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REX, Hermann: Die voorgeskiedenis en geskiedenis van die Nederduitsch Hervormde Gemeente Zeerust (Marico) vanaf die predikantskap van ds. Daniel Lindley (1840-1844) tot dié van ds. Samuel Young (1947-1971) DE VRIES, Roalnd: Mobiele Oorlogvoering. 'n Perspektief Uit Suider-Afrika HARTE, Chris: The History of the South Australian Cricket Association
NAUDE, Eduan & SHALKOFF, Brian: EGOLI Recipe Book HOARE, Philip & HEATH, Chris: Pet Shop Boys Catalogue PAUW, Anton & JOHNSON, Steven: Table Mountain. A Natural History
MURDOCH, Iris: The Sandcastle GILLESPIE, William M: A Treatise on Surveying - Part 1: Land Surveying and Direct Leveling SOUTH AFRICAN DEFENCE FORCE: Militere Woordeboek S A Weermag / Military Dictionary S A Defence Force
REVELLI, George: Resort to War McKAY, W.B. (Revised J.K. McKAY): Building Construction Vols 1-4 HAMILTON, George Rostrevor: The Greek Portrait
TIDYMAN, Ernest: The Last Shaft GALLEZ, Jules: 101 Methods BURROWS, J.H.J.; HEMP, R.; LANCASTER, F.H.; QUILLIAM, J.H: The Ventilation of South African Gold Mines
THE WAR OFFICE: Manual of Military Law 1929 (Reprinted December 1939) WOODS, Shadrach: Candilis-Josic-Woods; building for People DANNATT, Trevor: Modern architecture in Britain. Selected examples of recent buildings with an introduction by J. Summerson
SPICER, Bart: Act of Anger IMPEY, Robert Lance & IMPEY, Adele (Jan SMUTS Association item): Personal Reminiscences WATSON, David: Arendt (Fontana Modern Masters)
RAUBENHEIMER, Braam: My Afrikaner Pad En Nalatenskap VAN DER MERWE, Floris J G: Matie Atletiek 1885-1985 SMITH, Robert C: The Art of Portugal 1500-1800
THOMAS, E.J: The Road to Nirvana. A Selection of the Buddhist Scriptures RAMACHARAKA, Yogi: Fourteen Lessons in Yogi Philosophy EISENMAN, R. & WISE, M: The Dead Sea Scrolls Uncovered
OLIPHANT, Andries Walter (Edited by) (Contributors Include Jeremy CRONIN, Kaizer NYATSUMBA): Staffrider VOL.8 No.2 RATSMA, S. (Compiled by): Rotterdam getekend. Topografische tekeningen uit de atlas van het Gemeentearchief SHAKESPEARE, William (Text Established By Herbert FARJEON, with New Introduction By Ivor BROWN): The Complete Works of William Shakespeare, the Text and Order of the First Folio with Quarto Variants & a Choice Opf Modern Readings Noted Marginally; to Which are Added Pericles and the First Quartos of Six of the Plays, with Three Plays of Doubtful ...
