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GRUNWALD, Max: Vienna (Jewish Communities Series) BLAU, Joseph, and Others: Essays on Jewish Life and Thought. Presented in Honor of Salo Wittmayer Baron SCHMIDT, Walther: Ein Architekt Geht Uber Feld. Betrachtungen Zur Baugestaltung
HALE-WHITE, William: Keats as Doctor and Patient WHITE, R.S: Keats as a Reader of Shakespeare CHILCOTT, Tim: A Publisher and His Circle
WALDOFF, Leon: Keats and the Silent Work of the Imagination GITTINGS, Robert: The Keats Inheritance BUSH, Douglas: John Keats
WATKINS, Daniel P: Keats's Poetry and the Politics of the Imagination FORMAN, M. Buxton: John Keats and His Family. A Series of Portraits FAUSSET, Michael: Pilate Pasha
HARWELL, Thomas Meade: Keats and the Critics 1848 - 1900 ZILLMAN, Lawrence John: John Keats and the Sonnet Tradition. A Critical and Comparative Study KEATS, John: Endymion. A Poetic Romance. Type Facsimile of the First Edition, with Introduction and Notes
EDGCUMBE, Fred: Letters of Fanny Brawne to Fanny Keats 1820 - 1824 BRIDGES, Robert: A Critical Introduction to Keats PRICE, Candelent: Keats' Finales: Hyperion and the Eve of Saint Mark
O'BRIEN, William: Recollections ARNON, Harriette: The Dollmaker COETZEE, J.H: Die Barmhartigheidsdiens Van Die Gereformeerde Kerk in Suid Afrika (1859 - 1949)
RAI, B.K: Pests of Oilseed Crops in India and Their Control TOWNSEND, Meredith: Asia and Europe. Studies Presenting the Conclusions Formed By the Author in a Long Life Devoted to the Subject of the Relations Between Asia and Europe HANSEN, Ronald & KIRBUS, Federico: The Life Story of Juan Manuel Fangio
(GRAND PRIX RACING): Official Programme Derde/Third Suid Afrikaanse Grand Prix / Grand Prix of South Africa 1 March 1969 BREDEKAMP, H.C. & HATTINGH, J.L: Das Tagebuch Und Die Briefe Von Georg Schmidt, Dem Ersten Missionar in Sudafrika (1737 - 1744) / Dagboek En Briewe Van Georg Schmidt Eerste Sendeling in Suid Afrika (1737 - 1744) ZASLAVSKY, Claudia: Africa Counts. Number and Pattern in African Culture
BUXTON, John: Sir Philip Sidney and the English Renaissance HOBART, Alice Tisdale: The Peacock Sheds Its Tail CROMPTON, Richmal: Matty and the Dearingroydes
MURSALO, T.A: In Search of a Better Life. A Story of Croatian Settlers in Southern Africa BATEMAN, Colin: Divorcing Jack BRINKMAN, L.H: The Breath of the Karroo. A Story of Boer Life in the Seventies
KEBLE, John: Praelectiones Academicae Oxonii Habitae Annis MDCCCXXXII ...... MDCCCXLI BETTANY, G.T: The World's Religions. A Popular Account of Religions Ancient and Modern ROBERTSON, Olivia: Field Of The Stranger
HARRISON, Frank & WIBBERLEY, Roger: Manuscripts of Fourteenth Century Polyphony . A Selection of Facsimiles (Early English Church Music #26) WHITE, Gilbert (Notes By Frank BUCKLAND), Illustrated by P.H.Delamotte: The Natural History and Antiquities of Selborne KEELING, B.S. & WRIGHT, A.E.G: The Development of the Modern British Steel Industry
YOUNG, Peter: George Washington's Army ASCHER, B.H.A (Edited and Translated by): The Book of Life and Expression of the Tongue. The Firsat Being a Complete Formula of the Service and Family Devotion.....; The Latter Being Prayers and Supplications to be Used on Visiting the Burial Grounds, and a Selection of Moral Reflections BROWN, Robert: Researches Into the Origina of the Primitive Constellations of the Greeks, Phoenicians and Babylonians VOLUME TWO ONLY
EDELMAN, Maurice: Who Goes Home ARGYLE, E.W: Ships on Stamps. PART ONE: The Royal Navy om Stamps ARGYLE, E.W: Ships on Stamps. PART TWO: Passenger Liners
ARGYLE, E.W: Ships on Stamps. PART THREE: Early Sailing Ships and Canoes ARGYLE, E.W: Ships on Stamps. PART FOUR: Sailing Ships ARGYLE, E.W: Ships on Stamps. PART FIVE: Local Craft
ARGYLE, E.W: Ships on Stamps. PART SIX: Cross-Channel, River & Lake Passenger Ships ARGYLE, E.W: Ships on Stamps. PART SEVEN: Cargo Ships, Oil Tankers ARGYLE, E.W: Ships on Stamps. PART NINE: Ships of the World's Navies
HOWE, George: Call It Treason JOHNS, W.E. (Edited by): Wings. A Book of Flying Adventures McBAIN, Ed: Sadie When She Died
ROBERTS, Austin (Revised McLACHLAN, G.R. & LIVERSIDGE, R): Roberts Birds of South Africa MACLEAN, Gordon Lindsay (ROBERTS, Austin): Roberts Birds of South Africa DAVIDSON, Caroline: . A History of Housework in the British Isles 1650 - 1950
TYRRELL, Barbara: The Tribal Peoples of Southern Africa GODDEN, Jon: The House By The Sea BAEDEKER, Karl: Paris Und Umgebung
WESSELS, J.W: History of Roman Dutch Law RAYER, P: Traite Des Maladies De La Peau: ATLAS Only HSU, Shuhsi: Three Weeks of Canton Bombings
PEEL, Robert & MINCHIN, H.C: Oxford PAGET, Stephen: Pasteur and After Pasteur MEIKLEJOHN, A: The Life Work and Times of Charles Turner Thackrah. Surgeon and Apothecary of Leeds (1795 - 1833)
VINCENT, Mrs. Howard: China to Peru Over the Andes. A Journey Through South America HICHENS, Robert: Veils TURNER, J.W: An Introduction to the Study of Roman Private Law
COOKRIDGE, E.H: The Third Man. The Truth About Kim Philby Double Agent DIMBLEBY, Richard: The Waiting Year VAN DER SCHIJFF, H.P: A Check List of the Vascular Plants of the Kruger Park
MEZO, Ferenc: The Modern Olympic Games WHITFORD, Frank: Expressionist Portraits DEFORD, Frank: Big Bill Tilden
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