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Pan American Airlines: Eight menus with historic flights
California Teacher Association, Bay Section: One dinner, Febuary 13, 1956
Au Mouton de Panurge, Paris: One dinner, 1966
American Bar Association: One dinner, July 26th, 1957
Pacific Union Club, San Francisco: Lunch, December 21, 1984
United States Lines (New York): 11 menus. Four breakfast, four lunch and three dinners
Gay, Theressa: James W. Marshall. The Discoverer of California Gold. A Biography [prospectus]
Baird, Newton and Robert Greenwood: An Annotated Bibliography of California Fiction, 1664-1970 [prospectus]
Coleman, William, et al: The San Francisco Vigilance Committee of 1856. Three Views [prospectus]
Southern California Jewish Historical Society: Western Jewish Historical Quarterly [prospectus]
The Silverado Museum: The Silverado Museum, St. Helena, California
Peck, Lt. John James: The Sign of the Eagle. A View of Mexico, 1830-1855 [prospectus]
Pourade, Richard: Anza Conquors the Desert. The Anza Expeditions from Mexico to California and the Founding of San Francisco, 1774-1776 [prospectus]
Cannon, Ray, et al: The Sea of Cortez. Gulf of California, Baja, Mainland Coast [prospectus]
Truman, Stanley and T.H. Watkins: Gold Rush Country [prospectus]
Johnson, Paul: Sierra Album [prospectus]
Thollander, Earl: Back Roads of California [prospectus]
Gilcrease Institute of American History and Art: The Art of the Old West. The Treasures of the Great Gilcrease Collection [prospectus]
American Heritage: History of the Great West [prospectus]
Jackson, Donald and Mary Lee Spence: The Expeditions of John Charles Fremont. Volume I, Travels from 1838 to 1844 [prospectus]
Crump, Spencer: Black Riot in Los Angeles: The Story of the Watts Tragedy [prospectus]
The Ward Richie Press: What's Cooking at the Ward Richie Press for Christmas? [prospectus]
The Ward Richie Press: Letter to Gardiner Johnson
Robbins, Millie: Tales of Love and Hate in Old San Francisco [prospectus]
Delmatier, McIntosh, Waters: The Rumble of California Politics, 1848-1970 [prospectus]
Larkin, Thomas: First and Last Consul. Thomas Larkin and the Americanization of California. A Selection of Letters [prospectus]
Crump, Spencer: Ride the Big Red Cars: How the Trolleys Helped Build Southern California [prospectus]
Sorrick, Muir: The History of Orinda [prospectus]
Hammond, George and Dale Morgan: Captain Charles M. Weber. Pioneer of the San Joaquin and Founder of Stockton, California [prospectus]
Nunis, Doyce Jr: The Hudson's Bay Company's First Fur Brigade to the Sacramento Valley: Alexander Roderick McLeod's 1829 Hunt [prospectus]
AIGA-SGA: AIGA-SGA. Printing for Commerce 1952 [prospectus]
Republican National Committee: Republican National Committee Meeting Notepads 1963-1968
Barry Goldwater supporter: Goldwater for President notepad
Cronkhite, Russell: A Return for Sunday Dinner
University of New Hampshire Art Gallery: A Circle of Friends: Art Colonies of Cornish and Dublin
Robbins, Daniel and Margit Rowell: Cubist Drawings 1907-1929
Morrison, Lorrin: Warner [Juan Jose]. The Man and the Ranch [prospectus]
Hyatt, Carl Austin: The Steinhour Press. [Nude-N-78]
Stewert, Don: Frontier Port. A Chapter in San Diego's History [prospectus]
Brown, Alan: Saw Pits in the Spanish Red-Woods, 1787-1849 [prospectus]
Cater, Harold Dean, editor: Henry Adams and his Friends [prospectus]
Stanford University?: Children
Diarist: San Francisco to New York on Board the Cyprus
Speck, R.S. and Roger Lenenson: Si Non Molestum..
John Henry Nash Cornerstone Committee: To the John Henry Nash Cornerstone Committee..
Giese & Schweiger: Gemalde des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts. Herbst 1988
The Carlson Gallery: Abstract Expressionists: An Historical Survey of Northern California Artists. Catalogue No. 5. John Saccaro, 1913-1982
The Philadelphia Museum: An American Collection. The Philadelphia Museum Bulletin. Vol. XL, No. 206, May 1945
Nouveau Drouot: Quatre Pages du Siyar-e Nabi. Vie du Prophète
Nouveau Drouot: L'Universe de Philippe Druigget
Metropolitan Museum of Art: Impressionists in the Metropolitan
Knott, Frederick: Dial "M" for Murder
Petrizky, Anatol and B. Chmury: Anatol Petrizky: Theater-Trachten
Kornfeld, Eberhard W: Paul Klee. Verzeichnis des graphischen Werkes. (The Complete Graphic Work)
Johnson, Adrian: America Explored: A Cartographical History of the Exploration of North America
Blanc's Cafe, Seattle: Dinner menu
World Affairs Council of Northern California: Dinner menu
United Republican Coordination Council: Dinner menu
Bar Association of San Francisco: Dinner menu
L'Auberge de Noves: Dinner menu
Joannes Nandron and Pichot: Cover for dinner menu at Joannes Nandron
Azema-Billa, Marcel: Dinner menu for Hostellerie du Vieux Moulin, Bouilland, France
Céria, Edmond: Village d'Île de France
Pacific Union Club, San Francisco: Lunch menu, December 21, 1979
Tavern Owners of California: Dinner menu, April 30, 1945
Red Horse Hotel,Stratford upon Avon, England: Dinner menu, July 27th, 1957
Crowley, Don: Clipper Ship; Sextant; Kotobuki
Mauna Kea Beach Hotel, Mauna Kea, Hi.: Dinner menus
California State Bar Association: Dinner menu, Sept 2nd, 1949
Southern Pacific Lines (San Francisco, Calif.): Southern Pacific Menus for California legislature to Shasta Dam and back, with Golden Gate International Exposition covers of The Elephant Towers and Portals of the Pacific
Palace Hotel, San Francisco: Special dinner theatre menu, January 23rd, 1962
American College of Trial Lawyers: Dinner menu. July 9th 1985
Birnau, Germany: Series of postcards of Birnau
Bavaria, Germany: Series of postcards of sites in Bavaria
Birnau, Germany: Series of attached postcards of Birnau
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