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Adelman, Bob; Art Spiegelman, intro.; Richard Merkin, commentary; Madeline Kripke, essay: Tijuana Bibles. Art and Wit In America's Forbidden Funnies, 1930s-1950s Harvey, Robert C: The Art of the Comic Book. An Aesthetic History Souvestre, Pierre and Marcel Allain; Luc Dellisse, adaptation; Claude Laverdure, illus: Fantoms. L'affaire Beltham
Willard, Frank and Ferd Johnson; Bill Blackbeard, intro: Moon Mullins. 1. June 9th, 1923 through January 1st, 1924 Willard, Frank and Ferd Johnson; Bill Blackbeard, ed: Moon Mullins. 2. January 2nd, 1924 through July 15th, 1924 Willard, Frank and Ferd Johnson; Bill Blackbeard, ed: Moon Mullins. 3. July 16th, 1924 through December 31st, 1924
Carr, Emily; Jay Stewart, Peter L. MacNair: To the Totem Forests. Emily Carr and Contemporaries Interpret Coastal Villages Eisner, Will: The Dreamer Spiegelman, Art: MetaMaus: A Look Inside a Modern Classic, Maus
Astier, Ingrid, ed: Le goût des parfums. Textes choisis et présentés par Ingrid Astier Apostolidès, Jean-Marie; Jocelyn Hoy, trans: The Metamorphoses of Tintin or Tintin for Adults Block, Lawrence: A Time to Scatter Stones. A Matthew Scudder Novella (Matthew Scudder
Wolk, Douglas: Reading Comics. How Graphic Novels Work and What They Mean Niall, Ian; Andrew McNeillie, intro: Fresh Woods Pastures New Armstrong, Edward A: Birds of the Grey Wind
Barks, Carl: Walt Disney's Donald Duck. The Old Castle's Secret White, Gilbert; James Lovelock, intro: The Natural History of Selborne Chester, Bronwyn: Island of Trees. 50 Trees, 50 Tales of Montreal
Hanhardt, John G. and Matthew Yokobosky: Gregory J. Markopoulos: Mythic Themes, Portraiture, and Films of Place Nancy, Jean-Luc; Philip Armstrong, trans: The Pleasure in Drawing Commander, Michelle D: Avidly Reads Passages
Barthes, Roland; Annette Lavers, trans: Mythologies Barthes, Roland: Mythologies Barthes, Roland; Richard Howard, trans: Eiffel Tower and Other Mythologies
Beronä, David A.; Peter Kuper, intro: Wordless Books. The Original Graphic Novels Evelyn, John; William Bray, ed: The Diary of John Evelyn. Two Volumes (complete) Caniff, Milton: Terry and the Pirates. Color Sundays. Volume 6 (1940)
Caniff, Milton; Howard V. Chaykin, intro: The Complete Terry and the Pirates. Volume 1. 1934-1936 Nückel, Otto: Destiny: A Novel in Pictures Stan Lee; Larry Lieber; Gary Friedrich; Jack Kirby; Roy Thomas; Gardner Fox: Marvel Firsts: The 1960s
Crane, Roy; Rick Norwood, ed: Captain Easy. Soldier of Fortune Vol. 1. The Complete Sunday Newspaper Strips 1933-1935 Foucault, Michel; Arnold I. Defert, ed.; Graham Burchell, trans: Lectures on the Will to Know. Lectures at the College de France 1970 - 1971 and Oedipal Knowledge Foucault, Michel; Michel Senellart, ed.; Graham Burchell, trans: On the Government of the Living. Lectures at the Collège De France, 1979-1980
Foucault, Michel; Frederic Gros, ed.; Graham Burchell, trans: Subjectivity and Truth. Lectures at the Collège De France, 1980-1981 Foucault, Michel; Frederic Gros, ed.; Graham Burchell, trans: The Government of Self and Others. Lectures at the Collège De France, 1982-1983 Foucault, Michel; Frederic Gros, ed.; Graham Burchell, trans: The Courage of Truth (The Government of Self and Others II). Lectures at the Collège De France, 1983-1984
Foucault, Michel; Jacques Lagrange, ed.; Graham Burchell, trans: Psychiatric Power. Lectures at the Collège De France, 1983-1984 Foucault, Michel; James D. Fubion, ed.; Robert Hurley and Others, trans: Aesthetics, Method, and Epistemology. Essential Works of Foucault, 1954-1984 . Volume Two Foucault, Michel; James D. Fubion, ed.; Robert Hurley and Others, trans: Power. Essential Works of Foucault, 1954-1984 . Volume Three
