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BALFOUR, Daryl & BALFOUR, Sharma: Chobe: Africa's Untamed Wilderness SMITH, Janet & TROMP, Beauregard: Hani A Life Too Short PETERS, Julia & WOLPER, Andrea (Edited by): Women's Rights, Human Rights: International Feminist Perspectives
FEINSTEIN, Adam: Pablo Neruda: A Passion For Life EIMER, G.H. Theodore (Translated By J T CUNNINGHAM): Organic Evolution as a Result of Inheritance of Acquired Characters according to the Laws of Organic Growth METCHNIKOFF, Elie: Etudes Sur La Nature Humaine
GILIOMEE, Herman: Nog Altyd Hier Gewees: Die Storie Van 'n Stellenbosse Gemeenskap[Buy it!] DE HAAN, Karl: Happy Sunday MILES, Elza: Current of Africa: the art of Selby Mvusi
GIES, Joseph & GIES, Frances: Leonard of Pisa and the New Mathematics of the Middle Ages ANDREAE, Heilwig & ANDREAE, Peter (Edited By Ute SCHOLTZ): The Levinson Collection: Being the Olga and Jack Levinson Collection of SWA/Namibian Art DOUGLAS, Struan: The Story of South African Jazz VOLUME ONE
LALLEMAND, M.J. (Under Direction of): Le Chemin De Fer De Benguela et Le Development De l'Afrique Australe EDWARDS, J: Reminiscences of the Early Life and Missionary Labours of the Rev. John Edwards HUTTON, William Holden: Constantinople the Story of the Old Capital of the Empire
HOYTE, Hal: North of the Zambesi: the Postmarks and Postal History of Northern Rhodesia and Zambia SAMUEL, Marcus & HUGGINS, Alan: Specimen Stamps and Stationery of Great Britain BECKER, Natie: The Overprinted Stamps of South West Africa to 1930
VAN DEN HURK, George: The Censor Markings Used on South African Military Mail 1975-1976 TWINING, Louisa: Symbols and Emblems of Early and Mediaeval Christian Art BOSMAN, D.J: The Discovery of God
KNIGHT, R.C. & MITCHELL, D.A: The Postmarks, Postal Routes, and Principal Postage Rates of Southern Rhodesia to 1924 TWALA, Mwezi & BENARD, Ed: Mbokodo : Inside MK : Mwezi Twala - A Soldier's story WILLCOCKS, R.M. & JAY, B: The British County Catalogue of Postal History: Vol. 2
WILLCOCKS, R.M. & JAY, B: The British County Catalogue of Postal History: Vol. 3 WILLCOCKS, R.M. & JAY, B: The British County Catalogue of Postal History: Vol. 4 WILLCOCKS, R.M. & JAY, B: The British County Catalogue of Postal History: Vol. 5
HITCHCOCK, Ethan Allen(Introduction Manly P Hall): The Red Book of Appin.A Key to the Interpretation of Fairy Tales and Folklore ESCOBAR, Rodrigo: Native Colombian Orchids Volume 1: Acacallis - Dryadella GRIFFITH, Kenneth & DRYSDALL, Alan: The Travelling Post Offices of the Imperial Military Railways
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DAVIES-WEBB, Paddy: Memories of the Lowveld's Elands Valley 1854-1983. Recollections of a Lifetime in the Valley and its Surrounds ROTBERG, Robert I: Black Heart Gore-Browne and the Politics of Multiracial Zambia JOUBERT, Salomon: The Kruger National Park: a History
WILLCOCKS, R.M. & JAY, B: The British Postal Catalogue VOL. 1 GRABER, Hans: Camille Pissaro. Alfred Sisley. Claud Monet. Nach eigenen und fremden Zeugnissen CAETANO, Marcello: Let Us Show Ourslves Worthy of the Present Time
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VON DER HEYDE, Nicki: Field Guide to the Battlefields of South Africa GROBLER, Jackie & GROBLER, Marelize: Women's Camp Journal: The Concentration Camps of the Anglo-Boer War MATHERS, E. P. (Frederick Courteney SELOUS INSCRIBED ASSOCIATION COPY): Zambesia England's El Dorado in Africa - Being a Description of Matabeleland and Mashonaland, and the Less-Known Adjacent Territiries, and an Account of the Gold Fields of British South Africa
