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WELLARD, James: Lost Worlds of Africa
MALAN, D.F: Naar Congoland. Een Reisbeschrijving
BURTON, Richard Francis: The Land of Midian (Revisited)
LEMPRIERE, J. (Revised F.A. WRIGHT): Lempriere's Classical Dictionary of Proper Names mentioned in Ancient Authors. With a chronological table. A new edition. revised with additions, and a short notice of Dr. J. Lemprière
OLIVER, S.P. (and Numerous others): Memoirs Read Before the Anthropological Society of London 1867-8-9
HAMILTON, Ian: A Life of General Sir Ian Hamilton
SCHOONRAAD, Murray & Elsabe: Companion to South African Cartoonists
HAYEK, Friedrich A. Von: Prices and Production
MYBURGH, A.C. & PAUW, B.A: Native Names of Industrial Addresses
CHURCHILL, Winston S: Winston Churchill Paintings A Further Selection (in Strand Magazine August 1946 #668)
DU TOIT, F.G.M: Hermanus Stephanus Bosman
ASTURIAS, Miguel Angel: The Mulatta and Mister Fly
SWART, Marius J: Hendrik Theodor Buhrmann En Sy Rol in Die Transvaalse Republiek
BOSCH, J.A: Ladybrand 1867-1967
FRESCURA, Franco: Rural Shelter in Southern Africa. a Survey of the Architecture, House Forms and Constructional Methods of the Black Rural Peoples of Southern Africa
WHITE, Alain; DYER, R. Allen; SLOANE, Boyd L: The succulent Euphorbieae (southern Africa)
WHITE, Alain & SLOANE, Boyd L: The Stapelieae
(BIBLE DUTCH): Biblia, Dat is De gantsche H. Schrifture, vervattende alle de Canonijcke Boecken des Ouden en des Nieuwen Testaments. (AND) Het Boek Der Psalmen...
EGLINGTON, Hope (Edited by): Artlook 47
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EGLINGTON, Hope (Edited by): Artlook 52
EGLINGTON, Hope (Edited by): Artlook 53
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WRIGHT, Viki (Edited by): Artlook Vol.5 No.10
WRIGHT, Viki (Edited by): Artlook Vol.5 No.11
WRIGHT, Viki (Edited by): Artlook Vol.5 No.12
WRIGHT, Viki (Edited by): Artlook Vol.6 No.1
WRIGHT, Viki (Edited by): Artlook Vol.6 No.2
KHOURY, P.G. & GROOTENBOER, Marjan (Edited by): Artlook Vol.6 No.3
KHOURY, P.G. & GROOTENBOER, Marjan (Edited by): Artlook Vol.6 No.5
KHOURY, P.G. & GROOTENBOER, Marjan (Edited by): Artlook Vol.6 No.6
KHOURY, P.G. & GROOTENBOER, Marjan (Edited by): Artlook Vol.6 No.7
KHOURY, P.G. & GROOTENBOER, Marjan (Edited by): Artlook Vol.6 No.8
KHOURY, P.G. & GROOTENBOER, Marjan (Edited by): Artlook Vol.6 No.12
TRANSVAAL AND ORANGE RIVER COLONY: The Transvaal Loan Act 1907 with Papers Respecting the Finances of the Colony
CAPE OF GOOD HOPE: Report of His Majesty's Astronomer at the Cape of Good Hope to the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty for the Year 1902
TRANSVAAL AND ORANGE RIVER COLONY: Further Correspondence Relating to the Transvaal Labour Question
TRANSVAAL AND ORANGE RIVER COLONY: Transvaal (Chinese Labourers) Crimes. Return of the Crimes Committed By Chinese Labourers Who Have Deserted from the Mines of the Witwatersrand District Upon the European or Otherinhabitants of the Transvaal Since June 1905
SOUTH AFRICAN REPUBLIC (Railways): Correspondence Relating to the Explosives Monopoly In the South African Republic
SOUTH AFRICAN REPUBLIC (Railways): Correspondence Relating to the Closing of the Vaal River Drifts By the Government of the South African October 1895
TRANSVAAL AND ORANGE RIVER COLONY: Further Correspondence Relating to the Transvaal Labour Importation Ordinance
