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WINCKLER, W: Die Opleiding Van Ons Kerklike Werkers. Referaat Gelees Op Die Twede Kerk-Konferensie Van Die Broederkerk in Suidafrika
SCHABERG, P.W: Johann Augusta. 'n Biskop Van Die Ou Broederkerk Wat 16 Jaar Gevange Was
(MORAVIAN CHURCH): Avondmaalsboekje Voor Confirmanden En Avondmaalsgangers
MORAVIAN CHURCH: De Geschiedenis Van Den 17 Augustus 1727
MORAVIAN CHURCH: Hoofdinhoud Der Christelijke Heilsleer Ten Gebruik in Het Onderwijs in De Zendingsgemeenten Der Evangelische Broederkerk in Zuid-Afrika
MORAVIAN CHURCH (LUTHER, Martin): Dr. Martin Luther's Kleine Katechismus Met Verklring. Hoofst.I-III
MORAVIAN CHURCH: Die 200-Jarige Jubelfees Van Die Sendingwerk Van Die Broederkerk in Suid-Afrika. 1737-1937. Ds. Dr. Helperus Ritzema Van Lier
SCHMIDT, R: Die Broederkerk (Die Wortel Waaruit Ons spruit) En Die Broeder-kerk in Suid-Afrika Wes ('n Kort Skets Uit Die Verlede)
MORAVIAN CHURCH: De Kinder-Vriend Van Genadendal Deel XLVII No.9
MORAVIAN CHURCH: De Kinder-Vriend Van Genadendal Deel XLVII No.10
MORAVIAN CHURCH: Kerstfeesboekje Van De Kinder-Vriend Van Genadendal Deel XXXVIII No.12
MORAVIAN CHURCH: Kerstfeesboekje Van De Kinder-Vriend Van Genadendal Deel LIII No.12
HESSE, Hermann: Peter Camenzind
HOLT, Tom: Who's Afraid of Beowulf?
HARDY, Ronald: The Ironsnake
CARR, E. (Introduction by): Copper Roofing. A Practical Handbook
GOETHE (Translated William Page ANDREWS; Edited and Revised George M PRIEST & Karl E. WESTON): Goethe's Faust Part I
HEYDT, Johan Wolffgang (Translated and Edited By R. RAVEN-HART): Scenes of the Cape of Good Hope in 1741
JOHNSON, Paul C: Farm Inventions in the Making of America
WILSON, Derek: A Tudor Tapestry. Men, Women and Society in Reformation England
REID, T. Wemyss: The Life Letters and Friendships of Richard Monckton Milnes First Lord Houghton
NIGHTINGALE, Pamela: Trade and Empir in Western India 1784-1806
GALBRAITH, John S: Reluctant Empire. British Policy on the South African Frontier 1834-1854
COLLINGWOOD, Peter: The Techniques of Rug Weaving
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QUICK, Robert Herbert: Essays on Educational Reformers
ALLEN, Vivien: Lady Trader
WHITE, Paul: Jungle Doctor Panorama
PLOWES, D.C.H. & DRUMMOND, R.B: Wild Flowers of Rhodesia: A Guide to Some of the Common Wild Flowers of Rhodesia
GOLDSMITH, John A: Autosegmental & Metrical Phonology
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HOGE, James O.(Edited by): Lady Tennyson's Journals
RAWNSLEY, H.D: Memories of the Tennysons
CARSTASIRS, G,M, & KAPUR, R.L: The Great Universe of Kota. Stress, Change and Mental Disorder in an Indian Village
WIESE, Heinrich: Auf Schweren Posten Im Zululande. Lebenserfahrungen Des Missionars F. Volker Nach Aufzeignungen Seine Gattin
BODENSTEIN, Wilhelm: 25 Jahre Arbeit Der Hermannsburger Deutsch-Evangelisch-Lutherishen Synode in Sud Afrika
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HEYNEKE, Thekla: Bilder Aus Der Vergangenheit Der Familien Volker Lutz Ebert
SANDS, P.C: The Client Princes of the Roman Empire Under the Republic
WEBSTER, David: Bodybuilding. An Illustrated History
LABAND, J.P.C. & THOMPSON, P.S: A Field Guide to the War in Zululand 1879
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UKPONG, Justin S: African Theologies Now. A Profile
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TESSIER, Roger (Edited by): Young People in African Towns. Their Pastoral Care
BRISLIN, Stephen: The Ministry of Deacons in an African Diocese
HEARNE, Brian (Edited by): An African Christmas?
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M'NEILE, Alan Hugh: The Gospel According to St. Matthew: The Greek Text, with Introduction, Notes and Indices
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GANOCZY, Alexandre: Calvin Theologien De L'Eglise et Du Ministere
DUQUOC, Ch: Christologie Essai Dogmatique L'Homme Jesus
HENRY, Patrick G. & SWEARER, Donald K: For the Sake of the World. The Spirit of Buddhist and Christian Monasticism
BOUSCAREN, T. Lincoln: The Canon Law Digest. Officially Published Documents Affecting the Code of Canon Law 1917-1933
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BUCHER, Hubert: Youth Work in South Africa: A Challenge for the Church
BYRNES, Heidi (Edited by): Languages for a Multicultural World in Transition
DAVIS, Stuart & NAPOLI, Donna Jo: A Prosodic Template in Historical Change: The Passage of the Latin Second Conjugation Into Romance
TOMASELLI, Keyan G (Edited by): African Cinema (Critical Arts Volume 7 No.1&2 1993)
PRIOR, Andrew (Edited by): Catholics in Apartheid Society
FRANKLIN, Charles: maid For Murder
COX, Harvey: The Feast of Fools. A Theological Essay on Festivity and Fantasy
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