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STRUTT, Daphne: Royal Natal Yacht Club. A Brief History of 100 Years of Yachting on Durban Bay. 1858 - 1958 KNIGHT, William (Edited by): Rectorial Addresses Delivered at the University of St. Andrews: Sir William Stirling-Maxwell to the Marquess of Bute 1863-1893 KIRK, K. E: The Vision of God - The Christian Doctrine of the Summum Bonum
SIMPSON, W. J. Sparrow: A Study of Bossuet McCLURE, M.L. & FELTOE, C.L: The Pilgrimage of Etheria WARREN, F.E: The Liturgy and Ritual of the Ante Nicene Church
CLAYTON, H.J: Cassock and Gown GILDAS (Edited By Joseph STEVENSON): GILDAS De Excidio Britanniae. Ad fidem codicum manuscriptorum recensuit Josephus Stevenso BURGE, C.G. (Edited by): The Airman's Year Book 1934-5
BARNARD, Chris; DU PLESSIS, P.G.; EKSTEEN, Louis; MILES, John; SMIT, Bartho (Edited by): Kol 1 - 10 SEAGO, Edward: Circus Company BAKKES, Casparus Marius: Die Britse deurbraak aan die Benede-Tugela op Majubadag 1900
SPALDING, M.J: The History of the Protestant Reformation, in Germany and Switzerland, and in England, Ireland, Scotland, the Netherlands, France and Northern Europe HODGSON, Leonard: Essays in Christian Philosophy DODS, Marcus: Mohammed. Buddha and Christ. Four Lectures on Natural and Revealed Religion
MICKLEM, Philip Arthur: The Secular and the Sacred. An Enquiry Into the Principles of a Christian Civilization. Bampton Lectures 1946 NOVOMEYSKY, M. A: Given to Salt. The Struggle for the Dead Sea Concession HORN, Peter & SAUNDERS, Walter (Edited by) (Contributors Include Peter HORN; Michael MACNAMARA): Ophir 1
HORN, Peter & SAUNDERS, Walter (Edited by) (Contributors Include Peter HORN; Michael MACNAMARA; Wopko JENSMA): Ophir 2: Journal for Poetry HORN, Peter & SAUNDERS, Walter (Edited by) (Contributors Include Peter HORN; Michael MACNAMARA; Wopko JENSMA): Ophir 3: Journal for Poetry HORN, Peter & SAUNDERS, Walter (Edited by) (Contributors Include Peter HORN; Michael MACNAMARA; Wopko JENSMA; Walter BATTISS): Ophir 4: Journal for Poetry
HORN, Peter & SAUNDERS, Walter (Edited by) (Contributors Include Peter HORN; Michael MACNAMARA; Wopko JENSMA; Lionel ABRAHAMS: Ophir 5: Journal for Poetry HORN, Peter & SAUNDERS, Walter (Edited by) (Contributors Include Peter HORN; Michael MACNAMARA; Wopko JENSMA; Oswald MTSHALI): Ophir 6: Journal for Poetry HORN, Peter & SAUNDERS, Walter (Edited by) (Contributors Include Peter HORN; Michael MACNAMARA; Wopko JENSMA): Ophir 7: Journal for Poetry
HORN, Peter & SAUNDERS, Walter (Edited by) (Contributors Include Peter HORN; Michael MACNAMARA; Wopko JENSMA): Ophir 8: Journal for Poetry HORN, Peter & SAUNDERS, Walter (Edited by) (Contributors Include Peter HORN; Michael MACNAMARA; Wopko JENSMA; Sinclair BEILES; Wally SEROTE; William PLOMER): Ophir 9: Journal for Poetry SIBIYA, A.K: An Elementary Course in siSwati
DU TOIT, F.G.M: Eeufeesgedenkboek Van Die Gemeente Utrecht 1854-1954 VAN RENSBURG, N.A.J: Pns Kerek. Ned. Geref. Kerk Colesberg Ingewy 1966 DREYER, A: Kerksoewenier Van Middelburg K.P. Geskiedenis Van Die Ontstaan En Voortgang Van Die Ned. Ger. Gemeente Aldaar 1852 - 1927
STANDER, M.C. (Edited by): Gedenkboek Van Die 50 - Jarige Bestaan Van Die Nederduitse Gereformeerde Gemeente Herbertsdale BUTLER, Margaret Holt Lowry: Letters To Tweeters: A Memorial to Howard Haines Lowry and Margaret Erwin Holt Lowry CASTELLANETA, Stella Magni: Il Potere e Il Piacere Di Essere Donna
