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McGAHERN, John: Nightlines HARRIS, W.C. (Introduction By Edward C. TABLER; Zoological Note Richard LIVERSIDGE): Portraits of the Game and Wild Animals of Southern Africa DE KLERK, Willem (Edited by); COETZER, Piet (Compiler): Krugersdorp 100 Jaar / Years
RAINIER, Margaret (Edited by): The Journals of Sophia Pigot MERRILL, George P: A Treatise on Rocks, Rock-Weathering and Soils SAMARIAN, Sergiu: Queen's Gambit Declined
DESMOND, Judy: Traditional Cookery of Southern Africa YADIN, Yigael: The Message of the Scrolls BENEDICT, Julius: The Lily of Killarney. Opera in Three Acts
BEHNKE, Kate Emil: Singers' Difficulties: How to Overcome Them KITSON, C.H: Applied Strict Counterpoint ELGAR, Edward: Scenes from the Saga of King Olaf
DUNNE, J.W: Intrusions? FEATHERSTONE, Donald F: War Games. Battles and Manoeuvres with Model Soldiers FOOTE, Edward B: Oakmont Country Club. The First Seventy Seven Years
PERKINS, F: Workshop Manual and Instruction Book for Perkins Diesel Engines P6 P4 and P3 Series NEWMAN, James R: The World of Mathematics. A Small Library of the Literature of Mathematics from A'h-mose the Scribe to Albert Einstein, Presented with Commentaries TYLDEN, G: The Armed Forces of South Africa, with an Appendix on the Commandos
WHITE, Newman Ivey: Shelley. A Biography ENKE, Stephen (Edited by): Defense Management ANONYMOUS: The Story of Delville Wood. Told in Letters from the Front
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BOYD, Derek: The Royal Engineers KITSON, Frank: Low Intensity Operations. Subversion Insurgency & Peacekeeping VALERIANO, N.D. & BOHANNON, C.T.R: Counterguerilla Operations. The Philippine Experience
FEDLER, Dov: My Son the Cartoonist MOROPOULOU, A. (Edited By): Innovative Technologies and Materials for the Protection of Cultural Heritage. Industry, Research, Education: European Acts and Perspectives. ITECOM European Conference December 16-17, 2003 Athens Greece JOHNS, W.E: Biggles and the Poor Rich Boy
LEWIS, Thomas: These Seventy Years RICHARDS, Denis & SAUNDERS, Hilary St. George: Royal Air Force 1939-1945. I: The Fight at Odds; II: The Fight is Won; IIIThe Fight Avails MARKHAM, Christopher A: Pewter Marks and Old Pewter Ware. Domestic and Ecclesiatical
HYDROGRAPHER OF THE NAVY: The Antarctic Pilot Second Edition (AND) Supplement No.5 (1958) HYDROGRAPHER OF THE NAVY: The Antarctic Pilot Third Edition (AND) Supplement No.4 (1967) HYDROGRAPHER OF THE NAVY: Malacca Strait Pilot. Fourth Edition (AND) Supplement No.5 (1967)
HYDROGRAPHER OF THE NAVY: South Indian Ocean Pilot Seventh Edition (AND) Supplement No.5 (1967) ABEDIAN, Iraj; VAN DER MERWE, Rowena; WILKINS, Nick; JHA, Prabhat: The Economics of Tobacco Control. Towards an Optimal Policy Mix WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION: Guidelines for Controlling and Monitoring the Tobacco Epidemic
ROEMER, Ruth: Legislative Action to Combat the World Tobacco Epidemic ALBERTYN, Chris & McCANN, Mike: Alcohol, Employment and Fair Labour Practice DEANE, Dee Shirley: Black South Africans 57 Profiles of Natal's Leading Blacks. A Who's Who
JACKSON, A.O: The Ethnic Composition of the Ciskei and Transkei COLENBRANDER, Theodoris Christiaan: Brieven Uit En Over Natal (PERIODICAL): Orange Free State Monthly Magazine VOLUME 1 No.1 November 1877
BJERRE, Andreas: The Psychology of Murder. a Study of Criminal Psychology FAY, Bernard (Translated Patrick O'BRIAN): Louis XVI GURNEY, William Brodie: The Trials of Arthur Thistlewood, James Ings, John Thomas Brunt, Richard Tidd, William Davidson, and Others for High Treason at the Sessions House in the Old Bailey.......April 1820, with the Antecedent Proceedings
VINOGRADOFF, Paul: Villainage in England. Studies in English Mediaeval History VINOGRADOFF, Paul: English Society in the Eleventh Century. Essays in English Mediaeval History WEST, Francis: The Justiciarship in England 1066-1232
POWER, Eileen: The Wool Trade in English Medieval History KITCHEN, Martin: The German Officer Corps 1890-1914 EDWARDS, Isobel E: Towrds Emancipation. A Study in South African Slavery
HUGHES, B.P: British Smooth-bore Artillery. The Muzzle Loading Artillery of the 18th and 19th Centuries GODDIO, Franck; BERNAND, Andre; BERNAND, Etienne; DARWISH, Ibrahim; KISS, Zsolt; YOYOTTE, Jean: Alexandria. The Submerged Royal Quarters HOMER (Translated By LANG, Andrew; LEAF, Walter; MYERS, Ernest; BUTCHER, S.H: The Iliad of Homer (AND) Thye Odyssey of Homer
HENRY, Alison (Edited by): Stone Conservation. Principles and Practice LOPEZ, Ian Haney (Edited by): Race Law and Society RAPLEY, Mark: The Social Construction of Intellectual Disability
BATES, Robert H: Beyond the Miracle of the Market. The Political Economy of Agrarian Development in Kenya CLOKE, Paul & JOHNSTON, Ron (Edited by): Spaces of Geographical Thought GIVEN, Michael: The Archaeology of the Colonized
SMITH, Adrian & PORTER, Dilwyn (Edited by): Sport and National Identity in the Post-war World FRERS, Lars & MEIER, Lars: Encountering Urban Places. Visual and Material Performances in the City LUNSFORD, Virginia W: Piracy and Privateering in the Golden Age Netherlands
MARCUS, Tessa & HOFMAENNER, Alexandra: Shifting Boundaries of Knowledge. A View on Social Sciences, Law and Humanities in South Africa GETIS, Arthur; MUR, Jesus & ZOLLER, Henry G. (Edited by): Spatial Econometrics and Spatial Statistics McEVOY, Kieran & NEWBURN, Tim (Edited by): Criminology, Conflict Resolution and Restorative Justice
OSTIEN, Philip; NASIR, Jamila M.; KOGELMANN, Franz (Edited by): Comparative Perspectives on Shari'ah in Nigeria DERRICOURT, Robin: MAN ON THE KAFUE: The archaeology and history of the Itezhitezhi area of Zambia. Foreword by J. Desmond Clark. With contributions by E. Maluma, A. Mubita, L.R. Peters, J.K. Rennie, C.C. Appleton, H. de Villiers & R.G. Welbourne CUNLIFFE, Barry: Iron Age Communities in Britain. An Account of England, Scotland and Wales Fromthe Seventh Century BC Until the Roman Conquest
CARR, Gerald L: Olana Landscapes The World of Frederic E. Church ROESS, Roger P.; PRASSAS, Elena S.; McSHANE, William R: Traffic Engineering PARKES, Oscar: British Battleships: Warrior 1860 to Vanguard 1950 A History of Design, Construction and Armament
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