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Rose, J: Acid Rain. Current Situation and Remedies
Bodin, Jean; Paul Lawrence Rose, ed: Selected Writings on Philosophy, Religion and Politics
Pugliatti, Salvatore: Le Musicae Traditiones di Francesco Maurolico
Bergmann, Werner and Rainier Erb: Anti-Semitism in Germany. The Post-Nazi Epoch Since 1945
Wigoder, Geoffrey, ed: New Encyclopedia of Zionism and Israel. Two Volumes
Screen: The Sexual Subject. A Screen Reader in Sexuality
Harper, Phillip Brian: Are We Not Men? Masculine Anxiety and the Problem of African-American Identity
Foucault, Michel and Maurice Blanchot: Maurice Blanchot: The Thought from Outside, by Michel Foucault; and Michel Foucault as I Imagine Him, by Maurice Blanchot
Barker, Francis, Peter Hulma, Margaret Iversen, and Diana Loxley, eds: Literature, Politics, and Theory. Papers from the Essex Conference 1976-84
Chaim, Arlosoroff: Leben und Werk. Ausgewählte Schriften, Reden, Tagebücher und Briefe
Katz, Jacob: From Prejudice to Destruction: Anti-Semitism, 1700-1933
Evans, Richard J: Rereading German History. From Unification to Reunification 1800-1996
Hartston, Barnet: Sensationalizing the Jewish Question. Anti-semitic Trials and the Press in the Early German Empire
Drüner, Ulrich and Georg Günther: Musik und "Drittes Reich." Fallbeispiele 1910 bis 1960 zu Herkunft, Höhepunkt und Nachwirkungen des Nationalsozialismus in der Musik
de Certeau, Michel: Culture in the Plural
Derrida, Jacques: Aporias
Derrida, Jacques: The Archeology of the Frivolous: Reading Condillac
Derrida, Jacques: Ear of the Other. Otobiography, Transference, Translation
Derrida, Jacques: Donner le temps. 1. La fausse monnaie
Katz, Shmuel: The Aaronsohn Saga
Keysor, Joseph: Hitler, the Holocaust, and the Bible: A Scriptural Analysis of Anti-Semitism, National Socialism, and the Churches in Nazi Germany
Saffle, Michael: Richard Wagner: A Research and Information Guide. Second edition
d'Almeida. Fabrice: High Society in the Third Reich
Aschheim, Stephen E: Culture and Catastrophe: German and Jewish Confrontations with National Socialism and Other Crises
Zumbini, Massimo Ferrari: Die Wurzeln des Bösen. Grüderjahre des Antisemitismus: Von der Bismarckzeit zu Hitler
Cotroneo, Girolamo: Jean Bodin. Teorico della Storia
Maushagen, Hubert: Richard Wagners Parsifal
Hanna, Paul L: British Policy in Palestine
Galileo Galilei: Les Mechaniques de Galilée: Mathématicien & Ingénieur du Duc de Florence. Avec Plusieurs Additions Rares, & Nouvelles, Utiles aux Architectes, Ingénieurs, Fonteniers, Philosophes & Artisans. Traduites de lItalien par le P. Marin Mersenne. Édition critique présentée par Bernard Rochot
Schieder, Theodor: Hermann Rauschnings "Gespräche mit Hitler" als Geschichtsquelle
Jardine, Nicholas: The Forging of Modern Realism: Clavius and Kepler Against the Sceptics
Wagner, Richard: Selected Letters of Richard Wagner. Translated and edited by Stewart Spencer and Barry
Lewis, Christopher: The Merton Tradition and Kinematics in Late Sixteenth and Early Seventeenth Century Italy
Mintz, Sharon Liberman and Gabriel M. Goldstein, eds: Printing the Talmud. From Bomberg To Schottenstein
Bauer, Oswald Georg: Richard Wagner Goes to the Theatre. Impressions, Experiences and Reflections on the Road to Bayreuth
Aly, Götz: Macht - Geist - Wahn : Kontinuitäten deutschen Denkens
Allam, Magdi: Viva Israele. Dallideologia della morte alla civilt? della vita: la mia storia
Fishbain, Michael, trans: The History of al-Tabari. Volume VIII. The Victory of Islam
Chisick, Harvey: The Production, Distribution and Readership of a Conservative Journal of the Early French Revolution: The Ami Du Roy of the Abbe Royou
Walfish, Barry, ed: The Frank Talmage Memorial Volume I
Beidler, Franz Wilhelm: Cosima Wagner-Liszt. Der Weg zum Wagner-Mythos. Ausgewählte Schriften des ersten Wagner-Enkels und sein unveröffentlichter Briefwechsel mit Thomas Mann
Bortolotti, Ettore: L'école mathématique de Bologne. Apercu historique
Verdonk, J. J: Petrus Ramus en de wiskunde
Müller, Sven Oliver: Richard Wagner und die Deutschen. Eine Geschichte von Hass und Hingabe
Benz, Wolfgang: Was ist Antisemitismus?