PAHANG, Tegku Puan: Masakan Tradision Pahang ROSENTHAL, Michael: Constable the Painter and His Landscape EVENDEN, C.A. (Pseud. EVO): Like a Little Candle
VERMEULEN, Irma: Man En Monument. Die Lewe En Werk Van Gerard Moerdijk WITTHOFT, Hans Jurgen: Tradition and Progress. 125 Years Blohm & Voss WEGELIN, Maimi: The Pattern-Cutting Book - "Pattern Cutting, Designing and Dressmaking made Easy with the "Basic Pattern"
JACOBSON, F.H: Gott Sicht In's Herz. Gebet Und Andachtsbuch Fur Fromme Israelitinnen Sowohl Frauen Als Madchen Zur Offentlichen Unnd Hauslichen Andacht.... GOETZSCHE, Eric: Rough But Ready an Official History of the Natal Mounted Rifles and Its Antecedent and Associated Units 1854 - 1969 PUSHKIN, Alexander Sergyeyevich: Boris Godunov. A Drama in Verse
LANGLANDS, B.W: The Chronicle of Dufile ARNOT, R. Page: Twenty Years ~ The Policy of the Communist Party of Great Britain from Its Foundation July 31st, 1920 PETTY, William: The Political Anatomy of Ireland. With the establishment for that kingdom when the late Duke of Ormond was Lord Lieutenant. Taken from the records. To which is added Verbum sapienti; or an account of the wealth and expenses of England, and the method ..
FABYAN, Robert (Edited By THOMAS, A.H. & THORNLEY, I.D.): The Great Chronicle of London Guildhall Library Ms 3313 VERNEY, John: John Verney's Farnham McKAY, Helen (Edited by): The Southern African Drawings of William J. Burchell. VOLUME TWO: The Landscape Drawings
LUCKIN, M.W. & DUFFUS, L.: History Of South African Cricket, Icluding the Full Scores of All Matches Since 1876, (AND) South African Cricket 1919-1927; (AND) South African Cricket 1927-1947] CLAERHOUT, Frans: Reconciliation / Versoening NEL, P.G. (Edited by)`: J. H. Pierneef. His Life and Work
"AURIGA" (The War Time Workshops Officer and Peace Time Fleet Engineer): The Autobiography of Billie Jean King SLESIN,SUZANNE; CLIFF,STAFFORD;BERTHELOT,JACK;GAUME,MARTINE; ROZENSZTROCH,DANIEL: Caribbean Style HOWES, Karen: Living in London
GRUNDLINGH, Kathy: Lines of Sight. Perspectives on South African Photography RORVIK, Honor & POLAND, Hope: Flower Fairies of Our Land VERDI, Giuseppe (Association Copy Jaco VAN DER MERWE): Falstaff. Lyrical Comedy in Three Acts. Complete Arrangement for Voice and Pianoforte
SISCHY, Ingrid: The Journey Of A Woman: 20 Years Of Donna Karan YALDWYN, W.B: British and Boer. Satirical and Patriotic Verses YALDWYN, W.B: Brirish & Boer (no 3) Our Three Victories, &c., &c. Paardeberg! Colenso! Ladysmith! On the Anniversary of Majuba 27th February 1900
STOP THE WAR COMMITTEE: More Lies Nailed to the Counter STOP THE WAR COMMITTEE: Mr. Chamberlain and the Raid STOP THE WAR COMMITTEE: "Morituri Te Salutant". Dying for the Dividends of Dives
STOP THE WAR COMMITTEE: Is This a Stock-Jobber's War? STOP THE WAR COMMITTEE: Will the French Raid London? STOP THE WAR COMMITTEE: Our English Liberties A.D. 1900
STOP THE WAR COMMITTEE: Westralia and Its Outlanders STOP THE WAR COMMITTEE: A Dutchman's Appeal./ The Judgment of Our Neighbours II STOP THE WAR COMMITTEE: The Transvaal Before the War
STOP THE WAR COMMITTEE: President Kruger's Concessions STOP THE WAR COMMITTEE: The Besetting Sin of Empires STOP THE WAR COMMITTEE: The Meteor Flag of England Up-To-Date
STOP THE WAR COMMITTEE: South African War. Butcher's Bill 1900 STOP THE WAR COMMITTEE: Ministers of Religion and War. Mr. Chamberlain on Their Responsibilities..... STOP THE WAR COMMITTEE: After Seven Months War
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