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Akrigg, G. P. V., ed: Letters of King James VI and I Carew, Thomas; Rhodes Dunlap, ed: The Poems of Thomas Carew with his Masque Coelum Britannicum Herbert, George; Mark Mccloskey and Paul Murphy, trans: The Latin Poetry George Herbert. A Bilingual Edition
Crashaw, Richard; L. C. Martin, ed: The Poems English, Latin and Greek of Richard Crashaw. Second Edition Vaughan, Henry; L. C. Martin, ed: The Works of Henry Vaughan. Second Edition Crashaw, Richard; Richard Rambuss, ed. and intro: The English Poems of Richard Crashaw
McIlwain, Charles Howard, intro: The Political Works of James I. Reprinted from the Edition of 1616 Herrick, Robert; J. Max Patrick ed: The Complete Poetry of Robert Herrick Burton, Robert; Holbrook Jackson, intro: The Anatomy of Melancholy. In Three Volumes. Volumes, 1, 2, & 3
Harris, John; Stephen Orgel and Roy Strong: The King's Arcadia: Inigo Jones and the Stuart Court. A quatercentenary exhibition held at the Banqueting House, Whitehall from July 12th to September 2nd, 1973 Donne, John; Evelyn M. Simpson and George R. Potter, eds: The Sermons of John Donne. Volume VIII Donne, John; Evelyn M. Simpson and George R. Potter, eds: The Sermons of John Donne. Volume VI
Chapman, George; Thomas Marc Parrott, ed: The Plays of George Chapman. The Tragedies. Two Volumes Bound as One Donne, John; Helen Gardner, ed: The Elegies and The Songs of Sonnets Donne, John; Helen Gardner, ed: The Divine Poems
Donne, John; John T. Shawcross, ed: The Complete Poetry of John Donne Shakespeare, William; Frank Kermode, ed: The Tempest. (The Arden Shakespeare) Shakespeare, William; R. A. Foakes, ed: King Henry VIII. (The Arden Shakespeare)
Shakespeare, William; Virginia Mason Vaughan and Alden T. Vaughan, eds: The Tempest. (The Arden Shakespeare) Walsh, Brian, ed: The Revenger's Tragedy. A Critical Reader Chapman, George; Thomas Marc Parrott, ed: The Plays of George Chapman. The Comedies. Two Volumes (complete)
Donne, John; Theodore Redpath, ed: The Songs and Sonets of John Donne. Second Edition Chesne, John de Beau and John Baildon: A Booke Containing Divers Sortes of Hands. London, 1602 Whalley, Joyce Irene and Vera C. Kaden: The Universal Penman.: A Survey of Western Calligraphy from the Roman Period to 1980. Catalogue of an exhibition held at the Victoria and Albert Museum, London, July - September 1980
Author. Saturday Magazine Contributor: A Series of Articles on Writing Materials from the Saturday Magazine by an Author, regretttably , anonymous and originally published in the years 1838-39 & 1834 Roxburgh, David J: Writing the Word of God: Calligraphy and the Qur'an Lupton, Ellen, curator: Period Styles: A History of Punctuation
Pirie, Robert S., comp: John Donne 1572-1631. A Catalogue of the Anniversary Exhibition of First and Early Editions of His Works Held at the Grolier Club February 15 to April 12, 1972 Voet, Leon: The Making of Books in the Renaissance as told by the Archives of the Plantin-Moretus Museum Bales, Peter: The Writing Schoolemaster. Brachygraphie, Orthographie, Calygraphie. London 1590
De La Ramee, Pierre: Latin Grammar. 1585 Palatino, Arrighi, Tagliente; Oscar Ogg, intro: Three Classics of Italian Calligraphy: An Unabridged Reissue of the Writing Books of Arrighi, Tagliente, and Palatino Day, Angel: The English Secretorie. 1586