Brotchie, Alastair; Malcom Green, Antony Melville, eds: Raymond Roussel: Life, Death and Works. Essays and Stories by Various Hands. Being a Special Issue of Atlas Anthology. No. 4 Caradec, François; Ian Monk, trans: Raymond Roussel Rosen James; Eve Richardson, ed: James Rosen Painting
Veronese; Emmanuel Ducamp, ed.; Barbara Mellor, trans: The Feast in the House of Simon. History and Restoration of a Masterpiece Salomon, Xavier F., ed: Paolo Veronese. The Petrobelli Altarpiece Matz, Jeffrey; Lorenzo Ottaviani and Cristina A. Ross; Michael Biondo, photography; John Morris Dixon, intro: Midcentury Houses Today. New Canaan, Connecticut
Ardoin, John and Gerald Fitzgerald: Callas. The Art and The Life; The Great Years Matino, Gabriele and Cynthia Klestinec, eds: Art, Faith and Medicine in Tintoretto's Venice Orkin, Ruth: A World Through My Window
Steinberg, Leo: Michelangelos Last Paintings. The Conversion of St. Paul and the Crucifixion of St. Peter in the Cappella Paolina, Vatican Palace Fried, Michael: Morris Louis Hoffmann, E T A; Anthea Bell, trans: The Nutcracker and The Strange Child
Hays, Michael and Anastasia Nikolopoulou, eds: Melodrama: The Cultural Emergence of a Genre Spenser, Edmund; W. L. Renwick, ed: A View of the Present State of Ireland Teskey, Gordon: Spenserian Moments
Nicholson, Catherine: Reading and Not Reading The Faerie Queene. Spenser and the Making of Literary Criticism Raleigh, Walter: The Discoverie of the Large, Rich and Bewtiful Empyre of Guiana. London 1596 Vasari, Giorgio, et al.; Carlo Corsato, intro: Lives of Tintoretto
Vasari, Giorgio; Gaston du C. De Vere, trans; David Ekserdjian, intro: Lives of the Painters, Sculptors and Architects. Two Volumes Warburg, Aby; Kurt W. Forster, intro; David Britt, trans: The Renewal of Pagan Antiquity: Contributions to the Cultural History of the European Renaissance Teskey, Gordon: The Poetry of John Milton
Teskey, Gordon: Delirious Milton Teskey, Gordon: Allegory and Violence Milton, John; David R. Slavitt, trans.; Gordon Teskey, intro: Milton's Latin Poems
Milton, John: Minor Poems (The Noel Douglas Replicas) Marvell, Andrew; H. M. Margoliouth, ed: The Poems and Letters of Andrew Marvell. Vol. 2: Letters Milton, John; N. H. Keeble and Nicholas McDowells, eds: The Complete Works of John Milton. Volume VI: Vernacular Regicide and Republican Writings
Milton, John; Laura Lunger Knoppers, ed: The Complete Works of John Milton. Volume II: The 1671 Poems: Paradise Regain'd and Samson Agonistes Milton, John; Ernest Sirluck, ed: Complete Prose Works of John Milton. Volume II 1643-1648 Milton, John; Don M. Wolfe, ed: Complete Prose Works of John Milton. Volume I 1624-1642
Milton, John; Robert W. Ayers, ed.; Austin Woolrych, intro: Complete Prose Works of John Milton. Volume VII: 1659-1660. Revised Edition Milton, John; Merritt Y. Hughes, ed. and intro: Complete Prose Works of John Milton. Volume III : 1648-1649 Shell, Marc; Elizabeth I and John Bale: Elizabeth's Glass. With "The Glass of the Sinful Soul" (1544) by Elizabeth I and "Epistle Ddicatory" & "Conclusion" (1548) by John Bale
Henry Howard Earl of Surrey; With Introduction, Notes and Glossary by Emrys Jones: Poems Fraunce, Abraham: The Arcadian Rhetorike [1588] Greville, Fulke; Thom Gunn, ed. and intro.; Bradin Cormack, afterword: Selected Poems of Fulke Greville
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