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CHENNEVIERES, Mis. de: Contes de Saint-Santin. Illustrations de Léonce Petit
Chevin, H., 1966: Végétation et peuplement entomologique des terrains sablonneux de la côte puest du Cotentin
Chiarelli, B. (organ.), 1968: Taxonomy and phylogeny of Old World primates, with reference to the origin of man. Proceedings of a Round Table held in Turin (Italy) on 3rd-6th June 1987
CHICK, Harriette, HUME, Margaret, & MACFARLANE, Marjorie: War on disease. A history of the Lister Institute
Chiji, M., 1961: Neogene biostratigraphy of the Toyama sedimentary basin, Japan Sea Coast. [Bull. Osaka Mus. Nat. Hist., 14.]
Chilingar, G.V., Bssell, H.J., & Fairbridge, R.W., editors, 1967: Carbonate rocks. Origin, occurrence, and classification. Physical and chemical aspects. [Developm. in Sedim., 9A & 9B.]
CHING, Francis D.K: Architecture. Form, space, and order. Third edition
Ching-te Chao, E., 1977: The Ries Crater of Southern Germany, a model for large basins on planetary surfaces. [Geol. Jahrb., Reihe A, 43.]
CHINYEKA, Kayombo ka: Vihandyeka vya mana. Sayings of Wisdom. [Acta Ethnol. Ling., 39 / Ser. Afric., 8.]
CHMIELINSKA, Maria: Polska bibliografia roslin przemyslowych 1588-1940
Choffat, P., 1885: Recueil de monographies stratigraphiques sur le Système Crétacique du Portugal
CHOFFAT, Paul, 1903: L'Infralias et le Sinémurien du Portugal
CHOISY, Jacques Denys (1799-1859): Mémoire sur la famille des Sélaginées, lu à la Société de Physique et d'Histoire naturelle de Genève, le 24 janvier 1823
CHOISY, Jacques-Denis (1799-1859): Conférences sur quelques sujets religieux et philosophiques. Précédés d'une notice biographique par M. le Professeur Alphonse de Candolle
CHONG, Elizabeth: De Chinese kookkunst. [Vertaald uit het Engels door Kwee Siok Lan.]
Chop, M: Leiddraad door Richard Wagner's werken. Bewerkt door Wilhelmine van Westrheene. Tweede, herziene druk
Choubert, G., & Gardet, G., 1935: Le Permien des Vosges
Chrambach, A., Dunn, M.J., & Radola, B.J. (editors): Advances in electrophoresis. Volume 2
Chrambach, A., Dunn, M.J., & Radola, B.J. (editors): Advances in electrophoresis. Volume 4
Chrambach, A., Dunn, M.J., & Radola, B.J. (editors): Advances in electrophoresis. Volume 5
Chrambach, A., Dunn, M.J., & Radola, B.J. (editors): Advances in electrophoresis. Volume 6
Chrambach, A., Dunn, M.J., & Radola, B.J. (editors): Advances in electrophoresis. Volume 7
Christ, P., 1920: Geologische Beschreibung des Klippengebietes Stanserhorn-Arvigrat am Vierwaldstättersee. [Beitr. Geol. Karte d. Schweiz, N.F., 12.]
Christodoulou, G., 1960: Geologische und mikropaläontologische Untersuchungen auf der Insel Karpathos (Dodekanes)
CHU, Yuan-ling, LO, Yun-ling, & WU, Han-ling, 1963 (1972): A sudy on the classification of the Sciaenoid fishes of Chinia, with description of new genera and species
Chudinova, I.I., 1959: Devonian Tamnoporida from Southern Siberia. [Trudy Paleont. Inst., 83.]
Chudinova, I.I., 1964: Tabulata of Lower and Middle Devonian of the Kuznets basin. [Trudy Paleont. Inst., 99.]
Churcher, C.S., editor, 1976: Athlon: essays on palaeontology in honour of Loris Shano Russell
CHURCHILL, Sir Winston: De Tweede Wereldoorlog. Vierde druk
CHURE, Daniel J., & McINTOSH, John S: A bibliography of the Dinosauria (exclusive of the Aves) 1677-1985. [Mus. West. Colorado Paleont. Ser., 1.]
Cicha, I. (editor), 1975: Biozonal division of the Upper Tertiary basins of the Eastern Alps and West Carpathians. Proceedings of the VIth Congress, IUGS Commission on Stratigraphy [...], Bratislava, September 1975
Cicha, I., 1970: Stratigraphical problems in the Miocene in Europe. [Rozpr. Ustr. Ust. Geol., 35.]
Cicha, I., et al., 1967: Chronostratigraphie und Neostratotypen, Miozän der zentralen Paratethys. Band I. M3 (Karpatien). Die Karpatische Serie und ihr Stratotypus
Cieslinski, S., 1959: The Albian and Cenomanian in the Northern periphery of the Swiety Krzyz Mountains. [Prace Inst. Geol., 28.]
CILLEKENS-COX, Lies (e.a., red.): Sprekende getuigen. Herinneringen uit de periode 1940-1945 in Roermond
Cita, M.B., 1953: Studi geologici sulla Val Ferret (Alta Val d'Aosta)
Claassen, T.H.L., 1987: Typologie en normstelling. Een aquatisch-oecologisch onderzoek in Friesland
CLAPP, Charles H., 1916: Géologie de la carte-feuille de Nanaïmo. [Mém. Comm. Géol. Minist. Mines Canada, 51.]
CLARK, Charles Grant: A colour atlas of upper gastrointestinal surgery
Clark, D.L., editor, 1984: Conodont biofacies and provincialism
CLARK, Henry James (1826-1873): Lucernariae and their allies. A memoir on the anatomy and physiology of Haliclystus auricula and other Lucernarians [...]. [Smithson. Contr. Knowl., 242.]
