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VERWOERD, H.F: State Funeral of the Late Prime Minister Dr. The Honourable H.F. Verwoerd Amphitheatre Union Buildings Pretoria Saturday 10th Seoptember at 2.15p.m. // Staatsbegrafnis Van Wyle Die Eerste Minister Sy Edele Dr. H. F. Verwoerd...... McINTOSH, Gordon; HANSON, Norman; MARTIENSSEN, Rex (Edited by): Zero Hour 1 April 1933 EISEMAN, Fred: Bali, Sekala and Niskala, Volume 1: Essays on Religion, Ritual, and Art; Volume 2, Essays on Society, Tradition and Craft
CHATWIN, Bruce: Photographs and Notebooks TANCHIS, Aldo: Bruno Munari: From Futurism to Post-industrial Design BARTHORP, Michael: Slogging Over Africa, The Boer Wars 1815 - 1902
SILBERGELD, Jerome: Mind Landscapes: The Paintings of C.C. Wang CAMPBELL-WHITE, Charles: The Life and Times of Charles Campbell-White (A Rambling Discourse) KERR, Gregory: Philippa Hobbs
HAGER, Hetta: Van Karrikamma Tot Griekwastad: die geskeidenis van die. NG gemeente en die gemeenskap van Griekwastad ROMANO, Chata: Style ROMANO, Chata: Colour
ENGELHARDT, W. V; LEONHARD-MARCK, S.; BREVES, G.; GIESECKE, D. (Edited by): Ruminant Physiology: Digestion, Metabolism, Growth and Reproduction: Proceedings of the Eighth International Symposium on Ruminant Physiology COETZEE, J.M: The Klife and Times of Michael K McNELLY, Willis E. (Compiled by): The Dune Encyclopedia
DU FAUR, Faber: With Napoleon in Russia: The Illustrated Memoirs of Major Faber du Faur, 1812 PANZER, Mary: Things As They Are: Photojournalism in Context Since 1955 PEGLER, Martin M: Stores of the Year 6
ANDREWS, Henry C: The Botanist's Repository for New, and Rare Plants Only With Botanical Descriptions in Latin and English after the Linnaean System Volume 1V JAMES, Wendy: The Ceremonial Animal: A New Portrait of Anthropology MATTHEWS, Clive & SWIATEK, Tony: BMW 3 Series
MAVROGORDATO, Jack: A Hawk For The Bush: A Treatise on the Training of the Sparrow-hawk and other Short-winged Hawks BRAKPAN MINES COMPANY: A Photograph Album Containing 16 Sepia Photographs DE VILLIERS, Riaan (Edited by): South Africa's New World
ROBERTS, B. Dew: Some Trees Stand COMIC BOOK: Sea Devils No.2 AFINOGENEV (Translated Hubert GRIFFITH): Distant Point
CAPEK, Josef: The Land of Many Names: A Play in Three Acts and a Transformation CHURCH, Richard: Collected Poems CELINE, L. F: BALLETS sans musique, sans personnes, sans Rien
CHAGALL, Bella: Burning Lights DUNSANY, Lord: The Donnellan Lectures 1943 Delivered at Trinity College, Dublin BRIDIE, James (Pseud. Osborne Henry Mavor.): The Baikie Charivari
DUNCAN, Ronald: Collected Plays: This Way to the Tomb, St. Spiv, Our Lady's Tumbler, the Seven Deadly Virtues, the Rehearsal, O-B-A-F-G, The Gift HERBERT, A. P: She Shanties WILLIAMSON, Henry (JEFFERIES, Richard): Richard Jefferies. Selections of his Work, with details of his Life and Circumstance, his Death and Immortality
PERIODICAL: The Wanderers Club Ninetieth Anniversary 1888 - 1978 The Wanderers Club Magazine September 1978) CARTER, Edmund (Writing Master at Cambridge): A Perpetual and Universal Table LADELL, H.M: Some Road and Bridge Work in the East African Campaign (IN: Minutes of Proceedings of the South African Society of Civil Engineers VOL. XVII)
