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Dell, Christopher: WHAT MAKES A MASTERPIECE? : Encounters with Great Works of Art Stoddard, Whitney S: Sculptors of the West Portals of Chartres Cathedral: Pasquier, Alain: THE LOUVRE Greek, Etruscan and Roman Antiquities
Cottrell, Richard: LOOKING AT PAINTINGS A Private View Williamson, Paul: GOTHIC SCULPTURE 1140-1300 Duby, Georgess: SCULPTURE the Great Art of the Middle Ages from the Fifth to the Fifteenth Century
Demus, Otto [etc]: SAN MARC the Patriarchal Basilica in Venice The Mosaics; The History of the Lighting Pearson, Richard]: THESAURUS MEDICAMINUM. A New Collection of Medical Prescriptions Distributed Into Twelve Classes, And Accompanied with Pharmaceutical and Practical Remarks... Lucarelli, Francesco and Gerardo Marotta (Editors): NAPLES The Inside Lights
Brown, Michelle P: CHRISTIAN ART The Lion Companion Duby, Georgess: SCULPTURE THe Great Tradition of SCULPTURE From the Fifteenth to The Eighteenth Century G.M.H: THE BLUE EYED STRANGER with an Accompaniment for the Harp or Pianoforte Dedicated to the Hon. Countess Besborough
Stockhausen, F: ONCE MY SONG Parry, John: A.B.C. A Duet Representing a Lady Teaching a Foreign Language Knapton, Samuel: YE BANKS & BRAES OF BONNIE DOON and I HAD A HEART FOR FALSHOOD FRAM'D
Bishop, Henry: SHOULD HE UPBRAID Sung By Miss Tree More, Thomas: A CANADIAN BOAT-SONG Arranged for Three Voices Words By Thomas Moore Bishop, Henry R: HOME! SWEET HOME! sung by Miss M. Tree in Clari, or The Maid of Milan at the Theatre Royal Covent Garden / composed & partly founded on a Sicilian air by Henry R. Bishop
Burns, Robbie: I'M WEARING AWA' JEAN Burns, Robbie: AULD LANG SYNE Arranged for the Piano Forte By the Editors More, Thomas: MY HEART AND LUTE BALLAD
Bayly, Thomas Haynes: FLY AWAY PRETTY MOTH! A Ballad Bayly, Thomas Haynes: I'D BE A BUTTERFLY A Ballad Sung By... Miss Love Moscheles, I: THE SWISS BOY A Ballad No 1 of the Tyrolese Melodies
Parry, John: BLUE BONNETS OVER THE BORDER No 73 GOULDING & D'ALMAINES New & Correct Edition of SCOTTISH SONGS Bishop, Henry R: ISOBEL! sung by Miss Ashe and Also By Miss Ashe at The Nobilities Concerts The Poetry By Thomas Bayly Esq Sinclair, John: HEY THE BONNIE BREAST KNOTS BALLAD
Rodwell, G. Herbert: DRAW THE SWORD SCOTLAND! Scotish Ballad Sung By Mr Braham at the Concerts Nelson, S.; Charles Jeffreys: THE SHIP LAUNCH Rodwell, G. Herbert: THE TOAST BE DEAR WOMAN The Poetry By Edward Fitz Ball
Braham, Mr: NELSON The Celebrated Recitative and Air. As Performed in the Comic Opera of THE AMERICANS at the Theatre Royal, Lyceum Barnett, John: SHE SAT WITHIN THE ABBEY WALLS Ballad Coote, Charles: THE ECHOES OF TYROL Duet
Jordon, Dora]: THE BLUE BELL OF SCOTLAND Sung By Mrs Jordan At The Theatre Royal Drury Lane Neukomm, The Chevalier Sigismond/Barry Cornwall: THE SEA Sung By Mr Phillips Bishop, Henry R: THE KNIGHT WITH A SHOWY PLUME
Bridgewater, Thomas: ENGLAND-EUROPE'S GLORY A SONG Bayly, Thomas Haynes: WE MEET Ballad Sung By Miss Paton, Miss H Cawse Devereaux, L: THE SWISS HUNTERS WELCOME HOME
Stevenson, Robert Louis: VAILIMA PAPERS Stevenson, Robert Louis: THE STRANGE CASE OF DR. JECKELL AND MR HYDE Fables Other Stories and Fragments Stevenson, Robert Louis: AN INLAND VOYAGE, TRAVELS WITH A DONKEY IN THE CEVENNES
