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SCHULENBURG, C.A.R: August Carl Schulenburg. Krygsgevangene, Medikus, Boer COHEN, Alexander: Van Anarchist Tot Monarchist SIMON, Conrado Monterero (Edited by): El Escorial. Eighth Wonder of the World
DURRELL, Gerald: The Amateur Naturalist. A Practical Guide to the Natural World BERG, Walter: Buildings and Structures of American Railroads, 1893 . Parts 1-6 (Complete) (Train Shed Cycloperdia Nos. 7, 13, 19, 24, 33, 38) WRIGHT, Roy V. (Edited by): Locomotives, from the 1927 Locomotive Cyclopedia . Parts 1 and 2. (Complete) (Train Shed Cyclopedia Nos. 31 & 32)
WRIGHT, Roy V. (Edited by): Steam Locomotives, from the 1938 Locomotive Cyclopedia. Parts 1 and 2. (Complete) (Train Shed Cyclopedia Nos. 22 & 23) WRIGHT, Roy V. (Edited by): Passenger Locomotives, from the 1930 Locomotive Cyclopedia. (Train Shed Cyclopedia No. 6) WRIGHT, Roy V. (Edited by): Industrial and Foreign Locomotives, from the 1930 Locomotive Cyclopedia. (Train Shed Cyclopedia No. 37)
WRIGHT, Roy V. (Edited by): Switching and Freight Locomotives, from the 1930 Locomotive Cyclopedia. (Train Shed Cyclopedia No. 2) WRIGHT, Roy V. (Edited by): Passenger Cars, from the 1931 Car Builders Cyclopedia. (Train Shed Cyclopedia No. 8) WRIGHT, Roy V. (Edited by): Passenger Cars, from the 1943 Car Builders Cyclopedia. (Train Shed Cyclopedia No. 21)
WRIGHT, Roy V. (Edited by): Box, Stock and Flat Cars, from the 1943 Car Builders Cyclopedia. (Train Shed Cyclopedia No. 17) WRIGHT, Roy V. (Edited by): Famous Passenger Trains, from the 1943 Car Builders Cyclopedia. (Train Shed Cyclopedia No. 16) WRIGHT, Roy V. (Edited by): Rail Motor Cars of the 1930's, from the 1931 and 1937 Car Builders Cyclopedias. (Train Shed Cyclopedia No. 10)
(VARIOUS EDITORS): Diesel Electric Locomotives 1925-1938. (Train Shed Cyclopedia No. 20) (VARIOUS EDITORS): Electric Motor Cars 1888-1928. (Train Shed Cyclopedia No. 25) (VARIOUS EDITORS): Rail Motor Cars 1919-1928. (Train Shed Cyclopedia No. 30)
(VARIOUS EDITORS): 4-8-4's and Other Heavy Passenger Locos 1927-1941 (Train Shed Cyclopedia No. 14) (VARIOUS EDITORS): Signals and Signal Symbols from the 1911 Railway Signal Dictionary. (Train Shed Cyclopedia No. 27) (VARIOUS EDITORS): A Complete Set of Rules & Regulations for the Practical Management of a Locomotive Engine and for the Guidance of Engine Drivers, Reprinted from the Original 1848 Edition. (Train Shed Cyclopedia No. 4)
(VARIOUS EDITORS): Locomotive Cabs and Fittings (Part2) from the 19277 Locomotive Cyclopedia. (Train Shed Cyclopedia No. 41) PECK, C.B. (Editor): 1949-1951 Car Builders' Cyclopedia of American Practice BLUNT, Wilfred: Sweet Roman Hand. Five Hundred Years of Italic Cursive Script
LOMAX, Yve: Writing the Image. An Adventure with Art and Theory HILL, Napoleon: The Law of Success in Sixteen Lessons CROSS, Samuel H. & SIMMONS, Ernest J: Centennial Essays for Pushkin
WOOD, Michael: Legacy. A Search for the Origins of Civilization ROSENTHAL, Eric: Rustenburg Romance. The History of a Voortrekker Town NEWMAN, Bernard: Bulgarian Background
NICHOLSON, Emrich (Foreword By George NELSON): Contemporary Shops in the United States FREDMAN, R: Structural Concrete in South Africa. Some Observations on the Development of Reinforced and Prestressed Concrete from the Time of Van Riebeeck to the Present Day VILLEGAS, Benjamin: Colombia Land of Flowers
