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Sigerist, Henry E., ed: Letters of Jean de Carro to Alexandre Marcet 1794-1817 Shakow, David: The Nature of Deterioration In Schizophrenic Conditions Hoch, Paul H. and Joseph Zubin, eds: The Future of Psychiatry
Coriat, Isador H: What Is psychoanalysis? Cardwell, D. S. L., ed: John Dalton and the Progress of Science. Papers presented to a conference of historians of science held in Manchester, September 19-24, 1966 to mark the bicentenary of Dalton's birth Craig, W. S: John Thomson. Pioneer and Father of Scottish Paediatrics
Hughes, Wendell L: Reconstructive Surgery of the Eyelids Hall, Marie Boas; Robert Boyle: Robert Boyle on Natural Philosophy. An Essay with Selections from His Writings Naumburg, Margaret: Studies of the "Free" Art Expression of Behavior Problem Children and Adolescents As a Means of Diagnosis and Therapy
Queen, Ellery: Queen's Quorum. A History of the Detective-Crime Short Story as Revealed By the 125 Most Important Books Published in This Field, 1845-1967 Liston, Robert; George W. Norris: Practical Surgery; with One Hundred and Fifty Engravings on Wood Woodall, Percy H: Osteopathy. The Science of Healing By Adjustment
Halladay, H. V.; A. G. Walmsley, ed: Applied Anatomy of the Spine Scudder, Charles Locke: The Treatment of Fractures with Notes Upon a Few Common Dislocations McConnell, Carl Philip and Charles Clayton Teall: The Practice of Osteopathy
Clark, Marion Edward: Applied Anatomy. Designed for the Use of Osteopathic Students and Practitioners as an Aid in the Anatomical Exploration of Disease from an Osteopathic Viewpoint Tucker, Ernest E. and Perrin T. Wilson: The Theory of Osteopathy Wyeth, John, and Brother: An Epitome of Therapeutics, with Special Reference to the Laboratory Products of John Wyeth and Brother
Hazzard, Charles: Principles of Osteopathy Deason, J: Physiology: General and Osteopathic. A Reference and Text Book for Osteopathic Students and Physicians DePalma, A. F: Surgery of the Shoulder
Morhardt, Robert P: Evaluating Surgery Through Gross Pathology Gibney, V. P: The Hip and It's Diseases Helferich, H.; J. Hutchinson, trans: On Fractures and Dislocations
Jones, Thomas: Diseases of the Bones. Their Pathology, Diagnosis, and Treatment Morton, Dudley J: The Human Foot. Its Evolution Physiology and Functional Disorders Barber, Elmer D: Osteopathy Complete
McConnell, Carl Philip: The Practice of Osteopathy Lewin, Philip: A Textbook of Orthopedic Surgery for Nurses Codman, E. A: A Study in Hospital Efficiency as Demonstrated by the Case Report of the First Five Years of a Private Hospital
Lyotard, Jean-Francois; Elizabeth Rottenberg, trans: Lessons on the Analytic of the Sublime Du Chaillu, Paul: In African Forest and Jungle Garis, Howard R: Adventures of Uncle Wiggily. The Bunny Rabbit Gentleman With The Twinkling Pink Nose
Gould, Elizabeth: Anne Gilchrist and Walt Whitman Töpffer, Rodolphe: The Adventures of Mr. Obadiah Oldbuck Atkinson, John, ed: Stereophile. Vol. 12, 1989. January through December (complete)
Atkinson, John, ed: Stereophile. Vol. 13, 1990. January through December (complete) Atkinson, John, ed: Stereophile. Vol. 11, 1988. January through December (complete) Atkinson, John, ed: Stereophile. Vol. 15, 1992. January through October
Tippett, Michael and Meirion Bowen, ed: Music of the Angels. Essays and Sketchbooks of Michael Tippett Matthews, David: Michael Tippett. An Introductory Study Johnson, Denis: The Stars at Noon
Aristotle; W. S. Hett, trans: On the Soul. Parva Naturalia. On Breath James, William: William James on Psychical Research Ludwig, Jan, ed: Philosophy and Parapsychology
Broad, C. D: Religion, Philosophy and Psychical Research. Selected Essays Lawrence, John D: Andy Nasisse [Exhibition Catalog] Campbell, Robert, ed: Skeet Shooting with D. Lee Braun
O'Connor, Jack and Roy Dunlap; Alex Kerr; Jeff Cooper: Complete Book of Shooting: Rifles, Shotguns, Handguns Gloster, Grace Kelly, ed: American Cage-Bird Magazine. 1977. January through November (11 issues), Castle, Wendell; Edward Lucie-Smith, catalogue essay: Masterpieces of Time. An Exhibition of Long-case Clocks and Fine Furniture by Wendell Castle
Nichol, B. Pp: Calendar Still, James: Those I Want in Heaven With Me Should There Be Such a Place Rey Rosa, Rodrigo; Paul Bowles, trans.; David Craven, illus: The Path Doubles Back
Kicknosway, Faye: Asparagus, Asparagus, Ah Sweet Asparagus. Poems & Drawings Bird & Bull Press: Japanese Paper Balloon Bombs: The First ICBM Leontief, Estelle; Clare Van Vliet: Whatever Happens
Mills, William; Margaret Agner, illus: I Know a Place: Three Stories Logue, Mary; Gaylord Schanilec, illus: A House in the Country. With engravings by Gaylord Schanilec Hideki Tojo; Sir Walter Ralegh; Tomoyuki Yamashita; Chidiock Tichborne: For The Occasion of Death. Poems
Blackburn, Paul; Edith Jarolim, ed: The Omitted Journals Silliman, Ron: Sitting Up, Standing, Taking Steps Hejinian, Lyn: A Mask of Motion
Borhan, Pierre: Bernard Faucon (Les Grands photographes) Hudson, Suzanne P: Robert Ryman. Used Paint Schwartz, Alexandra: As in Nature. Helen Frankenthaler Paintings
Montana, Kelly: Think of Them As Spaces. Brice Marden's Drawings Faucon, Bernard: Summer Camp. Photographs by Bernard Faucon Fabre, Jan; Robert Mapplethorp, photograhps; Kathy Acker, intro: The Power of Theatrical Madness
Weiss, Jeffrey; John Gage, Barbara Novak, et al, contributions: Mark Rothko Barthes, Roland; Kate Briggs, trans: How to Live Together. Novelistic Simulations of Some Everyday Spaces Barthes, Roland; Rosalind E. Krauss and Denis Hollier, trans: The Neutral: Lecture Course at the College de France (1977-1978)
Barthes, Roland; Richard Miller, trans: Sade Fourier Loyola McDonnell, Patrick, Karen O'Connell and Georgia Riley de Havenon: Krazy Kat. The Comic Art of George Herriman Goulart, Ron: The Adventurous Decade. Comic Strips in the Thirties
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