Stevenson, Robert Louis: PRINCE OTTO A Romance Stevenson, Robert Louis: ST IVES Being the Adventures of a French Prisioner in England Stevenson, Robert Louis: POEMS VOL. 2 BALLADS NEW POEMS
Stevenson, Robert Louis: CATRIONA Stevenson, Robert Louis: THE WRONG BOX THE BODY-SNATCHER Great Exhibition]: OFFICAL CATALOGUE OF THE GREAT EXHIBITION of Works of Industry of All Nations
Geological Map]: GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF ENGLAND AND WALES Sheet 100 SHEFFIELD 1914 Boskovits, Miklós; Brown, David Alan: ITALIAN PAINTINGS OF THE FIFTEENTH CENTURY Green, Alan: ALAN GREEN Small Paintings November 4-December 17 1994
Strong, Sir Roy [foreword]: 600 YEARS OF BRITISH PAINTING The Berger Collection at the Denver Art Museum Gunnarsson, Torsten: Nordic Landscape Painting in the Nineteenth Century Childrens]: A NEW BOOK OF NATURAL HISTORY OF BRITISH BIRDS For The Amusement of Good Children Adorned with Cuts
MacDuff, John R.]: BIBLE FORGET-ME-KNOTS A Daily Text-Book of Devine Promises Andaloro, Maria; et al: THE PATRIARCHAL BASILICA IN VENICE Vol 2 Wade Esq., J.A: I'VE WANDERED IN DREAMS Sung By Mr Braham & Mrs Geesin
Stevenson, Sir J.; Moore, Thomas: GO WHERE GLORY WAITS THEE, Arr. For Two voicesFrom A Selection of Irish Melodies Hodson, G.A: OH GIVE ME BUT MY ARAB STEED! A Romantic Ballad As Sung By Miss Forde and Mr Melrose at The Theatre-Royal Dublin.. Craven, J.T: THE LIGHT BARK Written By Miss Mahony for Madame Vestris
Horn, Charles Edward]: THE WOODMAN'S HUT: A Melo Drame: In Three Acts Parry, John [composed and arranged]: LOVE WAKES AND WEEPS A Serenade From the Highly Popular New Novel of The Pirate Braham, Mr: WHEN THE BOSOM HEAVES THE The Admired Duet, sung by Miss Stephens & Mr. Braham
Pinna, Joseph De: WHAT FAIRY LIKE MUSIC! A Gondola Song as Sung By Miss LOve and Mr Braham Horn, C.E: THE BONNIE FISH WIFE Bishop, Henry and T.H. Bayley Esq: OH! NO WE NEVER MENTION HER Sung By Mr Phillips and Miss Stephens
Pritchett, V.S: THE MYTH MAKERS Essays on European, Russian, and South American novelists Sellar, William Carruthers and Robert Julian Yeatman: 1966 and All That. A Memorable History of England A memorable history of England comprising , all the parts you can remember including one hundred and three good things, five bad Kings ane two genuine Dates Haskell, Francis: THE EPHEMERAL MUSEUM Old Master Paintings and the Rise of the Art Exhibition
Toomer, Heather: Lace a Guide to Identification of Old Lace Types & Techniques The Glasgow Almanack: THE GLASGOW ALMANACK FOR 1800 Being the 4th After Leap Year respectfuly Inscribed to the Honourable Laurence Craigie Esq, Lord Provost Nicomedensis, Arriani [Fascio, Bartolomeo]: NOVI XENOPHONTIS
Arnold, Matthew: SELECTED POEMS OF MATHEW ARNOLD Golden Treasuty Series Arbiter, Petronius: TITI PETRONII ARBITRI, EQUITIS ROMANI, SATYRICON: Cum Fragmentis Albe Graece Ann. 1688 Nunc Denum Integrum Bush, W.J: PRACTICAL RECIPES for the manufacture of aerated beverages, cordials, non-alcoholic brewed beers, carbonated mineral waters, and other popular Beverages
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