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WILKINSON, Robert: Bohemia Including Moravia, Austrian Silesia, Eger & Glatz WILKINSON, Robert: Silesia WILKINSON, Robert: Hungary and Transilvania
WILKINSON, Robert: The Seven United Provinces with Their Dependencies WILKINSON, Robert: The Netherlands Including Liege WILKINSON, Robert: France Divided Into Governments as it Was Before the Revolution M DCC XC
WILKINSON, Robert: France Divided Into Departments Including the Dismemberments from Germany, Italy and the Netherlands WILKINSON, Robert: Spain and Portugal WILKINSON, Robert: Switzerland
WILKINSON, Robert: Italy, Sicily, Sardinia, Corsica &c WILKINSON, Robert: Dominions of the King of Sardinia WILKINSON, Robert: The North East Part of Italy, Comprising the Estates of Venice, the Duchies of Milan, Mantua, Modena & Parma; with Part of the Estates of Genoa
WILKINSON, Robert: Estates of the Church, Grand Duchy of Tuscany, Republic of Lucca &c WILKINSON, Robert: Naples and Sicily, from the Latest Observations WILKINSON, Robert: Turkey in Europe
WILKINSON, Robert: Asia WILKINSON, Robert: Hindoostan Divided Into Soubahs According to the Ayin Acbaree WILKINSON, Robert: The Southern Provinces of Hindoostan
WILKINSON, Robert: China. Contains 15 Subject Provinces, Including the 2 Islands of Hainan Formosa and the Tributary Kingdoms of Corea Tonkin WILKINSON, Robert: New Holland or Australia WILKINSON, Robert: North America
WILKINSON, Robert: The West Indies and Coast Adjacent WILKINSON, Robert: South America CHARLES-PICARD, Gilbert & Colette: Daily Life in Carthage at the Time of Hannibal
BRANSTON, Brian: The Lost Gods of England KLUYSKENS, Pierre: Schelck of Het Groot Avontuur BATEMAN, Edward L (Staff and Consultants of): Feasibility Study for a Sugar Factory & Alcohol Distillery in the Aguan Valley Republic of Honduras
RICHARDS, Robert H. & LOCKE, Charles E: Textbook of Ore Dressing CENTRAL AFRICAN COUNCIL, Committee of: Comparative Survey of Native Policy in Southern Rhodesia, Northern Rhodesia and Nyasaland (Conference on Closer Association in Central Africa. London March 1951) VAN ROOYEN, E.E.; COETZEE, J.V.; LEIPOLDT, C. Louis; and Several Others: Wyn En Dronkenskap: Die Vraagstuk Van Di Dag. Referate Gelewer Op Die Perelse Kongres Van 7 En 8 Mei 1924
ACTON Thomas: Gypsy Politics and Social Change: The Development of Ethnic Ideology and Pressure Politics Among British Gypsies from Victorian Reformism to Romany Nationalism BAKER R. Robin: The Evolutionary Ecology of Animal Migration VAN WARMELO, N.J: Die Tlokwa En Birwa Van Noord Transvaal
WHITE Eric Walter: Tippett and His Operas VOLHARD, Hans: Fritz Jaenecke Und Sten Samuelson (Bauten Und Planungen Band 3) ERDMANNSDORFFER Karl: Bauberater Fur Siedlung Und Eigenheim. Die Baugestaltung
GROBLER, Vilma: The History of Dentistry in South Africa 1652-1900 ALSOP, M.H: The Population of Natal (Natal Regional Survey Volume 2) VAN GULIK Robert: The Chinese Lake Murders
MARTNER Knud (Edited by): Selected Letters of Gustav Mahler THE CAPE ELECTRIC TRAMWAYS LTD: Cape Trams from Horse to Diesel PAULI, Ludwig: The Alps Archaeology and Early History
SIMON-CARVES LTD: Steam Power Plant ELSEN, Albert: Paul Jenkins PERUCHO, Jean: Joan Miro and Catalonia
LEACH, E.R: Rethinking Anthropology KUCKERTZ, Heinz: Creating Order. The Image of the Homestead in Mpondo Social Life MYBURGH, A.C. & PAUW, B.A: Trilogy on South African Bantu Religion
DUBB, Allie A: Community of the Saved. An African Revivalist Church in the Eastern Cape BRUEMMER, Fred: The Narwhal Unicorn of the Sea GORKI, Maxim: Lower Depths
CARTER, Thomas Lane: Out of Africa: A Book of Short Stories CRONIN, Jeremy: 'Even Under the Rine of Terror...': Insurgent South African Poetry (in STAFFRIDER Vol.8 No.2) DANGOR, Achmat: Writing and Change in South Africa (in STAFFRIDER Vol.9 No.2)
RIVE, Richard: Writing of Fighting (in STAFFRIDER Vol.8 No.1) RIALL, Nicholas (Compiled and Edited by): Boer War. The Letters, Diaries and Photographs of Malcolm Riall from the War in South Africa SMITH, Gideon F. And Others (Edited By): List of Southern African Succulent Plants
FAIR, T.J.D.; MURDOCH, G.; JONES, H.M: Development in Swaziland. A Regional Analysis VAN ROOYEN, Annlerie (Edited by): Zimbabwe the Beautiful. Celebrating the Land GARTNER, Heinz: Constanze Mozart After the Requiem
PISTONE, Daniele: Nineteenth Century Italian Opera from Rossini to Puccini STEANE, J.B: Voices Singers and Critics AMMER, Christine: Unsung. A History of Women in American Music
O'CONNOR, A.M: The Geography of Tropical African Development COLLARD, Roy: The Physical Geography of Landscape BUNNETT, R.B: Physical Geography in Diagrams for Africa
SMALL, R.J: The Study of Landforms. A Textbook of Geomorphology ELLIS, George; HENDRIE, Delia; KOOY, Alide; MAREE, Johann: The Squatter Proble in the Western Cape LEWIS, Naomi (Introduction by): The Eleanor Farjeon Book. A Tribute to Her Life and Work 1881-1965
SMITH, John: A Letter to Lao Tze COTTON, A. Calveley: Town Halls POCKNEE, C.E: Cross and Crucifix in Christian Worship and Devotion
EISLER, Colin (Introduction by): The Prayer Book of Michelino Da Besozzo ACHEBE, Chinua; OKEYO, Achola Pala; HYDEN, Goran; MAGADZA, Christopher (Edited by): Beyond Hunger in Africa. Conventional Wisdom and a Vision of Africa in 2057 VAN RENSBURG, Frikkie: G.W. Rugby. Die Ontstaan En Geskiedenis Van Griekwaland-Wes-Rugby 1886-1986
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