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SALVADORI, Roy & PRITCHARD, Anthony: Roy Salvadori Racing Driver ROSBERG, Keke & BOTSFORD, Keith: Keke. An Autobiography FINE, Hilton Basil: The Administration of Criminal Justice at the Cape of Good Hope 1795-1828
STRAND, Mark: Mr. & Mrs. Baby (GOLDEN COCKEREL PRESS: Prospectus for "One Hundred and Eleven Poems By Robert Herrick" PAGER, Harald: Ndedema. A Documentation of the Rock Paintings of Ndedema Gorge
ARKHURST, Frederick S. (Edited by): Arms and African Development: Proceedings of the First Pan-African Citizens' Conference NEWTON-THOMPSON, Joyc: Gwelo Goodman South African Artist PERCIVAL, John: Theatre in My Blood. A Biography of John Cranko
CLAY, John F. (Edited by): Essays in Steam: An anthology of articles from the Journal of the Stephenson Locomotive Society PAXTON, Leith & BOURNE, David: Locomotives of the South African Railways BAECK (BECK), Elias: Neu Accurater Plan Der Haupt Vestung BELGRAD Wie Derselbe Dermahlen Mit Ihren Neu Angelegten Vestunge Werdern Sich Befindet.
THOMPSON, Robert: Defeating Communist Insurgency. Experiences from Malaya and Vietnam SIENAERT, Marilet: The I of the Beholder. Identity Formation in the Art and Writing of Breyten Breytenbach KOPPELKAMM, Stefan: Glasshouses and Wintergardens of the Nineteenth Century
ZATTA, Antonio: La Dalmazia Veneta Di Givanni Valle Giustinopolitano SEUTTER, Matthew: Le Royaume De France BURNETT, Ricky (Curated and Edted by): Persons and Pictures. The Modernist Eye in Africa
ELLIS, Brita: Thupelo Art Project WATERMAN, Jill: 20 Years Moving Into Dance. Mophatong. 20 Years of Perfomance and Education 1978-1998 EDWARDS, Veryan: Thapong International Artists' Workshop. Mahalapye Botswana 1993
SANGA, G: Thapong International Artists' Workshop. Mahalapye Botswana 1992 PETTERSEN, Arvid J: Thapong International Artists' Workshop. Mahalapye Botswana 1995 LODER, Robert: Thapong International Artists' Workshop. Kanye Botswana 1991
BRUNKE, Angelika and Timo: Hartmut Landauer RUBIN, Lawrence: Richard Diebenkorn. Recent Work BRODY, Annemarie: The Face of the Centre: Papunya Tula Paintings 1971-1984
EGERSDORFER, Heinrich: Sketche of South African Life SERIES 1-6 (36 postcards) WALTON, Izaak & COTTON, Charles: The Complete Angler or Contemplative Man's Recreation Being a Discourse on Rivers, Fish-Ponds, Fish, and Fishing PHOTOGRAPH ALBUM: An Oblong Snapshot Album By D.J. Farquharson, World War 1 Period, Showing Scenes in the Channel Islands, Including Zeppelins Over Guernsey, Flying Boats and Naval Vessels
AERTS, W. (Edited by): The Cathedral of Our Lady in Antwerp MEYEROWITZ, Joel (Intoduction By Norman MAILER): Bay / Sky BRANCH, Bill: Everyone's Guide to Snakes, Other Reptiles & Amphibians of Southern Africa
BRODE, Wallace R: Chemical Spectroscopy GOODE, Douglas: Cycads of Africa WISDEN, John: John Wisden's Cricketers' Almanack for 1905
CIOS: Life in Afrikanderland as Viewed by an Afrikander: A Story of Life in South Africa Based on Truth JECKS, Michael: The Mad Monk of Sidleigh BROWNLEE, Frank: Ntsukumbini Cattle Thif
CAINE, Hall: The Christian. A Drama in 4 Acts LATS: De Kaapsche Landverhuizers of Neerlands Fstammelingen in Zuid-Afrika GREIG, John (Edited by): The Musical Educator, A Library of Musical Instruction by Eminent Specialists
JENNINGS, Paul: Dunlopera. The Woks an Workings of the Dunlop Rubber Company ARBUCKLE, D.D. (And Numerous others): The Republic of Transkei GWYNN-JONES, Trry: The Air Racers. Aviation's Golden Era 1909-1936
MILLER, W.F. (Edited by): Three Corners. Souvenir Issue of the Magazine of no.32 Elementary flying training School of the Royal Air Force Bowden SHIRLEY-FOX, John: Angling Adventures of an Artist BRIDGMAN, Leonard (Edited an Compiled by): Jane's All the World's Aircraft 1943-44
BRIDGMAN, Leonard (Edited an Compiled by): Jane's All the World's Aircraft 1941 BRIDGMAN, Leonard (Edited an Compiled by): Jane's All the World's Aircraft 1948 DEAN, F.E. (Edited by): Power and Speed. The Story of the Internal Combustion Engine on Land, at Sea and in the Air
FREDERICQ, Louise: Floris Jespers Achterglasschilderijen - Peintures Sous Verre PARDON, Sydney H.(Edited by): John Wisden's Cricketers' Almanack for 1899 PARDON, Sydney H.(Edited by): John Wisden's Cricketers' Almanack for 1898
PARDON, Sydney H.(Edited by): John Wisden's Cricketers' Almanack for 1900 PARDON, Sydney H.(Edited by): John Wisden's Cricketers' Almanack for 1904 PARDON, Sydney H.(Edited by): John Wisden's Cricketers' Almanack for 1910
PARDON, Sydney H.(Edited by): John Wisden's Cricketers' Almanack for 1911 PRESTON, Norman (Edited by): Wisden Cricketers' Almanack 1964 PRESTON, Norman (Edited by): Wisden Cricketers' Almanack 1965
PRESTON, Norman (Edited by): Wisden Cricketers' Almanack 1967 PRESTON, Norman (Edited by): Wisden Cricketers' Almanack 1970 PRESTON, Norman (Edited by): Wisden Cricketers' Almanack 1972
PRESTON, Norman (Edited by): Wisden Cricketers' Almanack 1973 PRESTON, Norman (Edited by): Wisden Cricketers' Almanack 1974 PRESTON, Norman (Edited by): Wisden Cricketers' Almanack 1975
PRESTON, Norman (Edited by): Wisden Cricketers' Almanack 1976 PRESTON, Norman (Edited by): Wisden Cricketers' Almanack 1980 WOODCOCK, John (Edited by): Wisden Cricketers' Almanack 1981
WOODCOCK, John (Edited by): Wisden Cricketers' Almanack 1986 PRESTON, Norman (Edited by): Wisden Cricketers' Almanack 1960 PRESTON, Norman (Edited by): Wisden Cricketers' Almanack 1959
PENN, Irving: Passage VERLET, Pierre: La Maison Du XVIII Siecle En France. Societe Decoration Mobilier ARMANI, Giorgio: Spring / Summer Collection 1995
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