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PARRIS, Leslie: The Tate Gallery Constable Collection CROWE, Sylvia: The Landscape of Power BEIER, Ulli: Art in Nigeria 1960
WILLSON, Robert C: 'Human Vultures' or 'Hoggenheimer' the Master Theif, Being a Study of Private Banking and an Exposure of High Finance HOOD, Evelyn M: Tayside the Life and the Legend BENSON, Mary: Athol Fugard and Barney Simon. Bare Stage, a Few Props, Great Theatre
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YOUNG, E. Hilton: By Sea and Land LEACOCK, Stephen (Selected by): The Greatest Pages of American Humour. A Study of the Rise and Development of Humorous Writings in America with Selections from the Most Notable of the Humorists LANGLEY, Noel: Tales of Mystery and Revenge
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SWAN, Andrew (Told By Himself and Written Down By Dugald MACFADYEN): The Remarkable Story of Andrew Swan Being a Record of His Experiences, of His Shipwreck, and of His Many Escapes from Death During Forty-four Years of Wandering Adventures By Land and Sea MARTIN, David & JOHNSON, Phyllis: The Struggle for Zimbabwe3. The Chimurenga War GRUZINSKI, Serge: The Conquest of Mexico
ROSKILL, S.W: H.M.S. Warspite. The Story of a Famous Battleship FOX, Caroline (Edited Horace N. PYM): Memories of Old Friends, Being Extracts from the Journals and Letters of Caroline Fox of Penjerrick Cornwall from 1835 to 1871 LIVEING, Edward: A Century of Insurance. The Commercial Union Assurance Group of Companies 1861-1961
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FURST, Herbert: Essays in Russet LAMAR, Howard & THOMPSON, Leonard (EDited by): The Frontier in History. North America and Southern Africa Compared WILSON, Julian: Lester Piggott
MAYES, Stanley: An Organ for the Sultan ADAMS, David (Edited by): The Letters of Rachel Henning ASPINWALL, Alicia: Short Stories for Short People
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BOODLEY, James W: The Commercial Greenhouse Handbook BILLINGTON, Jill: Architectural Foliage. Shape, Form and Texture of Foliage Plants in Garden Design MANNIN, Ethel: Women and the Revolution
GRIEVE, C.M. (MACDIARMID, Hugh): Northern Numbers Beig Representative Selections from Certain Living Scottish Poets LEVIN, Meyer: Compulsion KURZ, Otto: Fakes. A Handbook for Collectors and Students
BARKER, Felix & JACKSON, Peter: London. 2000 Years of a City and Its People BRINCKMANN, A.E: Barokskulptur. Enwicklungsgeschichte Der Skulptur in Den Romanischen Und Germanischen Landern Seit Michelangelo Bis Zum 18 Jahrhundert JOHNSON, Michael & TUTTLE, Lisa: Angela's Rainbow
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