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BASILEWSKY, P & LELEUP, N (Various contributors): Mission Zoologique De L'I.R.S.A.C En Afrique Orientale. RESULTATS SCIENTIFIQUES PREMIERE PARTIE
JEANNEL, Rene: Pselaphides Recueillis Par N. Leleup Au Congo Belge XVI - XVIII
JEANNEL, Rene: Les Pselaphides De L'Afrique Australe
LELEUP, N: La Faune Cavernicole Du Congo Belge et Considerations Sur Les Coleopteres Reliques d'Afrique Intertropicale
O'BRIEN, Dan: In the Center of the Nation
DEMOSTHENES: Complete Works: Olynthiacs, Philippics, Minor Public Orations, De Corona, De Falsa Legatione, Meidias, Androtion, Aristocrates, Democrates, Aristogeiton, Private Orations, In Neaeram, Funeral Speech, Erotic Essay, Exordia Letters
STURGEON, Graeme: The Development of Australian Sculpture 1788-1975
GELFAND, Michael & RITCHKEN, Joseph (Edited by): Geoffrey Martin Huggins Viscount Malvern 1883 - 1971. His Life and Work
McWILLIAM, Colin: Scottish Townscape
TERTIUM QUID (Preface By H A DALLAS): The Verdict -- ? A Study of the Probable Origin of Certain Physic Phenomena Together with a Record of Very Strikung Personal Experiences
BUCK, Pearl S: East Wind West Wind
STUART, Ian (Alistair Maclean): The Dark Invader
ALINGTON, C.A: Blackmail in Blankshire
CASSIDY, David: David Cassidy Annual 1975
MARKHAM, S.F: The Nineteen Hundreds Being the Story of the Buckinghamshire Towns of Wolverton and Stony Stratford During the Years 1900 - 1911
HYDE, F.E & MARKHAM, S.F: A History of Stony Stratford and the Immediate Vicinity
DUDLEY, Howard: The History and Antiquities of Horsham
BOWLEY, A.L: The Nature and Purpose of the Measurement of Social Phenomena
BOVILL, Mai & ASKWITH, George: 'Roddy Owen' (Brevet -Major Lancashire Fusiliers D.S.O.)
SCHEIDEL, A: The Cyanide Process. Its Practical Application and Economical Results
MACLEOD, Robert: Path Of Ghosts
CREMER, Hermann: Biblico-Theological Lexicon of New Testament Greek
NAIPAUL, V.S: The Middle Passage. The Caribbean Revisited
WHITEHOUSE, F.C: Sport Fishes of Western Canada and Some Others
RHODESIA RAILWAYS & SOUTH AFRICAN RAILWAY ADMINISTRATION: Rhodesia for Tourists and Sportsmen. An Official Handbook Indicating the Places of Main Interest in Rhodesia
WADE, Wyn Craig: The Titanic End of a Dream
STENT, Vere (Introduction J. Percy FITZPATRICK): A Perdsonal Record of Some Incidents in the Life of Cecil Rhodes
VAUDOYER, Jean Louis (Under the Direction and Patronage of the American Legion in France ): En France
HAMILTON, Cosmo, Illustrated by Massaguer: People Worth Talking Aboiut
ELIOT, T.S Inroduces: The Testament Of Immortality
GARLINSKI. Jozef: Fighting Auschwitz. The Resistance Movement in the Concentration Camp
MOULT, Margaret Mary (Dame Maurus): The Escaped Nun. The Story of Her Life
MARTIN, Judy & STRIBLEY, Miriam: Calligraphy. Stage By Stage Skills and Techniques
EVANS, George: An Introduction to Calligraphy
HALLIDAY, Peter (Edited by): Calligraphy Masterclass
CLARK, John: Natal Settler-Agent. The Career of John Moreland Agent for the Byrne Emigration Scheme of 1849-1851
GOLDSMITH, Joel S: Leave Your Nets
SINKLER, Lorraine: The Spiritual Journey of Joel S. Goldsmith
DORNER, Gerd: Les Arts Primitifs Du Mexique
SLABBERT, F. Van Zyl (Edited By Dene SMUTS): The System and the Struggle. Reform Revolt & Reaction in South Africa
PEREZ-REVERTE, Arturo: The Fencing Master
CARUS-WILSON, E.M. (Edited by): Essays on Economic History Volumes One and Two
BIRMINGHAM, W & FORD, A.G. (Edited by): Planning and Growth in Rich and Poor Countries
LECHLER, Gotthard Victor: Geschichte Des Englischen Deismus
NIGG, Walter: Prophetische Denker
BENNETT, Joseph: Forty Years of Music 1865 - 1905
GLASENAPP, C.Fr., Illustrated by Franz Stassen: Siegfried Wagner Und Seine Kunst. Gesammelte Aufsatze Uber Das Dramatische Schaffen Siegfried Wagners Vom 'Bahrenhauter' Bis Zum 'Banadietrich'
KRITZINGER, S.J. (Compiled by): Gedenkboek Oor Die Familie Kritzinger
GREIG, Desmond (Edited by): ARTLOOK #4 February 1967
GREIG, Desmond (Edited by): ARTLOOK #7 June 1967
GREIG, Desmond (Edited by): ARTLOOK #5 March/April 1967
GREIG, Desmond (Edited by): ARTLOOK #8 July 1967
GREIG, Desmond (Edited by): ARTLOOK #10 September 1967
GREIG, Desmond (Edited by): ARTLOOK #13 December 1967
RAAS, G.W.(Edited by): ARTLOOK #17 April 1968
RAAS, G.W.(Edited by): ARTLOOK #19 June 1968
RAAS, G.W: ARTLOOK #20 July1968
WILLIAMS, Valentine: The Man With The Club Foot
EGLINGTON, Hope (Edited by): Artlook #24 November 1968
EGLINGTON, Hope (Edited by): Artlook #26 January 1969
EGLINGTON, Hope (Edited by): Artlook #29 April 1969
EGLINGTON, Hope (Edited by): Artlook #30 May 1969
EGLINGTON, Hope (Edited by): Artlook #31 June 1969
EGLINGTON, Hope (Edited by): Artlook #32 July 1969
EGLINGTON, Hope (Edited by): Artlook #39 February 1970
EGLINGTON, Hope (Edited by): Artlook #42 May 1970
EGLINGTON, Hope (Edited by): Artlook #44 July 1970
SEAMARK: The Vantone Diamonds
EGLINGTON, Hope (Edited by): Artlook #46 September 1970
EGLINGTON, Hope (Edited by): Artlook #57 August 1971
EGLINGTON, Hope (Edited by): Artlook #59 October 1971
BELLONZI, Fortunato: Cagli. Opera Grafica
(BIBLE) KOKOSCHKA, Oscar, Illustrated by Oscar Kokoschka: Saul and David. With 41 Lithographs
BAUME, Eric: Devil Lords Daughter
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