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Fitzgerald, Scott F.; Edmund Wilson, ed. and Foreword: The Last Tycoon. An Unfinished Novel Singer, Isaac Bashevis: A Crown of Feathers and Other Stories Malamud, Bernard; Robert Giroux, ed. and Intro: The People and Uncollected Stories
Mankell, Henning; Laurie Thompson, trans: The Man from Beijing Atwood, Margaret: The Tent Sagan, Francoise; Christine Donougher, trans: The Still Storm
Mead, Margaret and Rhoda Metraux: Aspects of the Present Angelou, Maya: The Heart of a Woman. Proof Lister, Robert H. and Florence C. Lister: Mesa Verde National Park. Preserving the Past
Wilde, Oscar: For Love of the King. A Burmese Masque Grossman, David; Stuart Schoffman, trans: Lion's Honey. The Myth of Samson Martin, Harold; Inez Roskos, illus: Harold Martin Remembers. Cats, Dogs, Children and Other Small Creatures
Gould, Stephen Jay: Questioning the Millennium. A Rationalist's Guide to a Precisely Arbitrary Countdown Atwood, Margaret: The Heart Goes Last Atwood, Margaret: Moral Disorder. Stories
Atwood, Margaret: The Year of the Flood. A Novel Cavendish, Richard: King Arthur & the Grail. The Arthurian Legends and Their Meaning Montgomery, Marion: Why Flannery O'Connor Stayed Home. Volume 1 of a Trilogy. The Prophetic Poet and the Spirit of the Age
Garrett, George: The Finished Man Werkmeister, W. H: Kant. The Architectonic and Development of His Philosophy Gjesdal, Kristin: The Truth of Art: Gadamer and Modern Aesthetics. Acta Humaniora nr. 130
Prien, Bernd: Kants Logik der Begriffe. Die Begriffslehre der formalen und transzendentalen Logik Kants Meerbote, R., ed: Kant's Aesthetics Böhme, Hartmut und Gernot Böhme: Das Andere der Vernunft. Zur Entwicklung von Rationalitätsstrukturen am Beispiel Kants
Sgarbi, Marco: La logica dell'irrazionale. Studio sul significato e sui problemi della Kritik der Urteilskraft Ameriks, Karl and Dieter Sturm, eds: The Modern Subject. Conceptions of the Self in Classical German Philosophy Derrida, J., V. Descombes, G. Kortian, P. Lacoue-Labarthe, J. -F Lyotard, L. -L. Nancy: La faculté de juger
Svendsen, Lars Fr. H: Kant's Critical Hermeneutics. On Schematization and Interpretation. Acta Humaniora nr. 62 Baron, Marcia W: Kantian Ethics Almost Without Apology Zuckert, Rachel: Kant on Beauty and Biology. An Interpretation of the Critique of Judgment
Lehmann, Gerhard: Kants Tugenden. Neue Beiträge zur Geschichte und Interpretation der Philosophie Kants Gibbons, Sarah L: Kant's Theory of Imagination. Bridging Gaps in Judgement and Experience Edmindts, Dina, ed: Immanuel Kant und die Berliner Aufklärung
Krämling, Gerhard: Die systembildende Rolle von Ästhetik und Kulturphilosophie bei Kant Rogerson, Kenneth F: Kant's Aesthetics. The Roles of Form and Expression Kant, Immanuel (Hrsg. von Schmidt, Raymund):: Kritik der reinen Vernunft. Nach der ersten und zweiten Original-Ausgabe neu herausgegeben von Raymund Schmidt
(Immanuel Kant): Kant: Critique du jugement (1790-1990) (2eme partie). Revue Internationale de Philosophie. Volume 45, No. 176, 1/1991 Rodi, Frithjof: Das strukturierte Ganze. Studien zum Werk von Wilhelm Dilthey Glynn, Simon: European Philosophy and the Human and Social Sciences
Damböck, Christian: Deutscher Empirismus. Studien zur Philosophie im deutschsprachigen Raum 1830-1930 Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich; Gisela Schüler; Friedhelm Nicolen, hrsg: Frühe Exzerpte. Gesammelte Werke. Band 3 Hegel, G. W. F.; Ludwig Siep, Hrsg: Grundlinien der Philosophie des Rechts
Hegel, G. W. F: Jenaer Systementwürfe I, II, III. 3 Bänden. Gesammelte Werke Band 6, 7, & 8 Robinson, Hoke, ed: Spindel Conference 1991. System and Teleology in Kant's Critique of Judgment. Volume XXX, Supplement Schleiermacher, Friedrich D. E.; James Duke and Francis Fiorenza, trans: On the Glaubenslehre. Two Letters to Dr. Lucke
Chedin, Olivier: Sur L'Esthetique de Kant Et La Theorie Critique de La Representation Fichte, Johann Gottlieb: Über die Bestimmung des Gelehrten. 5 Vorlesungen 1794 Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich; Friedhelm Nicolen und Gisela Schüler, hrsg: Frühe Schriften I. Gesammelte Werke. Band 1
Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich; Eva Moldenhauer und Karl Markus Michel (Red.): Nürnberger und Heidelberger Schriften 1808 - 1817. Band 4. Werke in zwanzig Bänden van Gerwen, Rob: Art and Experience Guyer, Paul: Values of Beauty
Izutsu, Toshihiko and Toyo: The Theory of Beauty in the Classical Aesthetics of Japan Jameson, Fredric: Marxism and Form. 20th Century Dialectical Theories Pillow, Kirk: Sublime Understanding. Aesthetic Reflection in Kant and Hegel
Nisbet, Delia Fabbroni-Giannotti: Heinrich Heine and Giacomo Leopardi. The Rhetoric of Midrash. Studies on Themes and Motifs in Literature. Vol. 47 McQuillan, J. Colin: Early Modern Aesthetics Jauß, Hans Robert: Literaturgeschichte als Provokation
Osborne, Harold, ed: Aesthetics Verene, Donald Phillip: The Art of Humane Education Woolhouse, R. S., ed.; Leibniz: Leibniz: Metaphysics and Philosophy of Science
Hampshire, Stuart: Spinoza and Spinozism Verene, Donald Phillip: Knowledge of Things Human and Divine. Vico's New Science and Finnegans Wake Rutherford, Donald: Leibniz and the Rational Order of Nature
Leibniz, G. W.; Peter Remnant & Jonathan Bennett, trans. and eds: New Essays on Human Understanding. Abridged Edition Spinoza, Baruch; Samuel Shirley, Trans: Tractatus Theologico-Politicus (Gebhardt Edition, 1925) Brand, Peg Zeglin, ed: Beauty Matters
Budd, Malcolm: Music and the Emotions. The Philosophical Theories Curtius, Ernst Robert: Europäische Literatur und lateinisches Mittelalter Danto, Arthur C: The Philosophical Disenfranchisement of Art
Budd, Malcolm: Values of Art. Pictures, Poetry and Music Fellmann, Ferdinand: Phänomenologie als ästhetische Theorie Garnett, Jr., Christopher Browne: Taste. An Essay in Critical Imagination
Kemal, Salim: The Poetics of Alfarabi and Avicenna Burnyeat, Myles, ed: The Skeptical Tradition Nussbaum, Martha C: The Fragility of Goodness. Luck and Ethics in Greek Tragedy and Philosophy
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