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HOWELLS, Thomas B: The Chair of St. Peter. The Rise and Fall of Papal Power BARTLET, James Vernon: The Apostolic Age. Its Life Doctrine, Worship and Polity HERON, James: The Evolution of Latin Christianity
SCHILDER, K: Christ on Trial GRANT, F.W: Facts and Theories as to a Future State RIEMSCHNEIDER, Kaspar K: Lehrbuch Des Akkadischen
MOSBY, Henry S.(Edited by): Wildlife Investigational Techniques CUMMING, James Elder: After the Spirit. Being Farther Papers on the Eternal Spirit, His Person and Work FOLKOW, Bjorn & NEIL, Eric: Circulation
HARRISON, R.G. & HOEY, M.J: The Adrenal Circulation LUNDBERG, N.; PONTEN, U.; BROCK, M. (Edited by): Intracranial Pressure II FLOREY, Ernst (Edited by): Nervous Inhibition. Proceedings of the Second Friday Harbor Symposium
AGRANOVICH, V.M. & GINZBURG, V.L. (Edited by): Spatial Dispersion in Crystal Optics and the Theory of Excitons POPLE, John A & BEVERIDGE David L: Approximate Molecular Orbital Theory KLECHKOVSKII, V.M.; POLIKARPOV, G.G.; ALEKSAKHIN, R.M.(Edited by): Radioecology
CLIFFORD, T.N. & GASS, I.G.(Edited by): African Magmatism and Tectonics. A Volume in Honour of W Q Kennedy FRS RATCLIFFE, J.A: An Introduction to the Ionosphere and Magnetosphere BOYD, R.L.F: Space Physics. The Study of Plasmas in Space
KAPLAN, S.A. & TSYTOVICH, V.N: Plasma Astrophysics SIESJO, B.K. & SORENSEN, S.C. (Edited by): Ion Homeostasis of the Brain. The Regulation of Hydrogen and Potassium Ion Concentrations in Cerebral intra- and Extracellular Fluids. Proceedings of the Alfred Benzon Symposium III DOBRETSOV, L.N. & GOMOYUNOVA, M.V: Emission Electronics
PRATT, Anne: Wild Flowers AHNERT, Rainer L. (Editor in Chief): Thoroughbred Breeding of the World SUNDERMAN, F. William & SUNDERMAN, F. William Jr: Clinical Pathology of the Serum Electrolytes
FOSTER, R.F: Foster on Auction. A Complete Exposition of the Latest Developments of Modern Auction WEITZ, Joseph: Misjudging the Land. (Clarifying the Land Issue in Palestine) FOX, L. & PARKER, I.B: Chebyshev Polynomials in Numerical Analysis
BERESFORD-EVANS, J: Form in Engineering Design. The Study of Appearance During Design and Development MORLAND, Nigel: Mrs. Pym and Other Stories AMBROSE, Alice & LAZEROWITZ, Morris: Fundamentals of Symbolic Logic
BETHELL, L.A. (Edited by): Pioneering ("Blackwood" Tales from the Outposts IV BETHELL, L.A. (Edited by): Shikar ("Blackwood" Tales from the Outposts X BETHELL, L.A. (Edited by): Jungle Tales ("Blackwood" Tales from the Outposts X
DAWES, John Stanton (Edited by): B I News Number Twenty-nine FRYKE, Christopher & SCHWEITZER, Christopher (Introduction and Notes By C. Ernest FAYLE): Voyages to the East Indies PUREN, Jerry (as Told to Brian POTTINGER): Mercenary Commander
THOMAS, Edward ("Edward Eastaway"): Poems JONES, Alcwyn A. (Edited by): Modern Heating and Ventilation MARTIN, Denis-Constant: Coon Carnival. New Year in Cape Town, Past and Present