CAMPBELL, Walter M: Durban Water Supply (Minutes of the Proceedings of the South African Society of Civil Engineers VOL XXIII) MOFFATT, H.R: The Reconstruction of No.7 Quay and the Removal of Number 3 Jetty, Table Bay Harbour. (IN: Minutes of the Proceedings of the South African Society of Civil Engineers VOL XXIV) HOLE, Christina: English Folk Heroes
MOULT, Thomas: Saturday Night LE QUEUX, William: Things I Know About Kings, Celebrities, and Crooks EDWARDS, Ralph: The Shorter Dictionary of English Furniture from the Middle Ages to the Late Georgian Period
NOVE, Alec: An Economic History of the USSR SIGMA: Resort Hotels Architecture & Interiors PEDERSEN, Martin: Graphis Promotion Design 2
BARRON, Don (Edited by): Creativity No.11 / a Photographic Review HUGHES, W: Canada (Steel Engraved Map) LAURIE & WHITTLE SONGSHEET: The Sailor's Will and His Power, or A Picture of Portsmouth Point
LAURIE & WHITTLE SONGSHEET: The Mail Coach, Sung By Mr. Mathewas, with Unbounded Applause, in the Farce of "The Three and the Deuce".......(Tune "The Country Club") LAURIE & WHITTLE SONGSHEET (By J. ASHLEY of ATH): The Lads of the Ocean, Sung with the Greatest Applause By Mr. Taylor of the Theatre Royal Covent Garden LAURIE & WHITTLE SONGSHEET: Paddy Shannon Courting the Widow Wilkins, Written By an Amateur Expressly for Mr. Johnstone, and Sung By Him at the Theatre Royal Drury Mr. Cumberland's New Opera "The Jew of Mogadore", the Music By Mr. Kelly
LAURIE & WHITTLE SONGSHEET (By Charles DIBDIN): Call Again To-Morrow LAURIE & WHITTLE SONGSHEET: Huzza, for Old England, with Hubbaboo Whack! LAURIE & WHITTLE SONGSHEET: Bound Prentice to a Waterman, Sung with Unbounded Applause By M
LAURIE & WHITTLE SONGSHEET: Henry Augustus Mug, A Witty Cockney. Sung with Unbounded Applause By Mr. Liston, in the New Play Called "The Africans" Written By George Colman the Younger LAURIE & WHITTLE SONGSHEET: The Tilted Wagon LAURIE & WHITTLE: Two of a Trade Seldom Agree
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LAURIE & WHITTLE: The Unlucky Ladies Going to a Country Dance LAURIE & WHITTLE: Will Waddle and the Baker, or 20 Stone Reduced to a Mere Skeleton BUNBURY, W.H., Engraved T. SCRATCHLEY: Courier Francois
BOTHA, T.J.R.; PONELIS, F.A.; COMBRINK, J.G.H.; ODENDAAL, F.F. (Edited by): Inleiding tot die Afrikaanse Taalkunde TURING, A.M. (Edited B. Jack COPELAND): The Essential Turing: Seminal Writings in Computing, Logic, Philosophy, Artificial Intelligence, and Artificial Life plus The Secrets of Enigma VAN DEN BOSSCHE, Peter & ZDOUC, Werner: The Law and Policy of the World Trade Organization: Text, Cases and Materials 3rd Edition
GOLDBLATT, David ; GORDIMER, Nadine; ABRAHAMS, Lionel; (and others): Two Photographs // Review of Lyric andTwo Photographs and Other Contributions to SNARL Vol.1 No.1 August 1974 LANGUI, M: Constant Permeke Dessins MILES, Alfred H. (Edited by): Fifty-Two (52) Stories of the British Army : Stories of Battles, Histories of Regiments, Lives of Great Soldiers, and Reminiscences of Military Campaigns Chronologically Arranged
WANDERERS CLUB: Rules and Regulations of the Wabnderers Club and Sub Clubs Johannesburg 1932 WANDERERS CLUB: Rules and Regulations of the Wanderers Club Johannesburg 1922 HOLITSCHER, Arthur & ZWEIG, Stefan: Frans Masereel (Graphiker Unserer Zeit #1)
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