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Crocker, William H: The Canela (Eastern Timbira), I: An Ethnographic Introduction
Turner, Paul R., David Pitt and Contributors: The Anthropology of War & Peace: Perspectives on the Nuclear Age
Silverman, Sydel, ed: Inquiry and Debate in the Human Sciences. Contributions from Current ANthropology 1960-1990
Carlson, David S. and Steven A. Goldstein, eds: Bone Biodynamics in Orthodontic and Orthopedic Treatment
Overfield, Theresa: Biologic Variation in Health and Illness: Race, Age, and Sex Differences
Villanueva, Maria and Carlos Serrano, comp: Estudios de Antropologia Biologica (I Coloquio de Antropologia Fisica de Juan Comas)
Browman, David L., ed: Early Native Americans; Prehistoric Demography, Economy, and Technology
Fay, George E: A Bibliography of Fossil Man. Part II; 1955-1963
Wilson, Ruth P., ed: Special Issue. Aids. Transforming Anthropology. Volume 4, Numbers 1 & 2, 1993
Magee, Pennie L. and John Wilson, eds: Looking Through the Kaleidoscope: Essays in Honor of Charles Wagley. Florida Journal of Anthropology. Special Publication Number 6-1990
Alpers, Michael P., D. Carelton Gajdusek and Steven G. Ono, eds: Bibliography of Kuru. Study of Child Growth and Development and Disease Patterns in Primitive Cultures, National Institute of Neurological Diseases and Stroke
Huss-Ashmore, Rebecca, Joan Schall, and Mary Hediger, eds: Health and Lifestyle Change. MASCA Research Papers in Science and Archaeology, 9, 1992
Sullivan, Buddy, ed: "All Under Bank" Roswell King, Jr. and Plantation Management in Tidewater Georgia 1819-1854
Davies, John D: Phrenology, Fad and Science. A 19th Century American Crusade
Carlson, Lewis H: Van Gogh's Right Ear. Dissonant Chords for the Progeny: A Memoir
Thompson, Edgar T. and Everett C. Hughes, eds: Race. Individual and Collective Behavior
Kiple, Kenneth F: The Caribbean Slave. A Biological History
Kiple, Kenneth F., ed: The African Exchange. Toward a Biological History of Black People
Gibbs, Josiah F: The Mountain Meadows Massacre
Nelson, Sarah M. and Alice B. Kehoe, eds: Powers of Observation: Alternative Views in Archeology
McCartney, Eugene S. and Robert Burnett Hall: Michigan Papers in Geography. Volume IV
Cole, John R. and Laurie R. Godfrey, eds: Archaeology and Geochronology of the Susquehanna and Schoharie Regions: Proceedings of the Yager Conference at Hartwick College, 1976
Marashi, Carol A: Sensual Eating
Medina, Jesus Alejandro Estrada: Algunas Consideraciones Teoricas Sobre la Evolucion del Hombre
Moerman, Michael and Masaichi Nomura, eds: Culture Embodied. Senri Ethnological Studies No. 27
Wade, William D., ed: Miscellaneous Papers in Paleopathology: I. technical Series No. 7
Mahran, Zaghloul, ed: The Egyptian Journal of Anatomy. Vol. 14, (2), April 1991
Norman, Ralph D: Intelligence Tests and the Personal World
Lago, Elia Rosa Lemus, Gonzalo Estevez Torres, and Juan Carlos Velazuez Acosta: Campana por la Esperanza . La Lucha Contra el Dengue
Prufer, Olaf H. and Douglas H. McKenzie, eds: Studies in Ohio Archaeology
Stumpf, Dietrich Klose, Berhard Overbeck, eds: Jahrbuch für Numismatik und Geldgeschichte. 44. Jahrgang. 1994
Jahrbuch Des Deutschen Archaologischen Instituts Band 78. 2006
Pommerantz, Inna and Ayala Sussmann, eds: Atiqot. English Series. Volume XI
Jahrbuch für Numismatik und Geldgeschichte. 33. Jahrgang. 1983
Anthes, Rudolf: Mit Rahineh 1956
Jahrbuch für Numismatik und Geldgeschichte. 40. Jahrgang. 1990
Jahrbuch für Numismatik und Geldgeschichte. 36. Jahrgang. 1986
Jahrbuch für Numismatik und Geldgeschichte. 26. Jahrgang. 1976
Platon, Nikolas, Ingo Pini und Gisela Salies: Iraklion Archäologisches Museum. Corpus der minoischen und mykenischen Siegel. Band II. Teil 2: Die Siegel der Altpalastzeit
Pini, Ingo: Kleinere Griechische Sammlungen . Corpus der minoischen und mykenischen Siegel. Band V, Tiel 1 und 2
Kenna, Victor E. G. und Eberhard Thomas: Nordamerika II. Kleinere Sammlungen. Corpus der minoischen und mykenischen Siegel. Band XIII
