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BLAUG, Mark: The Methodology of Economics: Or, How Economists Explain MORRIS, Brian: Anthropology of the Self: The Individual in Cultural Perspective HANLEY, James: Half an Eye. Sea Stories
MORRIS, Alan G: A Master Catalogue: Holocene Human Skeletons from South Africa CRONJE, G: The Delinquent as a Personality: The Concept of Bio-Psycho-Sociocriminological Causality FATIC, Aleksandar: Punishment and Restorative Crime-Handling: A Social Theory of Trust
BRATTON, Michael & VAN DE WALLE, Nicolas: Democratic Experiments in Africa: Regime Transitions in Comparative Perspective POULTNEY, Dora Ortlepp: Dawn to Dusk MAZEL, Aron D. (Edited by): Archaeological Papers from the Annals of the Natal Museum Vol 27(2) Pp. 337-511
HANLON, Joseph: Peace Without Profit How the IMF Blocks Rebuilding in Mozambique DUGMORE, A. Radclyffe: Camera Adventures in the African Wilds Being an Account of a Four months' Expedition in British East Africa for the Purpose of Securing Photographs from Life of the Game COLEMAN, Francis L. (Edited by): Economic History of South Africa
MEREDITH, Martin: The Past is Another Country: Rhodesia, Zimbabwe VORHIES, Frank & GRANT, Richard J. (Edited by): Liberty and Prosperity: Essays in Limiting Government and Freeing Enterprise in South Africa LEWIS, Wyndham: The Red Priest
LEWIS, Wyndham: Self-Condemned THEROUX, Alexander: The Primary Colors HOLLDOBLER, Bert & WILSON, Edward O: The Ants
BENTIVOGLIO, Guido`: Della Guerra di Fiandra, descritta dal cardinal Bentiuoglio. PARTE PRIMA e PARTE SECONDO BETTINELLI, Saverio: Del Risorgimento d’Italia negli studi nelle arti e ne’ costumi dopo il mille (AND) Parte Seconda dell’ arti e de’ costumi FORESTI, P. Antonio: Mappamondo Istorico: Tomo Settimo, Contiene Le Vite de Re DInghilterra, E Di Scozia
SCHEEPERS, C. L. Van W: Tell-Opgrawing // Tell Excavation in Israel SCHATZ, Ilse: Unter Buschleuten. auf der Farm Otjiguinas in Namibia CELESIA, Emanuele: La Congiura Del Conte Gianluigi Fieschi: Memorie Storiche Del Secolo XVI : Cavate Da Documenti Originali Ed Inediti
CELESIA, Emanuele: Dell'Antichissimo Idioma de' Liguri CASONI, Filippo: Storia del Bombardamento di Genova nell'anno 1684, libro inedito degli annali di Filippo Casoni CELESIA, Emanuele: Storie Genovesi Del Secolo XVIII
ROBERTSON, Guglielmo (William): Storia del Regno dell’imperatore Carlo Quinto TASSO, Torquato: Goffredo Overo Gierusalemme Liberata : Con l'aggiunta de' Cinque Canti del Sig. Camillo Camilli SILVA, Penelope (Edited by): The Albany Journals of Thomas Shone (Grahamstown Series #12)
ADAM, Heribert & MOODLEY, Kogila: The Negotiated Revolution , Society and Politics in Post-Apartheid South Africa GOOD, Kenneth: Realizing Democracy in Botswana, Namibia and South Africa BREYTENBACH, Willie: Democratisation in Sub-Saharan Africa: Transitions, elections, and prospects for consolidation
CARROL, Lewis: Nel Paese Delle Meraviglie DE WAAL, Edmund: The Hare with Amber Eyes: A Hidden Inheritance O'REILLY, Peter: Trout and Salmon Flies of Ireland
ROKA, Miklos Szabadics: Arqueologia de la prehistoria de Venezuela =: Archeology of the prehistory of Venezuela MAJRANI, Marco: Ships of the Sky, Aerostats, Fast As the Wind, Lighter Than Air SESSA, Aldo: Patagonia Panorama
