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HATCHER, Jane: The Industrial Architecture of Yorkshire BERGMANN, Ottmar (Translated By Charles OSBORNE): Elvira Bach RUBENS, Bernice: The Elected Member
LE CORDEUR, Basil (Edited by): The Journal of Charles Lennox Stretch SMITH, Naomi: Outside Information, A Diary of Rumours ARMY: EAST AFRICA: Official Programme of Army Exhibitions and Displays at K.D.F. Ground, Delamere Avenue, Nairobi. August 25th to September 3rd 1944
RICHARDS, Audrey: Chisungu. A Girl's Initiation Ceremony Among the Bemba of Zambia OPPENHEIM, Gladys: Books for the Bantu: A study of library service for the African, based on the Negro library service of the United States of America : with a chapter on Bibliotherapy MAYSON, John Schofield: The Malays of Cape Town
ROSS, Geo (Compiled by): African court calendar for MDCCCVII. Under the Sanction of Government CAPE OF GOOD HOPE: Lyst Van Alle Collegien, Civile En Kerkelyke Ambtenaaren, in De Bataafsche Volkplanting Aan Den Zuidpunt Van Afrika, 1806 (AND) Almanak Van Den Kaap De Goede Hoop Voor Het Jaar MDCCCVI KAHN, Ellison: When the Lion Feed -- and the Censor Pounces. A Disquisition on the Banning of Immoral Publications in South Africa
POTHIER, R.J. (Translated By Joannes Van Der LINDEN): Verhandeling van Contracten, en Andere Verbintenissen WILMOT, A: Geography of South Africa, for Use of Higher Classes in Schools BOKWE, John Knox: Amaculo Ase Lovedale
NEL, P.G: Die Kultuurontplooiing Van Die Afrikaner KEYTER, Carl (Compiled by): The South African Holiday Guide Especially for Africans, Indians and Coloured 1968 GREEN, C.H: The Rhodesian Boy
ELFFERS, Hubertus: The Englishman's Guide to the Speedy and Easy Acquirement of Cape Dutch ELFFERS, Hubertus: The Commercial Dutch Grammar CARPENTER, Thomas: Carpenter's Spelling Assistant Wherein the words are Arranged on an Improved Plan . for the Use of Schools
THOMPSON, Stanbury: The Story of Jenny Diver. a Memoir of a Famous Female Criminal BIRO, Lajos (Edited By Ernest BETTS): The Private Life of Henry VIII PEARCE, Charles William: The Art of The Piano-Teacher Viewed from Its Physical, psychological and Practical Standpoints
FITZPATRICK, Kathleen (Edited by): Australian Explorers: A Selection from their Writings BLACKBURN, Douglas: Richard Hartley Prospector FROST, W.E. & BROWN, M.E: The Trout (DUSTWRAPPER ONLY)
LINDSAY, Norman: Norman Lindsay's Book: No. II DU TOIT, P. (Compiled by) (Contribution By H F VERWOERD): Verslag Van Die Volkskongres Oor Die Armblankevraagstuk / Report of the National Conference on the Poor White Problem...Kimberley 2 - 5 Oct. 1934 KIPNIS, Levin: Maharozet: Zemirot u-mishakim Legan-Hayeladim Ulevet Hasefer
LEWANDOWSKI, L: Kol Rinnah u'T'fillah, GRIS, Noah Compiled by): Kinder-martirologie : Zamlung fun Dokumentn SCARRE, Geoffrey & SCARRE, Chris (Edited by): The Ethics of Archaeology: Philosophical Perspectives on Archaeological Practice
STORCH, David; MARQUET, Pablo A.; BROWN, James H: Scaling Biodiversity KEDDY, Paul A: Wetland Ecology Principles and Conservation FINLAYSON, Clive: Neanderthals and Modern Humans: An Ecological and Evolutionary Perspective
