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CAPE OF GOOD HOPE: Report of the Commission Appointed By His Excellency the Governor to Inquire Into and Report Upon the Railways of the Colony, Presented to Both Houses of Parliament.....1878
CLIFFE, Lionel (and others): The Transition to Independence in Namibia
DIERKS, Klaus: Khauxa!nas
BEHNKE, Roy H.; SCOONES, Ian; KERVEN, Carol (Edited by): Range Ecology at Disequilibrium: New Models of Natural Variability and Pastoral Adaptation in African Savannas
RUKUNI, Mandivamba & EICHER, Carl K. (Edited by): Zimbabwe's Agricultural Revolution
KORTEN, Frances C. & SIY, Robert Y. (Edited by): Transforming a Bureaucracy : The Experience of the Philippine National Irrigation Administration
MEYER, A: The Archaeological Sites of Greefswald : Stratigraphy and chronology of the sites and a history of Investigations
MUSILA, Godfrey M: Between Rhetoric and Action: The Politics, Processes and Practice of the ICC's Work in the DRC
MOLLER, M. (And others): Ethics and Good Governance in Namibia
PANDENI, J.A. (Intro. by): The Association of Regional Councils Conference Marienthal 9-12 October 1997
CHILUNDO, Arlindo Goncalo: Os camponeses e os caminhos de ferro e estradas em Nampula (1900-1961)
BEKKER, S.B: Ethnicity in Focus: The South African Case (Indicator SA issue focus)
GARBER, Larry (and others): An Evaluation of the June 21, 1992 elections in Ethiopia
CAPO, Hounkpati B.C: The New Ewe Orthography: Based on the GBE Uniform Standard Orthography
JOSEPH, Suad (Edited by): Encyclopedia of Women & Islamic Cultures: Methodologies, Paradigms and Sources (Encyclopaedia of Women and Islamic Cultures VOLUME 1)
JOSEPH, Suad (Edited by): Encyclopedia of Women and Islamic Cultures: Family, Law and Politics (Encyclopaedia of Women and Islamic Cultures VOL.2)
BALCH, J.D.; CAMMACK, D.; JOHNSON, P.; MORGAN, R. (Edited by): Transcending the Legacy: Children in the New Southern Africa
DEPARTMENT OF LAND AFFAIRS: White Paper on South African Land Policy
HELMSING, A.H.J.; MUTIZWA-MANGIZA, N.D.; GASPER, D.R.; BRAND, C.M.; WEKWETE, K.H: Limits to decentralization in Zimbabwe: essays on the decentralization of government and planning in the 1980s
DUGARD, John; HAYSOM, Nicholas; MARCUS, Gilbert: The Last Years of Apartheid: Civil Liberties in South Africa
KAMWETI, David; OSIRO, Deborah; MWIRTURUBANI, Donald A: Nature and Extent of Environmental Crime in Kenya
MWEBAZA, Rose: Sustaining Good Governance in Water and Sanitation in Uganda
BRACKEN, C.W: A History of Plymouth and Her Neighbours
ROBBERTZE, F. P. Du P: Generaals Coen Brits En Louis Botha 1899-1915. Die Uitwissing Van Milnerisme
VILJOEN, Ben: My Reminiscences of the Anglo-Boer War
FRAYNE, Bruce: Urbanisation in Post Independence Windhoek (with Special Emphasis on Katutura )
DIOUF, Mammadou & MAMDAMI, Mahmood (Edited by): Liberte Academique En Afrique
CARVER, Richard (and others): African Exodus. Refugee Crisis Human Rights and the 1969 OAU Convention
WOMAN AND LAW IN SOUTHERN AFRICA PROJECT: Women and Law in Southern Africa Project: Maintenance Rights and Women in Mozambique (Case Studies in the Southern Region)
JAMALI, David C. (Edited by): Economic and Social Conditions in Independent Zimbabwe: A Human Rights Perspective
NDEBELE, Ndjabulo S: Iph'indlela? The First Steve Biko Memorial Lecture
EVRENSEL, Astrid (Edited by): Voter Registration in Africa: a Comparative Analysis
SACHS, Albie & WELCH, Gita Honwana: Liberating the Law: Creating Popular Justice in Mozambique
POULTON, Robin Edward & AG YOUSSOUF, Ibrahaim: A Peace of Timbuktu : Democratic Governance, Development and African Peacemaking
MILLS, Greg & STREMLAU, John (Edited by): The Privatisation of Security in South Africa
HERBST, Jeffrey & MILLS, Greg: The Future of Africa: A New Order in Sight?