Kenna, Victor E. G: Nordamerika I. Kleinere Sammlungen. Corpus der minoischen und mykenischen Siegel. Band XII
Van Effenterre, Henri und Micheline: Cabinet des Medailles de la Bibliotheque Nationale Paris. Corpus der minoischen und mykenischen Siegel. Band IX
Kenna, Victor E. G: Die englischen Museen II: London, British Museum - Cambridge, Fitzwilliam Museum - Manchester, University Museum - Liverpool, City Museum - Birmingham, City Museum. Corpus der minoischen und mykenischen Siegel. Band VII
Finnegan, Michael and M. A. Faust, comp: Bibliography of Human and Nonhuman Non-Metric Variation
Gillespie, Susan D. and Deborah L. Nichols, eds: Archaeology Is Anthropology
Krass, Dorothy Schlotthauer, R. Brooke Thomas, and John W. Cole, eds: Essays in Honor of Richard B. Woodbury
Jennings, Jesse D: Prehistory of North America
Foulks, Edward F: The Arctic Hysterias of the North American Eskimo
Dube, Laurette, Jordan L. Le Bel, Christiane Tougas, and Viviane Troche, eds: Sante et plaisir a chaque bouchée. Actes du symposium. Montreal 24 au 27 mai 1994
Riggs, Marcia Y., ed: Can I Get a Witness? Prophetic Religious Voices of African American Women. An Anthology
Armelagos, George J., James H. Mielke, and John Winter, comp: Bibliography of Human Paleopathology
ODUTOUR, Olivier, PALFI Gyorgy, BERATO Jacques, BRUN Jean-Pierre: L'Origine de la syphilis en Europe. Avant ou après 1493 ? The origin of Syphilis in Europe. Before ofr after 1493 ? Actes du colloque international de Toulon 25-28 novembre 1993
Roberts, Carol Caldwell, ed: Culture and society: A Social Science Reader
Hewes, Gordon W., comp: Language Origins: A Bibliography
Anderson, Barry: Persian Perils: An American's Revolutionary Experience
Thurston, Tina L. and Christopher T. Fisher, eds: Seeking a Richer Harvest. The Archaeology of Subsistence Intensification, Innovation, and Change
Comas, Juan and Maria Villanueva: Human Biology (1929-1978) Ensayo historico-bibliografico
Margolis, Maxine L: The Moving Frontier. Social and Economic Change in a Southern Brazilian Community
Sillitoe, Paul, Pamela J. Stewart, and Andrew Strathern: Horticulture in Papua New Guinea: Case Studies from the Southern and Western Highlands
Turney-High, Harry Holbert: General Anthropology
Tattersall, Ian: Man's Ancestors. An Introduction to Primate and Human Evolution
Auktion XXV, 26 Und 26 November 1991. Antike Münzen. Griechen-Römer. Byzantinische Münzen Und Bleisiegel. Renaissance Medaillen. Geschnittene Steine und Schmuck der Antike. Antike Bronzen. Figuren und Objekte Gold und Silbermünzen 14-20 Jh
Stringer, Patricia A. and Irene Thompson, eds: Stepping Off the Pedestal: Academic Women in the South
Rotberg, Iris C., ed: Balancing Change and Tradition in Global Education Reform
Steiner-Khamsi, Gita: The Global Politics of Educational Borrowing and Lending
Mizuhara, Katsutoshi: History of National Curriculum Standards Reform in Japan. Blueprint of Japanese Citizen Character Formation
Masemann, Vandra and Anthony Welch, eds: Tradition, Modernity and Post-Modernity in Comparative Education
Soudien, Crain and Peter Kallaway, with Mignonne Breier, eds: Education, Equity and Transformation
Alexander, Robin, Patricia Broadfoot, and David Phillips, eds: Learning from Comparing. New Directions in Comparative Educational Research. Volume 1. Contexts, Classrooms and Outcomes
Wells, Bernard: Old Bermuda. A Collection of Photographs of Old Bermuda Taken at the End of the Last Century
Dobkowski, Michael N., ed: Jewish American Voluntary Organizations. Ethnic American Voluntary Organizations
Greer, Shirley Leftridge and Bette Mink Flanagan: Going Home Again. The Life Story of Sisters Clara & Maude Reedy
Bush, Martin H. (Text and interview); Clement Greenberg (Foreword); William F. Buckley, Jr. (Text): Goodnough
Momeni, Jamshid A: Housing and Racial/Ethnic Minority Status in the United States. An Annotated Bibliography with a Review Essay
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