NICHOLS, Beverly: The Art of Flower Arrangement HOBHOUSE, Penelope & TAYLOR, Patrick (Edited by): The Gardens of Europe SCOTT-JAMES, Anne & LANCASTER, Osbert: The Pleasure Garden. AN ILLUSTRATED HISTORY OF BRITISH GARDENING
BROWN, Jane: Gardens of a Golden Afternoon. The Story of a Partnership. Edwin Lutyens and Gertrude Jekyll HOFMAN, Jaroslav & MOTL, Vitezslav: Pruhonicky Park BECKETT, Samuel: Watt
BARWICK, G.F: The Reading Room of the British Museum DONNE, John (Edited By Evelyn Mary SIMPSON): Donne's Sermon of Valediction at His Going into Germany Preached at Lincoln's Inn April 18, 1619 DE LIMBOURG, Pol & COLOMBE, Jean: Les Tres Riches Heures du Duc de Berry (Musee Conde a Chantilly)
BULGARI, Costantino G: Argentieri Gemmari e Orafi D'Italia. PARTE PRIMA ROMA VOL. 2 Only FORBES, R.J: Studies in Ancient Technology: Copper and Bronze, Tin, Arsenic, Antimony and Iron v.9: Copper and Bronze, Tin, Arsenic, Antimony and Iron . VOL 9 HILL, W. Osman: Primates, Comparative Anatomy and Taxonomy VOL. 5: Cebidae - Part B
PENFOLD, A.R. & WILLIS, J.L: The Eucalypts Botany, Chemistry, Cultivation and Utilization COURT, W.H.B: The Rise of the Midland Industries 1600-1838 HUGHES, J. Quentin: The Building of Malta 1530 - 1795 during the period of the Knights of St.John of Jerusalem
FROST, William & BOUGHTON, R.V: Modern Practical Brickwork FROSTICK, Michael: Advertising and the Motor Car CARSON, R.A.G: Coins of Greece and Rome (Coins Ancient, Mediaeval and Modern. VOLUME ONE)
NEILL, Leonard (Edited by) (PERIODICAL): South African Boxing and Wrestling VOL.2 No.1 June 1973 NEILL, Leonard (Edited by) (PERIODICAL): South African Boxing and Wrestling VOL.2 No.2 July 1973 BAUER, R: The New Catalogue of Historical Records 1898-1908/9
MOUILLESSEAUX, Harold R: Ethan Allen Gunmaker. His Partners, Patents and Firearms LESKY, Albin: A History of Greek Literature MOORTGAT, Anton: The Art of Ancient Mesopotamia. The Classical Art of the Near East
HAAXMAN, P.J: Antony Van Leeuwenhoek. De Ontdekker Der Infusorien 1675-1875 WILSON, Eunice: A History of Shoe Fashions : A Study of Shoe Design in Relation to Costume and Shoe Designers, Pattern Cutters, Manufacturers, Fashion Students and Dress Designers Etc LINDSAY, Jack: Helen Comes of Age. Three Plays
O'CONNOR, Jack: The Big-game Rifle RAND, Peter: Firestorm RISTIC, Svetomir; SIMIC, Zivojin; POPOVIC, Vladeta (Compiled by): An English Serbocroatian Dictionary Volume I & Volume II Enciklopediski Englesko-Srpskohrvatski Recnik
WATERHOUSE, Gilbert (Edited by): Simon van der Stel’s Journal of his Expedition to Namaqualand, 1685-6 LANG, Jane: Rebuilding St. Paul's After the Great Fire of London GALBRAITH, V.H: The Making of Domesday Book
LIPKE, William: David Bomberg. A Critical Study of His Life and Work DENSMORE, Frances: Teton Sioux Music PALMER, A. H: The Life of Joseph Wolf Animal Painter
ACHTZEHN, H.G.O: Zinkwazi Beach & Surrounding Area Natal North Coast. History, Personalities , Developments LANGUI, Em (and Numerous Other authors): QUADRUM 3 (III) - Revue Internationale D'art Moderne, International Magazine of Modern Art, Internationale Zeitschrift Fur Moderne Kunst ARROWSMITH, Aaron: Chart of the East India Islands
DOEPEL, R. T. (Notes by): Giuseppe Cattaneo. Retrospective Exhibition Gertrude Posel Gallery University of the Witwatersrand Johannesburg 19 April - 25 May 1977 BLACK, James (Compiled by): Recent advances in the conservation and analysis of artifacts (Jubilee conservation conference papers) BARR, James: The Semantics of Biblical Language
WEINGREEN, J: Introduction to the Critical Study of the Text of the Hebrew Bible DRIVER, G.R. (Edited By G.A. HOPKINS): Semitic Writing from Pictograph to Alphabet. The Schweich Lectures.....1944 KENYON, Max: Harpsichord Music - A Survey of the Virginals, Spinet and Harpsichord and Their Continental Equivalents; the People Who Played Upon Them; the Composers for Them; and the Music They Wrote
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