HOLLAND, Jeremy & BLACKBURN, James (Edited by): Whose Voice?: Participatory Research and Policy Change
KRAAK, Andre & YOUNG, Michael (Edited by): Education in Retrospect: Policy And Implementation Since 1990
AHUA, Atsen J.; KABATESI, Kibisu; WAWERU, Zeke (Edited by): Africa Communication Development and the Future
HANDMAKER, Jeff & BERKHOUT, Remko (Edited by): `mobilising Social Justice in South Africa: Perspectives from Researchers and Practitioners
KNUTSSON, Karl Eric & O'DEA, Pauline: Supporting the Movement for Children's Rights and Development in South Africa
VAN RENSBURG, Dingie (and Other authors): Strengthening Local Government and
MAKURA-PARADZA, Gaynor Gamuchirai: Single Women, Land and Livelihood Vulnerability in a Communal Area in Zimbabwe (Awlae Series)
MATLESA, Khabele; KHADIAGALA, Gilbert; SHALE, Victor: When Elephants Fight: Preventing and Resolving Election-Related Conflicts in Africa
GENDER LINKS (Edited by): This Seat is Taken: Elections and the Under-representation of Women in Seven Southern African Countries,
OLUKOJE, Ayodeji: Positive Leadership in Colonial and Post Colonial Africa
OBI, Cyril: Leadership in Local Communities in Historical Perspective: Pre-. Colonial and Colonial Nigeria
SULE-KANO, Abdullahi: The Nigerian Youth and the Nigerian State
OLUSANYA, Gabriel O: Leadership of the Organised Private Sector (OPS) in Nigeria: A Historical Perspective
FELDSTEIN, Hilary Sims & JIGGINS, Janice (Edited by): Tools for the Field: A Methodologies Handbook for Gender Analysis in Agriculture
JIANCHU, Xu & MIKESELL, Stephen (Edited by): Landscapes of Diversity: Indigenous Knowledge, Sustainable Livelihoods and Resource Governance in Montane Mainland Southeast Asia - Proceedings of the III Symposium on MMSEA, 25 - 28 August 2002, Lijiang, P.R. China
TRAYNOR, Catherine (Edited by): The SLUSE Model of Natural Resource Management: From Theory to Practice Through Field-based Training
RUFFEL, Denis: The Professional Caterer Series: Volumes 1 - 4
BILHEUX, R.; ESCOFFIER, A.; HERVE, D.; POURADIER, J.M: Special and Decorative Breads Basic Bread Making Techniques 46 Special Breads,Fancy Breads,Viennese Breads,Decorative Breads Presentation Pieces
BILHEUX, Roland & ESCOFFIER, Alain: Doughs, Batters, and Meringues (The Professional French Pastry Series, VOL. 1)
BILHEUX, Roland & ESCOFFIER, Alain: Decorations, Borders and Letters, Marzipan, and Modern Desserts (Professional French Pastry Series, VOL. 4)
SCHOEMAN, Karel: The Face of the Country: A South African Family Album 1860 - 1910
DANTE ALIGHIERI (Tranlated By Charles Lancelot SHADWELL): The Purgatory.(Purgatorio I-XXVII) An Experiment in Literal Verse Translation by Charles Lancelot Shadwell with an Introduction by Walter Pater
TURTON, Anthony; ASHTON, Peter; CLOETE, Eugene (Edited by): Transboundary Rivers, Sovereignty and Development: Hydropolitical Drivers in the Okavango River Basin
HOFSTADTER, Richard: Anti-Intellectualism in American Life
DOUGLAS, Alfred: Oscar Wilde and Myself
WILLIAMS, Charles: Charles Blomfield: His Life and Times
VAN DER MERWE, Thys: Hendrik Cloete En Die Argitektuur Van Groot Constantis
WHITELAW, Gavin: KwaGandaganda: settlement patterns in the Natal Early Iron Age
HUMPHREYS, A. J. B. & THACKERAY, Anne I: Ghaap and Gariep. Later Stone Age studies in the Northern Cape
JOOSTE, L: Die Kuns Van Oorlog. 'n Inleiding Tot Militere Kuns in Suid Afrika
THE RESEARCH SECTION OF THE DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMICS UNIVERSITY OF NATAL: The Durban Housing Survey: A Study of Housing in a Multi-racial Community (Natal Regional Survey; Additional Report No. 2)
REID DALY, Ron & STIFF, Peter: Selous Scouts Top Secret War
COOMBE, Ed. & SLINGSBY, Peter: Beard Shaver's Bush: Place Names in the Cape
NIVEN, Cecily (Compiled by): Jock and Fitz. In Commemoratioon of the Sixtieth Anniversary of the First Publication of Jock of the Bushveld
DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE: Handbook for Farmers in South Africa, VOL 1: Agriculture & Related Services, VOL 2 : Agronomy & Horticulture, VOL 3 Stock Farming & Pastures
BREYTENBACH, J.H. & PLOEGER, J: Majuba Gedenkboek. Uitgegee ter herdenking van die Boere se stryd ter verkryging van hul onafhanklikheid 'n eeu Gelede
CILLIE, Chris (Compiled by_: Gholfterme
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