DELLON, Gabriel: The History Of The Inquisition, As It Is Exercised at Goa, In the East-Indies, Under the Domination of the King of Portugal. Written in French by Mosieur Dellon, Who laboured Five Years under the Severities of that Inquisition. .Account of his Deliverance ANDERSON-MORSHEAD, A. E. M: The Building of the "Chauncy Maples" OBERLANDER, Richard: Deutsch- Afrika, Land und Leute, Handel Und Wandel
THOMPSON, W.W: The Sea Fisheries of the Cape Colony HATTERSLEY, C.W: The Baganda At Home. With One Hundred Pictures of Life and Work In Uganda STOW, G.W: The Native Races of South Africa : a History of the Intrusion of the Hottentots and Bantu into the Hunting Grounds of the Bushmen, the Aborigines of the Country
STATHAM, F. Reginald: My Life's Record: A Fight for Justice ASHE, Robert P: Two Kings Of Uganda : or Life By the Shores of Victoria Nyanza. Being an Account of a Residence of Six Years in Eastern Equatorial Africa MAJOR, H: In Search of Gold, or Our Adventures in Matabeleland
CAPE OF GOOD HOPE (Jonathan AYLIFF's copy): Proceedings of, and Evidence Taken By, the Commission on Native Affairs HOOK, T: The Life Of General, The Right Honourable Sir David Baird, Bart. G.C.B., K.C GILLETT, John David: Common African Mosquitos and Their Medical Importance
SMITH, W. Eugene & SMITH, Aileen: Minamata A Warning to the World WALLENSTEEN, Peter (Edited by): Preventing Violent Conflicts: Past Record and Future Challenges MASKELYNE, N: The Locomotives of the London, Brighton and South Coast Railway 1903 - 1923
TOREN, Christina & PINA-CABRAL, Joao De (Edited by): The Challenge of Epistemology: Anthropological Perspectives BAMFORD, Sandra & LEACH, James (Edited by): Kinship and Beyond: The Genealogical Model Reconsidered (Fertility, Reproduction and Sexuality: Social and Cultural Perspectives) COLLINS, Wilkie: Miss or Mrs?
POSTMA, D: Uitlegging of Het Kort Begrip Der Christelijke Religie COETSER, M.F.A: Korte Verklaring Van Het Kort Begrip Oor Christelijke Religie GOODALE, Ernest: Weaving and Warners 1870-1970
GREEN, Lawrence G: Diamonds (IN: Hidden Treasure Tales from "Blackwood") THORNTON, Edward Parry: llustrations of The History and Practises of The Thugs. And Notices of some of the proceedings of The Government of India, for the suppression of the crime of Thuggee DUTCH REFORMED CHURCH: Gedenkschrift van de Inwijding van het Theologisch Seminarium der Nederduitsch Gereformeerde Kerk in Zuid-Afrika, te Stellenbosch, op den 1sten November, 1859, Bevattende Onder Anderen de Redevoeringen bij die Gelegenheid Uitgesproken
WITWATERSRAND AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY: 75th Anniversary Show / 75e Jaarfeesskou 1970 RITCHIE, James Ewing: The Pictorial Edition of the Life and Discoveries of David Livingstone, LLD FRGS Embellished with Well Executed wood Engravings, a Series of Portraits, Printed in Colours and a Coloured Map, Shewing the Region of His Latest Labours , " . BAINES, Thomas: The Victoria Falls Zambesi River Sketched on the spot by Thomas Baines, F.R.G.S
SANDERSON, J. (Introduction By Piet WESTRA): Memoranda of a Trading Trip Into the Orange River (Sovereignty) Free State and the Country of the Transvaal Boers GEYER, A.L: Das wirtschaftliche System der Niederländischen Ostindischen Kompanie am Kap der Guten Hoffnung 1785 - 1795 NORGAARD, Sofie: A Norwegian Family in South Africa. (En Norsk Familie I Syd Afrika)
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