8 mai 1857. Du traitment des cas de croup. Observes a l'hospital des enfants en 1856
Millard, Auguste: Thèse pour le doctorat en médecine, présentée et soutenue le 13 aout 1858. De la tracheotomie dans le cas de croup Fischer, Paul: Thèse pour le doctorat en médecine, présentée et soutenue le 21 novembre 1863. Des soins consecutifs a la tracheotomie Callandreau-Dufresse, Jules: Thèse pour le doctorat en médecine, présentée et soutenue le 30 Janvier 1873. Contribution a l'etude du croup
Davy, M. J. B: Interpretive History of Flight. A Survey of the History and Development of Aeronautics with Particular Reference to Contemporary Influences and Conditions Smith, W. D. A: Under the Influence. A History of Nitrous Oxide and Oxygen Anaesthesia Halsey, Alan: In Sight of Carnllidi
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