OOSTHUYSEN, J.C: Bybelse Leesboekie / Izifundo Zezibalo Ezingcwele (Afrikaans and Xosa). Uitgegeee Deur Die Vrouesendingbond (Kaap Provinsie) DUMINY, Andrew & BALLARD, Charles (Edited by): The Anglo-zulu War. New Perspective LANGUAGE, F.J. And Several Others: Die Naturel in die Suid-Afrikaanse Nywerheidslewe.. Referate Gelewer op Die Tweede Jaarvergadering Van die Suid-Afrikaanse Buro Vir Rasse-Aangeleenthede (Sabra),
SHIPANGA, Andreas (as Told to Sue ARMSTRONG): In Search of Freedom. The Andreas Shipanga Story SMITH, D.K. (Edited by): Our Africa Vol.IV No.1 September 1961 SMITH, D.K. (Edited by): Our Africa Vol.IV No.3 November 1961
LORANT, Stefan (Edited by) (PERIODICAL): Picture Post VOL 5. 7th October 1939 to 30th December 1939 LORANT, Stefan (Edited by) (PERIODICAL): Picture Post VOL.6. 6th January 1940 to 30th March 1940 LORANT, Stefan (Edited by) (PERIODICAL): Picture Post VOL.7. 6th April 1940 to 29th June 1940
LORANT, Stefan (Edited by) (PERIODICAL): Picture Post VOLS 9 and 10. 5th October 1940 to 29th March 1941 LORANT, Stefan (Edited by) (PERIODICAL): Picture Post VOLS 11 and 12. 5th April 1941 to 27th September 1941 LORANT, Stefan (Edited by) (PERIODICAL): Picture Post VOLS 13 and 14. 4th October 1941 to 28th March 1942
BRAHMS, Caryl & SIMON, S.J: Stroganoff in the Ballet. An omnibus volume comprising ''A Bullet in the Ballet'', ''Casino for Sale'', & ''Six Curtains for Stroganova'' PLAYER, Gary: To be the Best. Reflections of a Champion VILAKAZI, Absolom; MTHETHWA, Bongani; MPANZA, Mthembenei: Shembe. The Revitalization of African Society
ROY, Robert: Earthwood: Building Low Cost Alternative Houses CORBIN (TRADE CATALOGUE): Corbin Locks and Builders' Hardware Catalog No. 27 SCARBOROUGH, N.F: Sweet Manufacture. A Practical Handbook on the Manufacture of Sugar Confectionery
SCHUTTE, G.J: Een Hollandse dorpssamenleving in de late achttiende eeuw. De banne Graft, 1770-1810 DU PREEZ, Max: Of Warriors, Lovers and Prophets : Unusual Stories from South Africa's Past BURGER, Gerhard & VAN DER BERG, Wim: A Lions Tale - 120 Years of the Red and White
PATEL, Essop: Fragments in the Sun. Poems and Performance Text OKA, Hideyuki: How to Wrap Five More Eggs. Traditional Japanese Packaging HOBBS, Philippa & RANKIN, Elizabeth: Printmaking in a Transforming South Africa
GRAY, William: Coral Reefs & Islands: The Natural History of a Threatened Paradise CAPRICORN PRESS (Edited by): Antarctica : Great Stories from the Frozen Continent BENNETT, David: Roller Coaster: Wooden and Steel Coasters, Twisters and Corkscrews
THUILLIER, Jacques: Georges De La Tour CAMPBELL, Horace: Reclaiming Zimbabwe: The Exhaustion of the Patriachal Model of Liberation NURNBERGER, Klaus: Theology of the Biblical Witness: An Evolutionary Approach
LEGRAND, Lucien: The Bible on Culture: Belonging or Dissenting? HACKETT, Volderine (Edited by): Champions for Change. Reducing HIV/AIDS Stigma and Discrimination in the Caribbean COLEMAN, Max (Edited by): A Crime Against Humanity: Analysing the Repression of the Apartheid State
CHURCHILL, Winston S: Marlborough His Life and Times VOLUME 1: ADVANCE PROOF COPY VAN DER WESTHUIZEN, Vincent (edited by): Bantu VOL.XXII No.1 January 1975 VAN DER WESTHUIZEN, Vincent (edited by): Bantu VOL.XXII No.2 February 1975
VAN DER WESTHUIZEN, Vincent (edited by): Bantu VOL.XXII No.3 March 1975 VAN DER WESTHUIZEN, Vincent (edited by): Bantu VOL.XXII No 4 April 1975 VAN DER WESTHUIZEN, Vincent (edited by): Bantu VOL.XXIII No 6 July 1976
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