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SHANKS, Hershel (Preface By Yigal YADIN): Judaism in Stone. The Archaeology of Ancient Synagogues ROGERS, Bruce: Paragraphs on Printing Elicited from Bruce Rogers in Talks with James Hendrickson on the Functions of the Book Designer FRANKLIN, Benjamin (Attributed to); SWIFT, Jonathan; ADDISON, Joseph: Reflections on Courtship and Marriage: In Two Letters to a Friend. Wherein a Practical Plan is Laid Down for Observing and Securing Conjugal Felicity. To Which is Added A Letter to a Very Young Lady on Her Marriage....; With Two Essays on Jealousy
BEARDSLEY, Aubrey: Venus Und Tannhauser. Eine Romantische Novelle CAPE OF GOOD HOPE BLUE BOOK: Correspondence Respecting the Affairs of Pondoland GREAT BRITAIN PARLIAMENTARY PAPER: Africa. No.1 (1900). Correspondence Respecting the Action of Her Majesty's Naval Authorities with Regard to Certain Foreign Vessels
GREAT BRITAIN PARLIAMENTARY PAPER: Miscellaneous No.1 (1900). Correspondence Respecting the Seizure of the British Vessels "Springbok" and "Peterhoff" By United States' Cruisers in 1863 KANTHACK, F.E. (CAPE OF GOOD HOPE BLUE BOOK): Report on the Proposed Ashton Canal Irrigation Project DE MIST, Augusta: Diary of a Journey to the Cape of Good Hope and the Interior of Africa in 1802 and 1803
ROGERS, E. Joy: Notes of a Tour Through Turkey, Greece, Egypt and Arabia Petraea to the Holy Land Including a Visit to Athens, Sparta, Delphi, Cairo, Thebes, Mount Sinai, Petra, 7c DOYLE, Arthur Conan: The Coming of the Fairies GAGG, John: The Observer's Book of Canals
NKONDO, Sankoe Dolly: Flames of Fury and Other Poems CRANMER, Arthur: The Art of Singing BARTH, Karl: Die Protestantische Theologie Im 19. Jahrhundert. Ihre Vorgeschichte Und Ihre Geschichte
WISJAKHADATTA (Transl. J. Ph. VOGEL): De Zegelring Van Raksjasa. Indisch Tooneelspel KILLANIN, Lord: My Olympic Years HOUSEMAN, Laurence: John Jingalo: The Story of a Monarch in Difficulties
INTELLIGENCE BRANCH QUARTERMASTER-GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT: Herat, with Reference to the British Occupation of Kabul and Kandahar in October 1879 (3077)-669wo BLAUKOPF, Kurt: Mahler MITCHELL, Donald: Gustav Mahler the Early Years
HOLBROOK, david: Gustav Mahler and the Courage to Be STEIN, Erwin: Orpheus in New Guises WALTER, Bruno: Gustav Mahler. A Study
FELLOWES, Edmund H: The English Madrigal Composers HOWARD, Patricia: The Operas of Benjamin Britten. An Introduction FAY, Amy: Music Study in Germany, from the Home Correspondence of Amy Fay
SPARK, William: Musical Memories CARRELL, Norman: Bach's 'Brandenburg" Concertos MANDER, Raymond & MITCHENSON, Joe: Revue: A Story in Pictures
DEMUTH, Norman: Vincent d'Indy 1851-1931. Champion of Classicism BERLIOZ, Hector: Mozart Weber and Wagner, with Various Essays on Musical Subjects GRAHAM, Stephen: Boris Godunof
TUNNARD, Christopher: Gardens in the Modern Landscape BRAND, Louis: Advanced Calculus. An Introduction to Classical Analysis PIAGGIO, H.T.H: An Elementary Treatise on Differential Equations and Their Applications
FREEMAN, Harry: Finite Differences for Actuarial Students GILCHRIST, F.M.C. & MACKIE, R.I. (Edited by): Herbivore Nutrition in the Subtropics and Tropics (HILLMAN): Service Manual for Hillman Minx Mark VIII 1955-1956; New Minx 1956-1958