TRANSVAAL AND ORANGE RIVER COLONY: Correspondence Relating to Affairs in the Transvaal and Orange River Colony
SOUTH AFRICA WOMEN'S INDUSTRIAL UNION: Further Correspondence Relating to the Affairs of the Transvaal and Orange River Colony
TRANSVAAL LABOUR COMMISSION: Reports of the Transvaal Labour Commission
TRANSVAAL LABOUR COMMISSION: Majority Report of the Transvaal Labour Commission 1903
SOUTH AFRICA WOMEN'S INDUSTRIAL UNION: Report of the Transvaal Concessions Commission Dated 19th April 1901
SOUTH AFRICA WOMEN'S INDUSTRIAL UNION: Report of the Land Settlement Commission South Africa Dated 28th November 1900
COLONIAL CONFERENCE 1907: Minutes of Proceedings of the Colonial Conference 1907
GRAY, Ethel L. & James: A History of the Discovery of the Witwatersrand Goldfields
SUMNER, Colin: Reading Ideologies: An Investigation Into the Marxist Theory of Ideology and Law
SCOTT, H. Harold: A History of Tropical Medicine, Based on the Fitzpatrick Lectures Delivered Before the Royal College of Physicians of London 1937-38
GROBLER, J.C.H: Politieke leier of meeloper? Die lewe van Piet Grobler, 1873-1942
MEDEIROS, Carlos Laranjo: Vakwandu. History, Kinship and Systems of Production of an Herero People of South West Angola
SZABO, Miklos: The Celtic Heritage in Hungary
WASSERSTEIN, B: Gypsum in the Union of South Africa
CROSSAN, John Dominic: The Cross That Spoke. The Originas of the Passion Narrative
VEIT, Richard R. & PETERSEN, Wayne R: Birds of Massachusetts
ROLLINS, Mark (Edited by): Danto and His Critics
ARNAUD, Jean Robert (Edited by): Cimaise. Art et Architecture Actuels / Present Day Art and Architecture #87
ARNAUD, Jean Robert (Edited by): Cimaise. Art et Architecture Actuels / Present Day Art and Architecture #88-89
ARNAUD, Jean Robert (Edited by): Cimaise. Art et Architecture Actuels / Present Day Art and Architecture #93-94
ARNAUD, Jean Robert (Edited by): Cimaise. Art et Architecture Actuels / Present Day Art and Architecture #95-96
ARNAUD, Jean Robert (Edited by): Cimaise. Art et Architecture Actuels / Present Day Art and Architecture #97
ARNAUD, Jean Robert (Edited by): Cimaise. Art et Architecture Actuels / Present Day Art and Architecture #108-109
ARNAUD, Jean Robert (Edited by): Cimaise. Art et Architecture Actuels / Present Day Art and Architecture #110-111
ARNAUD, Jean Robert (Edited by): Cimaise. Art et Architecture Actuels / Present Day Art and Architecture #112
ARNAUD, Jean Robert (Edited by): Cimaise. Art et Architecture Actuels / Present Day Art and Architecture #113-114
ARNAUD, Jean Robert (Edited by): Cimaise. Art et Architecture Actuels / Present Day Art and Architecture #115-116
ARNAUD, Jean Robert (Edited by): Cimaise. Art et Architecture Actuels / Present Day Art and Architecture #117-118
ARNAUD, Jean Robert (Edited by): Cimaise. Art et Architecture Actuels / Present Day Art and Architecture #119-120-121
ROUX, Marianne & ST. LEGER, Molly: Grahamstown Fingo Village ... An Investigation Into the Socio-Economic Conditions of the Inhabitants of the Fingo Village and Their Attitude to Removal
BB. (WATKINS-PITCHFORD, Denys): The Little Grey Men
SIMON, Shena D. (Foreword by): 80th Birthday Book for Ernest Darwin Simon, Lord Simon of Wythenshawe, b. 9 th October 1879
FOWLER, Edward: The Rhetoric of Confession: Shishosetsu in Early Twentieth-Century Japanese Fiction
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