Clarke, F.W: The constants of Nature. Part I. Specific gravities; boiling and melting points; and chemical formula. [Smithsonian Miscellanous Collections. 255.]
Clarke, J.M, (et al.), 1903: Report of the State Paleontologist 1902. [New York State Mus. Bull., 69.]
Clarke, J.M., & Luther, D.D., 1904: Stratigraphic and paleontologic map of Canandaigua and Naples quadrangles. [New York State Mus. Bull., 63.]
Clarke, J.M., & Ruedemann, R., 1903: Catalogue of type specimens of Paleozoic fossils in New York State Museum. [Bull. N.Y. State Mus., 284.]
Clarke, J.M., & Ruedemann, R., 1903: Guelph fauna in the State of New York
Clarke, J.M., 1894: The Lower Silurian Cephalopoda of Minnesota. [Exctracted from:] Geological and Natural History Survey of Minnesota. Volume III. Paleontology. Chapter IX
Clarke, R.F.A., & Verdier, J.P., 1967: An investigation of microplankton assemblages from the Chalk of the Isle of Wight, England
CLAUSING, Adolf: Späte Muse. Nicht mehr zeitgemässe Strophen, Verse und Reime
Clayton, G., et al., 1977: Carboniferous miospores of Western Europa: illustration and zonation. [Meded. Rijks Geol. Dienst, 29.]
CLAYTON, H. Helm (compiler and editor): Worls weather records. Collected from official aources by Dr. Felix Exner, Sir Gilbert Walker, Dr. G.G. Simpson, H. Helm Clayton, Robert C. Mossmann. Assembled and arranged for publication by H. Helm Clayton. [Smithson. Misc. Coll., 79.]
Clemensson, G. (editor), 1958: Kolbrytning och kolfältundersökningar i Skåne från 1658 till 1737. [Stenkol och lera. Skildringar [...]. 2.]
Clemensson, G. (editor), 1963: Skånska Stenkolsverket 1737-1786. [Stenkol och lera. Skildringar [...].. 3.]
CLEVE, Astrid, 1901: Zum Pflanzenleben im nordschwedischen Hochgebirge. Einige ökologische und phänologische Beiträge
CLIGNETT, Robine (*1948): De hoge hoed van de schoorsteenveger
Cloos, H., 1923: Das Batholithenproblem. [Fortschr. Geol. Paläont., 1.]
Cloos, H., 1927: Die Plutone des Passauer Waldes, ihr Bau und ihre innere Tektonik. (Tektonik und Magma, Untersuchungen zur Geologie der Tiefen, Band III.} [Mon. Geol. Palaeont., Ser. II, Heft 3.]
CLOQUET, Norbert: Lettres sur les antiquités trouvés à Feluy & aux environs. (Extrait du tome IV des Annales de la Cercle archéologique de Mons.)
Closs, D., 1960: Contribuçao ao estudio do Aptychi (Cephalopoda-Ammonoidea) do Jurassico. [Publ. Esp. Esc. Geol. Rio Grande do Sul, 2.]
Cobban, Wm.A., 1987: Some Middle Cenomanian (Upper Cretacous) Acanthoceratid ammonited from the Western Interior of the United States. [U.S. Geol. Surv. Prof. Pap., 1443.]
Cocchi, I., 1864: Monografia dei Pharyngodopilidae. Nuovo famiglia di pesce labroidi. Studi paleontologici
Cocks, L.R.M., & Rickards, R.B. (editors), 1988: A global analysis of the Ordovician-Silurian boundary. [Bull. Brit. Mus. (Nat. Hist.), Geol. Ser., 43.]
Cocks, L.R.M., 1978: A review of British Lower Palaeozoic brachiopods, including a synoptic revision of Davidson's monograph. [Mon. Palaeontogr. Soc., 131.]
Cocozza,T. (et la.), 1974: Schema stratigrafico-strutturale del Massiccio Sard-Corso e minerogenesi della Sardegna
COE, Wesley R., 1901: The Nemerteans. (Papers from the Harriman Alaska Expedition. XX.)
COEBERGH, P.M: Het Drostambt Tüddern
COENEN, Adriaen (1514-1587): Het Walvisboek. Walvissen en andere zeewezens beschreven door Adriaen Coenen in 1585. Redactie en inleiding Florike Egmond en Peter Mason met commentaar door Kees Lankester
Coenen, Adriaen: The Whale Book. Whales and other marine animals as described by Adrriaen Coenen in 1585. Edited with an introduction by Florike Egmond and Peter Mason, with commentaries by Kees Lankester
Coffey, G., & Praeger, R.L.. 1904: The Larne raised beach. A contribution to the Neolithic history of the North of Ireland
Cogels, P., & Van den Broeck, E., 1883: Observations géologiques faites à Anvers à l'occasion des travaux de creusement des nouvelles cales sêches et de prolongement du bassin du Kattendyk. [Extrait des Annales de la Société Malacologique de Belgique, tome XIV, 1879.]
COHEN, Alexander: Van anarchist tot monarchist. Verluchtingen door Leo Gestel
Cohen, C.L.D., 1965: Coccoliths and discoasters from Adriatic bottom sediments
COHEN, Emil (1842-1905): Erläuternde Bemerkungen zu der Routenkarte einer Reise von Lydenburg nach den Goldfeldern und von Lydenburg nach der Delgoa Bai im östlichen Süd-Afrika
COHEN, Ernst: Na driekwart eeuw. Levensherinneringen. Redactie: Frits Broeyer, Leen Dorsman
Coleman, J.M., 1969: Brahmaputra River: channel processes and sedimentation
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