SIEMENS: Siemens' Magneto and Dynamo-Electric Mine Exploders Manufactured By Siemens & Co. Limited Electrical Engineers McDERMOTT, Walter & DUFFIELD, P.W: Losses in Gold Amalgamation with Notes on the Concentration of Gold and Silver Ores THE ACETYLENE ILLUMINATING COMPANY (LEWES, Vivian B., Report by): Carbide of Calcium and Acetylene Gas
HUNT, Leigh: The Story of the Marylebone Spiritualist Association Its Work and Workers (1872-1928) (DALZELL STEEL AND IRON WORKS): Sizes, Brands, &c., Of Steel Plates and Iron and Steel Bars, Manufactured By David Colville and Sons Limited Dalzell Steel and Iron Works Motherwell Scotland RUPPIN, Arther: The Agricultural Colonisation of the Zionist Organisation in Palestine
HOFMAN, H.O: Gold Milling in the Black Hills. A Paper Read Before the American Institute of Mining Engineering. New York Meeting February 1889 SHELL COMPANY OF SOUTH AFRICA: The Headlight No.3 SHELL COMPANY OF SOUTH AFRICA: The Headlight No.4
ANON: Oupa En Ouma Se Boererate HILLS, Ros & GIBSON, Pat: Needlelace Stitches Classic and Contemporary REED, Walt (Edited by): North Light Collection 2
DAVIES, Jack; ANNAKIN, Ken; ANDREWS, Allen; SEARLE, Ronald: Monte Carlo - or Bust! Those Daring Young Men in Their Jaunty Jalopies ROLAND HOLST, A: Tusschen Vuur En Maan. Twee Verhalen KING, Donald: Samplers
BEYNON, John (John WYNDHAM): The Secret People (Part 1, Serrialised in "The Passing Show" No.174 New Series July 20 1935) BEYNON, John (John WYNDHAM): Back to the 'Sun Bird' (A Chapter of 'The Secret People', Serialised in "The Passing Show" No.181 New Series September 7, 1935) BEYNON, John (John WYNDHAM): Kidnapped By a Machine (A Chapter of 'Stowaway to Mars', Serialised in "The Passing Show" No.219 New Series May 30, 1936)
HENRYSSON, Harald: A Jussi Bjorling Phonography AGAR-HAMILTON, J.A.I. & TURNER, L.G.F: The Sidi Rezeg Battles 1941 HOUSMAN, .E: Introductory Lecture Delivered Before the Faculty of Arts and Laws in University College London October 3, 1892
DENLINGER, Milo G: The Complete Doberman Pinscher MAVRODIN, Vladimir (Compiled and Introduced by): Fine Arms from Tula 18th and 19th Centuries ORLINSKI, Boleslaw: Do Krainy Wshodzacego Slonca
WATCHMAN, The: Coast Causerie No. 1 Vol.1 December 1944 RINBOCHAY, Lati: Mind in Tibetan Buddhism RINBOCHAY, Lati & HOPKINS, Jeffrey: Death, Intermediate State and Rebirth in Tibetan Buddhism
GOVINDA, Lama Anagarika: Foundations of Tibetan Mysticism McILWAINE, Robert: Instructions for the Guidance of Special Justices of the Peace in Southern Rhodesia WORMSER, J.A: Het Isolement Van De Amsterdamse Gereformeerde Professoren Dr. A. Kuyper En Dr. H. Bavinck. Verweerschrift Tegen "De Kerkbode" Van Dr. S.O. Los Te Pretoria
VAN RIET LOWE, C: Conventionalised Human Forms and Related Figures in the Early Art of Africa RHEINHALT JONES, J.D; JABAVU, D.D.T.; XUMA, A.B.; MATTHEWS, Z.K.; And Several Others: Political Representation of Africans in the Union HAWARDEN, Eleanor: Labour and the New Economic Policy
ASHCROFT, Peggy; BRITTEN, Benjamin; and Numerous Others (Foreword By Trevor HUDDLESTON): Sport, the Arts and the Colour Bar in South Africa CILLIERS, A.C: South African Nationalism or British RAINSFORD, H.F: Survey Adjustments and Least Squares
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