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HALLIDAY, F.E: The Excellency of the English Tongue SHEPHERD, David: An Artist in Africa GLOVER, Michael: The Fight for the Channel Ports. Calais to Brest 1940. A Study in Confusion
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ESSACK, Karrim: The Struggle for Peoples' Power in South Africa (NEO-NAZI / FASCIST): Yesterday & Tomorrow: Roots of the National Revolution APP, Austin J: A Straight Look at the Third Reich. Hitler and National Socialism. How Right? How Wrong?
HURRY, Michael J: Who Hold the Balance? GRANT, Douglas: The Fortunate Slave. An Illustration of African Slavery in the Early Eighteenth Century SPEARMAN, C. & WYNN JONES, Ll: Human Ability: A Continuation of "The Abilities of Man"
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MILN, Louise Jordan: Wooings and Weddings in Many Climes FERNANDES, A. (edited by): Comptes Rendus De La IVe Reunion Pleniere De L'association Pour L'etude Taxonomique De La Flore D'Afrique Tropicale ROTHSTEIN, Andrew: The Soldiers' Strikes of 1919
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HOFMEYR, J.H: Address Delivered By the Chancellor the Right Honourable J H Hofmeyr...on the Occasion of the Summer Graduation Ceremony of the University of the Witwatersrand Johannesburg Sixteenth of March 1946 LOGEMAN, Willem S. & STONEMAN, Bertha: Glossary of Botanical Terms Dutch - English and English - Dutch PEDRO, Egberto Rodrigues & DE SOUSA, Alfredo Esteves: Resenha Geografica Do Distrito Da Beira: 1. O Clima De Manica e Sofala Subsidios Para o Seu Estudo
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MACHEN, J. Gresham (Edited By John W ROBBINS): Education, Christianity and the State FEIN, Leonard J: Israel Politics & People KUHNE, Louis: The New Science of Healing or the Doctrine of the Unity of Diseases Forming the Basis of a Uniform Method of Cure, Without Medicines and Without Operations
LAPIE, Pierre Olivier: My Travels Through Chad THE MOTHER: Collected Works of the Mother: Centenary Edition DUVENAGE, G.D.J: Van Die Tarka Na Die Transgariep. Die Emigrasie Uit Die Noordoosgrensdele Van Die Kaapkolonie 1835-1840
FLOYD, T.B: Afrikaner-Nasionalisme MURRAY, Gilbert (Translated by): The Oresteia, Translated Into English Rhyming Verse STEINER, Rudolf: The Philosophy of Freedom (The Philosophy of Spiritual Activity). The Basis for a Modern World Conception
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MENCKEN, Henry L: The Philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche GAFFIN, Richard B: Resurrection and Redemption. A Study in Paul's Soteriology MURRAY, John: Calvin on Scripture and Divine Sovereignty
LUTHER, Martin (Edited with Introduction By J M PORTER): Selected Political Writings MACHEL, Samora: Mozambique. Sowing the Seeds Revolution LAUREN, Paul Gordon: Diplomats and Bureaucrats. The First Institutional Responses to Twentieth Century Diplomacy in France and Germany
ARKWRIGHT, William: The Pointer and His Predecessors. An Illustrated History of the Pointing Dog from the Earliest Times HEID, Ludger & SCHOEPS, Julius H: Wegweiser Durch Das Judische Rheinland WILLIAMS, Strephon Kaplan: The Dreamwork Manual. A Step-By-step Introduction to Working with Dreams
KELLOGG, Rhoda: Analyzing Children's Art TIGUNAIT, Pandit Rajmani: Seven Systems of Indian Philosophy SALINGER, Pierre & VANOCUR, Sander (Edited by): A Tribute to John F. Kennedy
MALEFIJI, Antoinette De Waal: Religion and Culture. An Introduction to Anthropology of Religion SESSA, Aldo: Magica Buenos Aires SESSA, Aldo: Patagonia Argentina El Lejano Sur
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