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Bachmann, Ingeborg; Philip Boehm, trans: Malina Fowles, Severin M: An Archaeology of Doings. Secularism and the Study of Pueblo Religion Howe, Fanny: The Needle's Eye. Passing through Youth
Wells, Paul: Animation. Genre and Authorship Dufourmantelle, Anne; Lindsay Turner, trans: In Defense of Secrets Wilson, Peter Lamborn: Scandal. Essays in Islamic Heresy
Kane, Sean: Wisdom of the Mythtellers. Second Edition Lloyd, David: Under Representation. The Racial Regime of Aesthetics Maisel, Eric: 60 Innovative Cognitive Strategies for the Bright, the Sensitive, and the Creative. New Investigations Into the Home of the Mind
Dulchinos, Donald P: Pioneer of Inner Space. The Life of Fitz Hugh Ludlow, Hasheesh Eater Sargeant, Winthrop; Christpher Chapple (Editor and Foreword): The Bhagavad Gita Morris, Frances and Tiffany Bell, eds: Agnes Martin
Niero, Antoni; Ruggero Rugoso, ed: Three Artists of the Temple. Santa Maria del Rosario - Gesuati. Venice Tashjian, Dickran: Joseph Cornell: Gifts of Desire Baraka, Amiri: Digging. The Afro-American Soul of American Classical Music
Botshon, Lisa and Meredith Goldsmith, eds: Middlebrow Moderns. Popular American Women Writers of the 1920s Maud, Ralph: A Guide to B.C. Indian Myth and Legend Browning, Douglas and William T. Myers, eds: Philosophers of Process
al-Tifashi, Ahmad; Winston Leyland, ed.; Edward A. Lacey, trans: The Delight of Hearts or What You Will Not Find in Any Book Sawhney, Deepak Narang, ed: Must We Burn Sade? Christina of Hane; Kirakosian, Racha, trans: The Life of Christina of Hane
Applebaum, David: The Vision of Hume Harker, Jaime: Middlebrow Queer. Christopher Isherwood in America Latour, Bruno; Catherine Porter, trans: An Inquiry into Modes of Existence. An Anthropology of the Moderns
Perlmutter, Donna: Shadowplay. The Life of Antony Tudor Haskell, Barbara: Agnes Martin. With essays by Barbara Haskell, Anna C. Chave and& Rosalind Krauss Bunnell, Peter C.; with Maria B. Pellerano and Joseph B. Rauch: Minor White. The Eye That Shapes
Lucic, Karen: Embodying Compassion in Buddhist Art: Image, Pilgrimage, Practice Cohn, Neil: Early Writings on Visual Language Baetens, Jan and Hugo Frey: The Graphic Novel. An Introduction
Groensteen, Thierry: Un Objet culturel non identifié. La bande dessinée Seth. [G. Gallant]: Palookaville #22 Tatsumi, Yoshihiro: A Drifting Life
Seth. [G. Gallant]: Palookaville #20 Seth. [G. Gallant]: Palookaville #21 Brown, Chester; Robert Crumb, Introduction: Paying for It
Tabachnick, Stephen E., ed: Teaching the Graphic Novel Groensteen, Thierry; Bart Beaty and Nick Nguyen, trans: The System of Comics Chaney, Michael A: Reading Lessons in Seeing. Mirrors, Masks, and Mazes in the Autobiographical Graphic Novel
Tubeuf, Andre: Lost Divas Winnan, Audur H: Wanda Ga'g. A Catalogue Raisonne of the Prints Ball, David M. and Martha B. Kuhlman, ed.s: The Comics of Chris Ware. Drawing is a Way of Thinking
Knowles, Chris; Joseph Michael Linsner, illust: Our Gods Wear Spandex The Secret History of Comic Book Heroes Whitney, Ogden; Dan Nadel and Frank Santoro, eds: Return to Romance: The Strange Love Stories of Ogden Whitney Waugh, Coulton; M. Thomas Inge, intro: The Comics
Goggin, Joyce and Dan Hassler-Forest, eds: The Rise and Reason of Comics and Graphic Literature. Critical Essays on the Form Varnum, Robin and Christina T. Gibbons, eds: The Language of Comics. Word and Image Hatfield, Charles: Hand of Fire. The Comics Art of Jack Kirby
Walker, George A: Graphic Witness. Four Wordless Graphic Novels. Frans Masereel, Lynd Ward, Giacomo Patri, Laurence Hyde Burks, Jean M. and Joe Cunningham: Man-Made Quilts: Civil War to the Present Fry, Gladys-Marie, curator: Broken Star: Post-Civil War Quilts Made by Black Women
Mayer, Bernadette: The Formal Field of Kissing. Translations, Imitations and Epigrams Adams, Robert: West From the Columbia. Views of the River Mouth Choquette, Michel, ed: The Someday Funnies
McEwan, Ian: Enduring Love McEwan, Ian: Machines Like Me Machines Like Me and People Like You and Dussel. . . a Short Story Wolfe, Thomas; C. Hugh Holman, ed: The Short Novels of Thomas Wolfe
Updike, John; Christopher Carduff, ed: Selected Poems Updike, John: Collected Poems 1953-1993 Updike, John: Bech at Bay. A Quasi-Novel
Updike, John: In the Beauty of the Lillies Updike, John: Bech: A Book. Signed/LTD Updike, John; Jerry Pinkney, illus: Rabbit, Run
Updike, John: Self-Consciousness. (Signed Limited edition) Updike, John: The Witches of Eastwick. (Signed Limited Edition) Parks, Edd Winfield: Backwater
Grolier Club: Plant Illustration Before 1850. A Catalogue of an Exhibition of Books, Drawings and Prints Wood, Alexander; Frank Oldham: Thomas Young, Natural Philosopher 1773-1829. Completed by Frank Oldham. With a Memoir of Alexander Wood by Charles E. Raven Newsholme, H. P: Health Disease & Integration. An Essay Based on a Study of Certain Aspects of Encephalitis Lethargica
Davidoff, Leo M., and Dyke G. Cornelius: The Normal Encephalogram Sternberg, George M: Malaria and Malarial Diseases Sudhoff, Karl: Der Ursprung der Syphilis. Vortrag gehalten auf dem Internationalen Medizinischen Kongresss zu London am 7. August 1913
Hieronymus Fabricius; K. J. Franklin, ed. and trans: De Venarum Ostiolis 1603 of Hieronymus Fabricius of Aquapendente (1533? - 1619) Barbeau, Marius: Medicine-Men on the North Pacific Coast Means, J. H: Lectures on the Thyroid
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