Petrucci, Armando: La Scrittura. Ideologia e rappresentazione Plantin, Christopher; Ray Nash, ed. and trans: Calligraphy and Printing in the Sixteenth Century from Dialogue attributed to Christopher Plantin in French and Flemish facsimile Spenser, Edmund; Alexander B. Grosart, ed: The Poet of Poets. The Love-Verse from the Minor Poems of Edmund Spenser
Shakespeare, William; Michael J. B. Allen and Kenneth Muir, ed: Shakespeare's Plays in Quarto: A Facsimilie Edition of Copies Primarily from Henry E. Huntingtons Library Cary, Robert; G. H. Powell, ed: Memoirs of Robert Cary Earl of Monmouth Boas, Frederick S., ed: Five Pre-Shakespearean Comedies (Early Tudor Period)
Maine, Sir Henry Sumner; C. K. Allen, intro: Ancient Law, its Connection with the Early History of Society and its Relation to Modern Ideas King James VI and I; Robert S. Rait, ed. and intro: A Royal Rhetorician: A Treatise on Scottis Poesie. A Counterblaste to Tobacco, etc. etc Césaire, Aimé; Ralph Manheim, trans: The Tragedy of King Christophe
Césaire, Aimé; Ralph Manheim, trans: La Tragedie Du Roi Christophe Césaire, Aimé: Discours sur le colonialisme Danticat, Edwidge: The Dew Breaker
Lamming, George; Rex Nettleford, intro.; Daniella Jeffry, trans: Coming Coming Home.: Conversations II. Western Education and the Caribbean Intellectual. Coming, Coming, Coming Home Theocritus; Daryl Hine, trans: Theocritus: Idylls and Epigrams Duncan, Robert: Fictive Certainties. Essays
Duncan, Robert; Robert J. Bertholf, ed: Selected Poems Dario, Ruben; Ilan Stavans, ed. and intro: Selected Writings Das, Veena, Arthur Kleinman, et al, eds: Remaking a World. Violence, Social Suffering, and Recovery
Berssenbrugge, Mei-Mei: Nest Marshall, Herbert Mildred Stock: Ira Aldridge. The Negro Tragedian Steedman, Carolyn: Strange Dislocations. Childhood and the Idea of Human Interiorit, 1780-1930
Leys, Ruth: Trauma. A Genealogy Dixon, Joy: Divine Feminine. Theosophy and Feminism in England Krischel, Roland: Jacopo Tintoretto 1519-1594
Rosand, David: Painting in Sixteenth-Century Venice: Titian, Veronese, Tintoretto. Revised Edition Bernari, Carlo: L'opera comleta del Tintoretto Cassegrain, Guillaume: Tintoret
Falomir, Miguel, ed: Tintoretto Wheeler, George M: Wheeler's Photographic Survey of the American West, 1871-1873 Sanpaolesi, Piero: La Cupola Del Brunelleschi. Forma E Colore 16
Ekhtiar, Maryam D.; Prisceilla P. Soucek, Sheila R. Canby and Navina Najat Haidar, eds: Masterpieces from the Department of Islamic Art in The Metropolitan Museum of Art/ Priever, Andreas: Paolo Caliari, Called Veronese 1528-1588 Atil, Esin: The Age of Sultan Süleyman the Magnificent
Champion, Jean-Loup, ed: Venice and the Islamic World 828-1797 Campbell, Caroline; Alan Chong: Bellini and the East Raby, Julian: Venice, Dürer and the Oriental Mode
Kincaid, Jamaica, and Eric Fischl: Annie, Gwen, Lilly, Pam and Tulip Ilchman, Frederick; with contributions by David Rosand; Linda Borean; Patricia Brown; John Garton, et al: Titian, Tintoretto, Veronese. Rivals in Renaissance Venice Marciari, John: Drawing in Tintoretto's Venice
Maste, Jeffrey and William M. West, eds: What Is Renaissance Drama? Renaissance Drama. New Series 40 Barkan, Leonard; Bradin Cormack and Sean Keilen, eds: The Forms of Renaissance Thought. New Essays in Literature and Culture Turner, Henry S., ed: The Culture of Capital: Property, Cities, and Knowledge in Early Modern England
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