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HAHN, Emily: Aphra Behn MILLER, Arthur: Arthur Miller Reading from The Crucible / Death of a Salesman (Spoken Arts #704) O'SHANNON, Cathal (Edited by): Fifty Years of Liberty Hall. The Golden Jubilee of the Irish and General Workers Transport Union 1909 - 1959
ASQUITH, Roy: Sir Charles Dilke ADAMS, R.J.Q: British Politics and Foreign Policy in the Age of Appeasement 1935-39 MOORE, Tui De Roy (Introduction Peter MATTHIESSEN): Galapagos Islands Lost in Time
MAHEU, Rene: Iran. Rebirth of a Timeless Empire CATULLUS, TIBULLUS, PROPERTIUS(Edited By Robinson ELLIS; John P POSTGATE; P H Lee WARNER): Catulli, Tibulli, Properti Carmina Quae Extant Omnia LAMBERT, Gavin (From the Novel By D H LAWRENCE): Sons and Lovers. Screenplay. Shooting Final October 28 1959
KUDO, Kazuzo: Dynamic Judo. Grappling Techniques SHAIN, Milton: The Roots of Antisemitism in South Africa PICKTHALL, Marmaduke: The Meaning of the Glorious Qur'an. Text and Explanatory Translation
GILBERT, Martin: Winston Churchill the Wilderness Years TOYNBEE, Arnold J: The Present-day Experiment in Western Civilization HOOK, Sidney: Out of Step. An Unquiet Life in the 20th Century
MOSSENSON, David: A Century of Endeavour. Historical Essays to Commemorate the Centenary of the Perth Hebrew Congregation 1892-1992 TOBIAS, Phillip V: Dart, Taung and the 'Missing Link' RICKWORD, Edgell: Rimbaud. The Boy and the Poet
EPSTEIN, Brian: A Cellarful of Noise BABIUK, Andy: Beatles Gear. All the Fab Four's Instruents from Stage to Studio VAN DE WETERING, Jan: The Corpse on the Dike
CONNOLLY, Bob: Book of Short Stories and Shorter Articles COLLINS, Joan: Love & Desire & Hate WALSH, Maurice: Son of Apple
MACARTHUR, Wilson: Harry Hogbin WREN, P.C: Dew and Mildew BOWEN, R. Sidney: Red Randall in Burma
SLOSBERG, Bertha: Break Water TAYLOR, Rex: Assassination. The Death of Sir Henry Wilson and the Tragedy of Ireland CREE, Mary: Edith May 1895-1974. Life in Early Tasmania
REHFISCH, Hans J. (Edited by): In Tyrannos. Four Centuries of Struggle Against Tyranny in Germany. A Symposium SHALIT, Levi: Beyond Dachau. Memories. Reflections SILVERMAN, Bertha (Compiled By, as Told By Ellis SILVERMAN): Memoirs of a Pioneer in the Fish Canning Industry of South Africa
DE RUGGIERO, Guido (Edited and Introduced By Rayner HEPPENSTALL): Existentialism WEIZMANN, Chaim: American Addresses HAWKES, John: Death, Sleep and the Traveller
WELLESLEY, Dorothy: Desert Wells WEBB, Phyllis: Wilson's Bowl PENNY, Malcolm: Rhinos Endangered Species
HORNBLOWER, S. & GREENSTOCK, M.C: The Athenian Empire GROBBELAAR, Bruce: Bring on the Clown STEEPLES, Joe; TIDY, Bill; WALE, Michael; INNES, Neil: Funny Game Football (Charisma Perspective BC 4)
BATHURST, Earl: Supplement to the Foxhound Kennel Stud Book LARKIN, Frank J: Basic Coastal Navigation. An Introduction to Piloting WATTS, Alan: Wind and Sailing Boats. The Structure and Bhaviour of the Wind as it Affects Sailing Craft
KHADR, Hassan & HASSOUNA, Amin: Egypt's Republic in Its First Year NICOLSON, R.B: The Pitcairners LEANDER, Lars: Tetra Pak. A Vision Becomes Reality. A Company History with a Difference
HORRELL, Muriel: South African Trade Unionism INSTITUTE OF RACE RELATIONS: South Africa in Travail. The Disturbances of 1976/77. Evidence Presented to the Cillie Commission Into the Riots at Soweto and Other Places During June 1976 AHRONSON, Meir: The Unseen Borders: 1st International Biennial of South Africa Johannesburg 1995
OSBORNE, John: The Entertainer WALLACE, Frank R: Poker. A Guaranteed Income for Life By Using Advanced Concepts of Poker RICHMOND, Leonard: The Technique of Colour Mixing
JACKSON, Robert: Hunter Squadron Yeoman in the Congo Conflict GIBBS, H.R.K: Historical Record of the 6th Gurkha Rifle. VOLUME II: 1919-1948 SWINSON, Arthur: Kohima
JAMES, Harold: Tales of the Gurkhas SMITH, E.D: Johnny Gurkha 'Friends in the Hills' CHILVERS, Hedley: The Story of De Beers
PICCARD, Jean-Rodolph (Editor in Chief): Automobile Year #30 1982/83 PICCARD, Jean-Rodolph (Editor in Chief): Automobile Year #38 1990/91 PICCARD, Jean-Rodolph (Editor in Chief): Automobile Year #39 1991/92
PICCARD, Jean-Rodolph (Editor in Chief): Automobile Year #32 1984/85 PICCARD, Jean-Rodolph (Editor in Chief): Automobile Year #33 1985/86 PICCARD, Jean-Rodolph (Editor in Chief): Automobile Year #35 1987/88
ROBERTSON, Bryan: Allen Jones. New Sculpture MEISSNER, Hans-otto: One-man Safari MATHIESON, Eric: The True Story of Jumbo the Elephant
PAPUS (ENCAUSSE, Gerard): The Quabalah HALL, Manly P: Lectures on Ancient Philosophy DESMOND, Shaw: My Adventures in the Occult
BENNETT, J.G: A Spiritual Psychology CORNILLIER, Pierre-Emile: The Prediction of the Future PELE & FISH, Robert L: Pele. My Life and the Beautiful Game
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