Berlin, Isaiah: Political Ideas in the Romantic Age: Their Rise and Influence on Modern Thought
Leithäuser, Joachim: Werner Heisenberg
Heer, Hannes, Jürgen Kesting und Peter Schmidt: Verstummte Stimmen: Die Vertreibung der Juden" aus der Oper 1933 bis 1945. Der Kampf um das Hessische Landestheater Darmstadt
Wagner, Gottfried und Abraham Peck: Unsere Stunde Null. Deutsche und Juden nach 1945: Familiengeschichte, Holocaust und Neubeginn
Engelmann, Max; Sammlung Mensing: Sammlung Mensing. Altwissenschaftliche Instrumente. Katalog. Bearbeitet von Max Engelmann
Rosen, Edward: Kepler's Place in the History of Science
Rosen, Edward: Kepler and the Lutheran Attitude Towards Copernicus in the Context of the Struggle Between Science and Religion
Rosen, Edward: Copenicus' Spheres and Epicycles
Rosen, Edward: Miszelle. Copernicus' Alleged Priesthood
Rosen, Edward: Was Copenicus a Hermetist?
Daab, H: Der Thalmud in Vorträgen
Sedgwick, Eve Kosofsky: Ezagutza Feminista eta Itzulpen Politikak II. Conocimiento Feminista y Politicas de Traduccion II
Sedgwick, Eve Kosofsky, Wendy Brown and Gayle Rubin: Ezagutza Feminista eta Itzulpen Politikak I. Conocimiento Feminista y Politicas de Traduccion I
Goldberg, Jonathan: Tempest In The Caribbean
Goldberg, Jonathan: The Seeds of Things. Theorizing Sexuality and Materiality in Renaissance Representations
Owen, Wilfred; John Bell, ed: Selected Letters
Guillaume Postel 1581-1981
Scholz, Dieter David: Richard Wagners Antisemitismus
Taguieff, Pierre-André: Wagner contre les Juifs. Aux origines de l' antisémitisme culturel moderne
Rose, J. and J. H. Mitchell, eds: Advances in Medical Computing. Proccedings of the Third International Symposium on Computers in Medicine
Chertok, Haim: He Also Spoke as a Jew. The Life of James Parkes
Noakes, J. and G. Pridham, eds: Nazism 1919-1945. Volume 3. Foreign Policy, War and Racial Extermination. A Documentary Reader
Noakes, Jeremy, ed: Nazism 1919-1945. Volume 4. The German Home Front in World War II:. A Documentary Reader
Dörries, Matthias, Hrsg: Kopenhagen - Wissenschaftshistoriker uaf der Buhne
Zimmerman, Michael E: Heidegger's Confrontation with Modernity. Technology, Politics, and Art
Supplement to Survey of Palestine. Notes Compiled for the Information of the United Nations Special Committee on Palestine June 1947
Gräfe, Thomas: Antisemitismus in Deutschland 1815- 1918. Rezensionen - Forschungsüberblick - Bibliographie
Aly, Götz: Warum die Deutschen? Warum die Juden? Gleichheit, Neid und Rassenhass 1800-1933
Mosher, John: Unavoidable Germans. Art vs. Politics, and the Consequences
Weiner, Marc A: Undertones of Insurrection. Music, Politics, & the Social Sphere in the Modern German Narrative
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