ROE, F. Gordon: Women in Profile. A Study in Silhouette BIANCHINI, Francesco; CORBETTA, Francesco; PISTOIA, Marilena: The Fruits of the Earth REDDAWAY, T.F: The Rebuilding of London After the Great Fire
STARLING, Ernest H: Mercers Company Lectures on Recent Advances in the Physiology of Digestion MELLISH, Frank: My Dear Danie. An Open Letter to Danie Craven / Liewe Danie. 'n Ope Brief Aan Danie Craven WALTERS, Eurof: The Serpent's Presence
CARTER, Geoffrey: The Royal Navy at Portland Since 1845 JOUBERT, Dian (Compiled by): Die Kaapse Stemreg. Verteenwoordiging Vir Swart En Bruin in 1936 JONSSON, Finnur: Egils Saga Skallagrimssonar Nebst Den Grosseren Gedichten Egils
SJOSTEDT, Gosta: Studier Over r-Ljuden I Sydskandinaviska Mal NIENABER, C.J.M: Die Taal as Tolk. 'n Stilistiese Analise Van Elizabeth Eybers Se MARIA CARNEGIE CORPORATION OF NEW YORK (Anson Phelps STOKES): Report of Rev. Anson Phelps Stokes on Education, Native Welfare, and Race Relations in East and South Africa
MAROUZEAU, J: Lexique De La Terminologie Linguistique. Francais, Alleman, Anglais, Italien OBBEMA, P.F.J: Een Deventer Bibliotheekcatalogus Van Het Einde Der Vijftiende Eeuw GROSSKOPF, F.H: Die Geskiedenis Van Die Sessie Van Vorderingsregte
SVEINSSON, Benedikt (Edited by): Havardar Saga Isfirdings JONSSON, Guoni (Edited by): Hrafnkels Saga Freysgoda BLYAU, Albert & TASSEEL, Marcellus: Ieprsch Oud-Liedboek. Teksten En Melodien Uit Den Volksmond Opgeteekend
OVERDIEP, G.S. (Edited for Publication By G A Van Es): Vormleer Van Het Middelnederlandisch Der XIIe Eeuw LEUE, Johannes: Hofisches in "Van Den Vos Reinaerde". Ein Beitrag Zur Erforschung Der Ritterliche Elemente in Der Niederlandischen Literatur VAN HEERDEN, Ernst: Die Ander Werklikheid. Letterkundige Beskouings
HANDKE, Peter: Offending the Audiences and Self-Accusation SCHOLTZ, I. Du P: Uit Die Geskiedenis Van Die Naamgewing Aan Plante En Diere in Afrikaans SMITH, J.J: 'n Paar Gedagtes Oor Spellinghervorming
DEKKER, G: Die Afrikaanse Psalmberyming GROBLER, J.H: Initial Phase Ion Uptake By Plant Roots and the Interpretation of Root Potentials DOZY, R: Oosterlingen. Verklarende Lijst Der Nederlandsche Woorden Die Uit Het Arabisch, Hebreeuwsch, Chaldeeuwsch, Perzisch En Turksch Afkomstig Zijn
MOLTZER, H.E. & TE WINKEL, Jan (Edited by): Bibliotheek Van Middelnederlandsche Letterkunde BOUWS, Jan: Woord En Wys Van Die Afrikaanse Lied RUYSBROECK (RUUSBROEC) Jan Van: Die Chierheit Der Gheesteliker Brulocht
KOLLEWIJN, R.A: Bilderdijk Zijn Leven En Zijn Werken. Naar Oorspronklikelijke En Voor Een Groot Gedeelte Onuitgegeven Bescheiden Samengesteld NIENABER, G.S: Afrikaanse Woorde in Xhosa LOUW, W.E.G: Die Invloed Van Gorter Op Leopold. 'n Bydrae Tot Die Studie Van Sensitivisme
BRONZWAER, W.J.M: Tense in the Novel. An Investigation of Some Potentialities of Linguistic Criticism CASARES, Julio: Introduccion a La Lexicografia Moderna SIJMONS, B: Die Lieder Der Edda
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