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Bishop of Arusiens: A litil boke the whiche traytied and reherced may gode thinges necessaries for the .Pestilence.made by the .Bisshop of Arusiens. . . [London], [1485?]
Aschoff, Ludwig und Paul Diepgen: Kurze Übersichtstabelle zur Geschichte der Medizin. Siebente Neubearbeitete Auflage
King, Lester S: The Road to Medical Enlightenment, 1650-1695
Gee, Samuel: Medical Lectures and Aphorisms. With recollections by J. Wickham Legg
The Metropolitan Working Classes's Association: Manual of Public Health and Domestic Economy
Robinson, Victor, ed: Medical Life. Volume 31, Number 9. Robert Koch Number
CABANES, DOCTEUR: Le Costume du Médecin en France de Molière à nos jours
Hunter, William: "Further observations upon a particular species of Aneurysm."
Parker, G. H: Humoral Agents in Nervous Activity. With Special Reference to Chromatophores
St. John, Christopher: Christine Murrell, M.D. Her Life and Work. Preface by Lady Barrett
Paget, Stephen: I Have Reason to Believe
Acland, Sir T. D: Notes on the Supply and Waste of Nitrogen in Agriculture; and on the Evidence of Mr. Lawes and Dr. Gilbert Before the Agricultural Commission
Fournier d'Albe, E. E: Hephaestus or the Soul of the Machine. (To-Day and To-Morrow Series)
Williams, Henry Smith: Alcohol. How it Affects the Individual, the Community, and the Race
Krivatsy, Peter, comp: A Catalogue of Incunabula and Sixteenth Century Printed Books in the National Library of Medicine. First Supplement
Weber, F. Parkes: Medical Teleology and Miscellaneous Subjects
Durling, Richard J., comp: A Catalogue of Sixteenth Century Printed Books In the National Library of Medicine
Seelig, M. G: Medicine. An Historical Outline
Hurst, Arthur F: The Constitutional Factor in Disease. (Psyche Miniatures Medical Series)
Sternberg, George M: Disinfection and Individual Prophylaxis Against Infectious Diseases. Lomb Prize Essay
Weinberg, M. und P. Ségiun: La gangréne gazeuse. Bacteriologie Reproduction expérimentale Sérothérapie
Swinton, W. E: Physicians in Literature. John McCrae. In Canadian Medical Association Journal
Wellcome Institute of the History of Medicine: Proceedings of the XXIII International Congress of the History of Medicine. Volume 1
Tryon, Rolla Milton: Household Manufactures in the United States 1640-1860. A Study in Industrial History
Edward L. and Ernest Merritt Nichols: Studies in Luminescence
Dana, Charles L: The Non-suppurative Inflammation of the Brain, with report of a Case of Hemorrhagic (Malarial?) Encephalitis. In: Medical Record, Vol. 58, No. 1, New York, July 7, 1900
Jackson, Thomas Wright: Plague. Its Cause and the Manner of Its Extension Its Menace Its Control and Supression Its Diagnosis and Treatment
Roberts, Wm. C: An Anniversary Discourse Delivered before the New York Academy of Medicine, November 2d, 1859
Hicks, Patricia, comp: After Dinner with the "Chief." Eight of Dr. Steindler's After Dinner Speeches
Deaver, John B: Treatment of Appendicitis
Weber, F. Parkes: Interesting Cases and Pathological Considerations and a Numismatic Suggestion
Johnson, Abraham: Ninety-Nine Wimpole Street
Miller, Genevieve, ed: Bibliography of the History of Medicine of the United States and Canada, 1939-1960
Baker, J. Allen: Tramway Traction. (London County Council)
Sotheby & Co, London: Catalogue of Printed Books and Manuscripts Relating to Wine and Food. 18th May, 1981
[Young Jo. Taylor]: The Wonderful Monitor: or, Memorable Repository. Containing, A curious and most astonishing Account of the Revivication of Young Jo. Taylor
Donders, F. C: On the Anomalies of Accomodation and Refraction of the Eye. With a Preliminary Essay on Physiological Dioptrics
Wilson, William: Transactions of the Medical Society of the State of New York, for the Year 1812, Together with the Anniversary Address, by William Wilson, President of the Society. February, 1812
The Medical Circular, and General Medical Advertiser. No. 1, Wednesday, January 14, 1852
Lincoln, D. F: Lomb Prize Essay. The Sanitary Conditions and Necessities of School-Houses and School Life
Allen. Dutton: Allen versus Dutton
Bowman, John E: A Practical Handbook of Medical Chemistry
Herz, Marcus: Briefe an Aerzte
Lee, Henry: On Diseases of the Veins, Haemorrhoidal Tumors, and Other Affections of the Rectum
Hertwig, Oscar: Die Zelle und die Gewebe. Grundzüge der allgemeinen Anatomie und Physiologie. Part One
Dawbarn, Robert H. M: Starvation Treatment of Certain Malignant Growths. The Samuel D. Gross Prize Essay
Thompson, Henry: Cremation: The Treatment of the Body After Death
Gross, S. D: History of American Medical Literature, from 1776 to the Present Time; Being an Address Introductory to the Fifty-First Course of Lectures in the Jefferson Medical College of Philadelphia, Delivered October 4th, 1875
Macartney, James: A Treatise on Inflammation
Lobb, Theophilus: A Treatise on Dissolvents of the Stone; And on Curing the Stone and Gout by Aliment. Shewing. .
