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TICKELL, Jerrard: See How They Run BLAKER, Richard, Illustrated by Youngman Carter: But Beauty Vanishes CRONIN, A.J: Hatter's Castle
BUCK, Pearl: The Patriot WILLIAMSON, Henry: The Gold Falcon STRONG, L.A.G: The Open Sky
BELL, Neil: Testament of Stephen Fane WOODRUFF, Philip: Call the Next Witness THOMAS, Alan: The Director
NORRIS, Kathleen: Miss Harriet Townshend WHIPPLE, Dorothy: The Priory STATHAM, F.R: Blacks Boers and British
(ANON): A Historical & Philosophical Sketch of the Discoveries & Settlements of the Europeans in Northern & Western Africa at the Close of the Eighteenth Century COLEMAN, Francis L: The Kaffrarian Rifles 1876 - 1986 LESLIE, N.B: The Succession of Colonels of the British Army from 1660 to the Present Day
WOODCOCK, Henry: The Hero of the Humber, or the History of John Ellerthorpe (Foreman of the Humber Dock Gates, Hull ). Bein g a Record of Remarkable Incidents in His Career as a Sailor..... PAGET, John: Paradoxes and Puzzles. Historical, Judicial and Literary BERGMAN, Sten: Through Kamchatka By Dog-sled & Skis. a Vivd Description of Adventurous Journeys Amongst the Interesting & Almost Unknown Peoples of the Most Inaccessible Parts of This Remote Siberian Peninsula
LURIE, Alison: Real People O.K. (NOVIKOFF, Olga) (Preface James Anthony FROUDE): Russia and England from 1876 to 1880. a Protest and an Appeal BLACKER, L.V.S: On Secret Patrol in High Asia
BOYLE, Frederick: Chronicles of No-Man's Land PENNELL, Alice M: Pennell of the Afghan Frontier. The Life of Thomas Leighton Pennell M.D., B.Sc., F.R.C.S COULDRY, Oswald J: South Indian Hours
BATTERSBY, H.F. Prevost: India Under Royal Eyes CHIGNELL, Arthur Kent: An Outpost in Papua BURY, G. Wyman: Arabia Infelix or the Turks in Yamen
O'CONNOR, Frederick: On the Frontier and Beyond. A Record of Thirty Years' Service GILBERT, Michael: The Body of a Girl GOWERS, W.R: Lectures on the Diagnosis of Diseases of the Brain
RYAN, Charles E: With an Ambulance During the Franco-German War. Personal Experiences and Adventures with Both Armies 1870 - 1871 JEFFERIES, Richard: Round About a Great Estate BISCHOF, Werner; FRANK, Robert & VERGER, Pierre (Text: Georges ARNAUD): Indiens Pas Morts
MITCHELL, Mrs. Murray: Sixty Years Ago DOUGLAS, William: Duelling Days in the Army CRAIG, E. H. Cunningham: Oil-Finding. An Introduction to the Geological Study of Petroleum
ESCOTT, T.H.S: Pillars of the Empire. Sketches of Living Indian and Colonial Statesmen, Celebrities and Officials GALLENGA, Antonio: A Summer Tour in Russia GILBERT: The Long Journey Home
YOUNGHUSBAND, Frances Edward: The Heart of the Continent. A Narrative of Travels in Manchuria Across the Gobi Desert, Through the Himalayas, the Pamir and Hunza 1884 - 1894 KOVACS, T; PETRES, E & SZABO, M (Edited By): Transdanubia I (Corpus of Celtic Finds in Hungary I) MUKASA, Ham: Uganda's Katikiro in England, Being the Official Account of His Visit to the Coronation of His Majesty King Edward VII
DINGLE, Edwin J: Across China on Foot. Life in the Interior and the Reform Movement BELL, Gertrude Lowthian: The Desert and the Sown DAUNCEY, Mrs. Campbell: An Englishwoman in the Philippines
OSBORNE, Edith (Mrs. Blake): Twelve Months in Southern Europe GIEVE, James (?Compiled by): The Royal Navy as a Profession, and Notes for the Guidance of a Young Officer in the Early Days of His First Appointment MILLER, Hugh: Leading Articles on Various Subjects
MORANT, George C: Chili and the River Plate in 1891. Reminiscences of Travel in South America LONGFORD, Joseph H: The Story of Old Japan ATKINS, John Black: The War in Cuba, the Experiences of an Englishman with the United States Army
MACDONALD, J.H.A: Life Jottings of an Old Edinburgh Citizen FOSTER, Wolcott C: A Treatise on Wooden Trestle Bridges According to the Present Practice on American Railroads GEIKIE, James: Earth Sculpture or the Origin of Land-Forms
DE JONG, J.D. (Editor): Sedimentary Geology. International Journal of Pure and Applied Sedimentology. VOL 17: 1-4 DE JONG, J.D. (Editor): Sedimentary Geology. International Journal of Pure and Applied Sedimentology. VOL 18: 1-4 DE JONG, J.D. (Editor): Sedimentary Geology. International Journal of Pure and Applied Sedimentology. VOL 19: 1-4
WASIA, D.N: Geology of India for Students GILBERT, Michael: The Final Throw STRANGE, William Lumisden: Indian Storage Reservoirs with Earthen Dams, Being a Practical Treatise on Their Design and Construction
WHITLOCK, Herbert P: Calcites of New York RUEDEMANN, Rudolf: Graptolites of New York: Part 1: Graptolites of the Lower Beds Part 2: Graptolites of the Higher Beds EASTMAN, Charles R: Devonic Fishes of the New York Formations
CLARKE, John M. & RUEDEMANN, Rudolf: The Eurypterida of New York PECK, Charles H: Report of the State Botanist on Edible Fungi of New York CASE, E.C: New Reptiles and Stegocephalians from the Upper Triassic of Western Texas
"CAVENDISH" (Henry JONES): Card Essays, Clay's Decisions and Card-Table Talk DORAN, John: Memories of Our Great Towns with Anecdotic Gleanings Concerning Their Worthies and Their Oddities (!860 - 1877) APPERLEY, Newton Wynne: A Hunting Diary
HUGHES, Thomas: Vacation Rambles SWINBURNE, T.R: A Holiday in the Happy Valley with Pen and Pencil JOHNSTON, Alfred St: Camping Among Cannibals
JACOB, Gertrude L: The Raja of Sarawak. An Account of Sir James Brooke K.C.B. LL.D., Given Chiefly Through Letters and Journals VOLUME II ONLY COIGNET, C: A Gentleman of The Olden Time. Francois De Scepeaux, Sire De Vielleville. Portraits and Stories of the Sixteenth Century During the Reign of Henri II MORSE, John T. Jr: Life and Letters of Oliver Wendell Holmes
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