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HODDER, Edwin: The Life and Work of the Seventh Earl of Shaftesbury K.G FINDLAY, John G: The Imperial Conference of 1911 from Within EGERTON, Hugh Edward: Federations and Unions Within the British Empire
WALKER, Eric A: The Study of British Imperial History. An Inaugural History SETON-WATSON, R.W: Disraeli, Gladstone and the Eastern Question. A Study in Diplomacy and Party Politics CARRINGTON, C.E: The Liquidation of the British Empire
MARSDEN, Arthur: British Diplomacy and Tunis 1875 - 1902. A Case Study in Mediterranean Policy WHITE, Stephen: Britain and the Bolshevik Revolution. A Study in the Politics of Diplomacy 1920 - 1924 LOWE, Peter: Great Britain and Japan, 1911 - 1915. A Study in British Far Eastern Policy
CARRINGTON, C.E: The British Overseas: Exploits of a Nation of Shopkeepers. PART ONE: Making of the Empire PAUL, Herbert: A History of Modern Europe CRANKSHAW, Edward: Russia and Britain
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COULTON, G.G: Social Life in Britain from the Conquest to the Reformation BUISSERET, David: Sully and the Growth of Centralized Government in France 1598 - 1610 BURKE, Bernard: Vicissitudes of Families. Second Series
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HATCH, Edwin: The Influence of Greek Ideas and Usages Upon the Christian Church HARE, Christopher: The Life of Louis XI. The Rebel Dauphin and the Statesman King PHILLIPS, W. Alison: The Revolution in Ireland 1906 - 1923
DICKINSON, Jocelyne Gledhill: The Congress of Arras 1435. A Study in Medieval Diplomacy GEBHART, Emile: Mystics and Heretics in Italy at the End of the Middle Ages WANGERIN, Walter Jr: The Book of the Dun Cow
CLARK, Leonard: The Poetry Of Nature SPOURS, Judy: Art Deco Tableware HATCH, Edwin: The Growth of Church Institutions
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HUME, Martin: Treason and Plot. Struggles for Catholic Supremacy in the Last Years of Queen Elizabeth CARTWRIGHT, Justin: Interior CLINTON, Henry Fynes: An Epitome of the Civil and Literary Chronology of Greece from the Earliest Accounts to the Death of Augustus
DOYLE, Arthur Conan: The British Campaign in France and Flanders 1914 - 1918 MALLESON, G.B: Akbar (Rulers of India ) MACLEAR, G.F: Conversion of the West: The English
FREEMAN, Edward A: History of Federal Government in Greece and Italy MACLEAN, James N.M: Reward is Secondary. The Life of a Political Adventurer and an Inquiry Into the Mystery of 'Junius' HOLMES, John Haynes: Palestine To-day and To-morrow
FORBES, Archibal; MacGAHAN, J.A. And Others: The War Correspondence of the "Daily News" 1877 with a Connected Narrative Forming a Continuous History of the War Between Russia and Turkey Tom the Fall of Kars HUXLEY, Elspeth: The Walled City SMITH, Norman Kemp: Prologemena to an Idealist Theory of Knowledge
ROYAL INSTITUTE OF PHILOSOPHY: Lectures Volume Four: 1969 - 70 RUSSELL, Bertrand: Political Ideals KALLEN, Horace Meyer: William James and Henri Bergson. A Study in Contrasting Theories of Life
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