Berard, F: Doctrine médicale de l'Ecole de Montpellier, et comparaison de ses principes avec ceux des autres écoles d'Europe
Hodgson, Jos: Traité des maladies des artères et des veines. Traduit de l'anglais et augmenté d'un grand nombre de notes par G. Breschet. Tome Premier & Second (Volume One & Two)
Pellegrini, Francesco: Per la Storia Della Lotta Contro le Epidemie. 4 Volumes
Darrach, W: Drawings of the Anatomy of the Groin: with Anatomical Remarks
Burgess, Arthur H: Electrosurgery. The Bradshaw Lecture delivered at the Royal College of Surgeons of England on December 14th
Mills, Charles K: The Custom of Delivering Inaugural Addresses, with Some Discussion of the Methods of Undergraduate Teaching in Different Countries
Osgood, Edwin E. and Howard D. Haskins: Causes, Classification and Differential Diagnosis of Anemias
Meeker, Louise H: Tumors of the Nose and Throat Related to Developmental Defects
Siebold, Carolus Casparus: Dissertation Inauguralis Sistens Fasciculum Observationum Medico-Chirurgicarum, Quas cum Subiunctis ex Universa Medicina Corollarus, sub dei Triunius Auspicio. .
[Societe d'Agriculture et d'Horticulture de Vaucluse]: Bulletin Societe d'Agriculture et d'Horticulture de Vaucluse. Tome XXXV, Mai 1885
Bandet, Andra: Weckoskrift for Lakare och Naturforskare
Celsus, A. Cornelius: Medicinae. Libri Octo ex Recensione Leonardi Targae . . . Praefixa de Celsi vita dissertatione concinnavit, indice jam delphiniano auxit Eduardus Milligan. Editio secunda, auctior et castigatior
Tyrrell, Frederick: A Practical Work on the Diseases of the Eye, and Their Treatment, Medically, Topically, and by Operation. Volume 1
Bernard, Claude: L'Oeuvre de Claude Bernard
Laennec, R(ené) T(héophile) H(yacynthe): Traité de l'auscultation médiate et des Maladies des Poumons et du Coeur
Entelwein, J. A: Anweissung zur Auflosung der hohern numerischen Gleichungen mit einer oder mehrern unbekannten Grossen
Croom, J. Halliday: Retroversion and Retroflexion of Gravid Uterus. Some Points in the Technique of Laparotomy. A Series of Cases of Abdominal Section
Albrecht, Ehrenfried: Der Herzmuskel und siene Bedeutung fur Physiologie, Pathologie und Klinik des Herzens
Lettsom, John Coakley: Hints Designed to Promote Beneficence, Temperance & Medical Science. Vol. 3
Mace, Jean: Histoire d'unn Bouchee de Pain: L'Homme. With a french and English Vocabulary, and a List of Idiomatic Expressions
An American Woman, comp: Suggestions for the Sick-Room
Vurpas, Cl: Petits Syndromes Mentaux l"Etat Mental des Obsedes
Ward, William Tilleard: Practical Observations on Distortions of the Spine, Chest, and Limbs; Together with Remarks on Paralytic and Other Diseases Connected with Impaired of Defective Motion
Mendelssohn, M: Untersuchungen ueber die Muskelzuckung bei Erkranungen des Nerven- und Muskel-Systems. Inaugural-Dissertation. .
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