WRIGHT, W.A: The Bloemfontein Pictorial, an Illustrated Description of Bloemfontein, Together with Articles "Bloemfontein as a Health Resort" and "Jagersfontein and Diamonds" COCKRAM, Gail Maryse: Vorster's Foreign Policy CHOKSY, Lois: The Kodaly Method I: Comprehensive Music Education
MAIER, Karl: Angola: Promises and Lies SIMPSON, George Gaylord: The Meaning of Evolution - a Study of the History of Life and of Its Significance for Man GRINKER, David: Inside Soweto (AND) Inside Soweto 2
BLACK, P. A. & DOLLERY, B. E: Leading Issues in South African Macroeconomics: Selected Readings DOKE, C.M. & VILAKAZI, B: Zulu-English Dictionary SHAW, E. M: A History of Currency in South Africa (South African Museum. Guide no. 5)
BURRIDGE, Alan & STEVENSON, Mick: Illustrated Collector's Guide to Motorhead WALDVOGEL, Merikay: Soft Covers for Hard Times: Quiltmaking & the Great Depression MOSS, Glenn: The New Radicals: A Generational Memoir of the 1970s
SUZMAN, Helen: In No Uncertain Terms: Memoirs CHESI, Gert: Voodoo. Africa's Secret Power UPTON, Anthony F: Finland 1939-1940
SOIFER, Ben A: Between Life and Death - History of Jewish Life in Wartime Poland 1939 - 1944 WITHERS & GERKE: Urban Design Handbook: A Survey of Major Building Projects and Urban Open Spaces in the Johannesburg Area SANDOW, Eugen ( Compiled and Edited By G. Mercer ADAM): Sandow on Physical Training. A Study in the Perfect Type of the Human Form
BUTLER, Henry: South African Sketches: Illustrative of the Wild Life of a Hunter on the Frontier of the Cape Colony: PLATE VIII: Baboons on the Lookout / The Game Fleeing Before the Hunters BOULLE, P. (Translated By Andre BRINK): Die Brug Oor Die Rivier Kwai LIDDELL, Henry George & SCOTT, Robert: A Greek English Lexicon
WAINWRIGHT, Eric; ARCHIBALD, Drew; WAKABAYASHI, Brigitte (Edited by): Post-Apartheid South Africa: Papers from a Conference of the South African PWPA Held in Sandton, South Africa January 20-21, 1989 GROSSKOPFF, Rodney: Raised on Gold BURGER, Marlene & GOULD, Chandre: Secrets and Lies: Wouter Basson and South Africa's Chemical and Biological Warfare Programme
DARLOW, Mike: Turned Chessmen NELSON, John A: Scroll Saw Workbook KASTNER, Erich: Emil, Containing Emil and the Detectives; Emil and the Three Twins; the Thirty Fifth of May
MARWICK, B.A: The Swazi: An Ethnographic Account of the Natives of the Swaziland Protectorate IMMELMAN, Pete & ESTERHIZEN, Estie: Fly Fishing in Mpumalanga TROLLOPE, Anthony (Edited By Michael SADLEIR & Frederick PAGE): The Oxford Trollope CROWN EDITION. 16 Vols
DAYMOND, M.J.; DRIVER, Dorothy; MEINTJES, Sheila; MOLEMA, Leloba; MUSENGEZI, Chiedza; ORFORD, Margie; RASEBOTSA, Nobantu (EDITED BY): Women Writing Africa: Volume 1: The Southern Region BEATTIE, John M: The English Court in the Reign of George I COOPER, Elizabeth: My Lady of the Chinese Courtyard
WILLEM DE MADOC MAECTE (Introduction, Notes and Glossary By BURM, O.J.E. & VAN DER MERWE, H. J. J. M.): Van Den Vos Reynaerde Uitgegee Na Die Comburgsche Handskrif CAPON, Paul: The Seventh Passenger BROLL, Maurice: Mud Blood and Laughter
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