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Rix, Julian: Tree on a lake Reed, Edward Tennyson: This is a gamble, with the food of the people Ghigliazza, Delbert: Views of San Francisco
Fontaine, Harold: Cable Car next to a waterway Blackstone Studios, et al: A collection of portrait photographs of speakers inscribed to Dr. Albert Rappaport, founder and director of San Francisco's Town Hall Guest, Edgar, et al: Onward America. A Child's Scrapbook
Bartlett, William Henry: Colonade of Congress Hall. Saratoga Springs Kady, Michel: Telegraph Hill. San Francisco Pennsylvania Railroad: Guide to Washington
Gilbert, Dan: The Salt Marsh with a great egret Boucher, François (after): Le Repos de Vénus Boucher, François (after): Le Repos de Diane
Boucher, François (after): Les dons de Pomone Boucher, François (after): Les Bergèes confidentes McQuaid, Hoffman and Levi's: Photographic Archive of San Francisco
Yamato: Needlepoint of a Fish Levi's and Dillon Works: Sculptural designs for SilverTab logo California School of Fine Arts: Collection of catalogues and ephemera
San Francisco Museum of Art: Collection of quarterly bulletins California Labor School: Collection of catalogues and ephemera Republican Party: Centennial Republic National Convention
Various California Politicians: Scrapbook with letters and cards relative to the 1943 birth of Gardiner Johnson's son Greeting card artists: Scrapbook with birthday and other greeting cards 1948-1951 Reiss, Winold and Great Northern Railway: Bull Head. Blackfeet Medicine Man
Reiss, Winold and Great Northern Railway: Sundance. Blackfeet Indian Reiss, Winold and Great Northern Railway: Etomachgommi. Calling First. Blackfeet Brave Reiss, Winold and Great Northern Railway: Chief Mike Little Dog. Blackfeet Indian
Comstock, Thomas: Blueprints for Comstock Trailers [prospectus] Mooney, J: Collection of Photographs Nattier: L'Infante Isabella
Gravenon: Portrait of a lady Hogg, J. after the Rev. William Peters: Sophia Smith, J. R. after the Rev. William Peters: Music lesson
Mote, after Miss Corbeaux: Olympia Nineteenth Century Artist: The Last and Newest London and Paris Fashions. 1812 Morning Dresses Cox, W. A: Portrait of a Lady
Baset: Joséphine Impératrice des Français Champagne., J: Joséphine Kimmel & Foster: Mrs. McClellan. Wife of General McClellan
Thierry, Ch: Le Coucher Vernet, Horace (after Gatine): Merveilleuse, No. 25. Chapeau de paille Currier & Ives: The Soldiers Home, the Vision
Newton, G. C: Silvery Moonlight Callet, A: Declaration Callet, A: Confidences
Coussens, Armand: Woman sewing in a shop Fragonard, Jean-Honoré: Le Baiser à la dérobée Dürer, Albrecht: The Martyrdom of the Ten Thousand Christians
Dürer, Albrecht: Kaiser Maximilian Cranach, the Elder, Lucas: Der Heilige Georg Dürer, Albrecht: Christ on the Cross
Cranach, the Elder, Lucas: Der Heilige Georg zu Pferde Cranach, Lucas the Elder: Die heilige Familie met dem Engelreigen Dürer, Albrecht: Madonna am Baum
Dürer, Albrecht: Portrait of Perkheimer Dürer, Albrecht: Madonna with Joseph and five Angels Walker, J. & C: Australia in 1846
Dürer, Albrecht: The Hermits St. Anthony and St. Paul Dürer, Albrecht: SS. Stephen, Sixtus and Lawrence Dürer, Albrecht: St. John the Baptist and St. Onuphrius
Dürer, Albrecht: The three Bishops SS. Nicholas, Ulrich and Erasmus Dürer, Albrecht: The Penitent Beham, Hans Sebald: Titleblatt zur Deutschen Bibel
Beham, Hans Sebald: Titleblatt zu den Propheten den Deutschen Bibel Dürer, Albrecht: The Austrian Saints. Die Schutzheiligen von Ġsterreich Dürer, Albrecht: The Holy Family
Dürer, Albrecht: Frederick the Wise. Elector of Saxony Miró, Joan: Berggruen Catalogue Cover Moore, Henry: Berggruen Catalogue Cover. Six Reclining figures with blue background. Maitres-Graveurs contemporains 1981
Léger, Fernand and Cooper, Douglas: Léger. Contrastes de formes.1912-1915 Pages, Pierre: Three Menus for Air France Sacher, Ed: Gourmet Menu
Kasten, Karl: Drawing and announcements Rickenbacker, Eddie and Garlin, Sender: Patriotism with Service and The Real Rickenbacker Taride, A: Carte Routière Nş 11. Bourgogne, Nivernais
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