GOMPERTZ, G. St G. M: Korean Celadon and Other Wares of the Koryo Period KIM, Chewon & GOMPERTZ, G. St G. M: The Ceramic Art of Korea MINSTRY OF INFORMATION (Compiled and Prepared by): Atlantic Bridge. The Official Account of R.A.F. Transport Command's Ocean Ferry
MINSTRY OF INFORMATION (Compiled and Prepared by): East of Malta. West of Suez. The Admiralty Account of the Naval War in the Eastern Mediterranean September 1939 to March 1941 MINSTRY OF INFORMATION (Compiled and Prepared by): Merchantmen at War. The Official Story of the Merchant Navy 1939-1944 MINSTRY OF INFORMATION (Compiled and Prepared by): His Majesty's Minesweepers
MINSTRY OF INFORMATION (Compiled and Prepared by): Sea-war. An Explanation of Sea Power at Work MINSTRY OF INFORMATION (Compiled and Prepared by): The Mediterranean Fleet. The Admiralty Account of Naval Operations April 1941 to January 1943 MINSTRY OF INFORMATION (Compiled and Prepared by): R.A.F. Middle East. The Official Story of Air Operations Feb. 1942 - Jan 1943
MINSTRY OF INFORMATION (Compiled and Prepared by): There's Freedom in the Air. The Official Story of the Allied Air Forces from the Occupied Countries MINSTRY OF INFORMATION (Compiled and Prepared by): Air Sea Rescue MINSTRY OF INFORMATION (Compiled and Prepared by): Merchant Airmen. The Air Ministry Account of British Civil Aviation 1939-1944
MINSTRY OF INFORMATION (Compiled and Prepared by): The Abyssinian Campaigns. The Official Story of the Conquest of Italian East Africa STANLEY, Arthur Penrhyn: Essays Chiefly on the Questions of Church and State from 1850 to 1870 LE ROUX, W.J. (Edited by): Groote Schuur. Woning Van Suid Afrika Se Eerste Minister / Residence of South Africa's Prime Minister
FOX, Revel (Chairman): The Buildings of Central Cape Town. VOLUME ONE: Formative Influences and Classification HOBSON, R.L: Chinese Art. One Hundred Plates in Colour.....Introduced By an Outline Sketch WOODWARD, C.S: Oriental Ceramics at the Cape of Good Hope 1652-1795. An Account of the Porcelain Trade of the Dutch East India Company, with Particular Reference to Ceramics with the VOC Monogram, the Cape Market and South African Collections
BREUIL, Henri: Beyond the Bounds of History. Scenes from the Old Stone Age SCHER, Steven K: The Currency of Fame. Portrait Medals of the Renaissance WEHLE, Harry B: American Miniatures 1730-1850. One Hundred and Seventy Three Portraits Selected with Descriptive Account
THOMPSON, Patricia: Twelve Australian Craftsmen MALLOWAN, Max: The Nimrud Ivories HARDIE, Martin: Water-Colour Painting in Britain. VOLUME I: The Eighteenth Century
HARDIE, Martin: Water-Colour Painting in Britain. VOLUME II: The Romantic Period WILSON, Steve: Dealer's Wheels WHALLEY, Peter: The Mortician's Birthday Party
HARTLEY, L.P: The Harness Room MOSSMAN, James: Beggars on Horseback FALDBAKKEN, Knut: Twilight Country
UTTLEY, Alison: A Peck of Gold ALDRIDGE, John W.,: In the Country of the Young PAUL, Leslie: The Bulgarian Horse
BOND, Colin & RAMSAY, Hamish (Edited by): Preserving Historic Adelaide CARPENTER, Colonel; WILSON, Major; and Others: History of the 58th U.S. Artillery , C.A.C. American Expeditionary Forces WARREN, Rebecca: Vino Tinto
HUTSON, Shaun: Slugs BLACKBURN, John: The Sins of the Father PRESTON, James: Gaol in Conflict
NEWTON, Cleveland A: War Expenditures. Facts Showing How Millions of Dollars Collected from the People for War Purposes Have Been Wasted. Remarks of Hon. Cleveland A. Newton in the House of Representatives BARRATT, Robert: The Fatal Entrance FARHI, Moris: The Pleasure of Your Death
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