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Bonhams & Butterfields (Los Angeles, Calif.): Fine European furniture and decorative arts. (includes property from William Bolling, et al.) Bonhams , London: Fine silver and object of vertu Jacksons (Cedar Falls, Iowa): Important American & European fine art and antique auction. (Include collection George Nelle Estate, et al.)
Sotheby's (New York): Important English & continental silver including property from the Estate of John P. Morgan II Christie's (London): A-B-C Auction Sales Record: With Full Descriptions and Prices for the Year 1920 of Old English Silver Sold at Christie's Sale Rooms Victoria and Albert Musem: Regency Domestic Silver. Small Picture Book no. 33
Victoria and Albert Musem: Sheffield Plate. Small Picture Book no. 39 Lawsons: The Josef Neumann Collection. Sydney Australia, 27 & 28 April 1999. Sale 4357 Christie's: Collection Privée d'argenterie de Jacques et Marianne Helft. Monaco 3 décembre 1989. Sale "Helft."
Christie's (London): Fine Silver. 23 October 1991. Sale 4631 Christie's (London): Fine Silver. 23 November 1999. Sale 6221 Christie's (London): Magnificent Silver From the Collection of the late Hilmar Reksten. Part I. London 22 May 1991. Sale 4540
Christie's (London): Fine Silver, Objects of Vertu and Portrait Miniatures. London 14 October 1992. Sale 4845 Christie's (London): Important Silver. London 25 November 1992. Sale 4881 Christie's (London): Fine Silver and Objects of Vertu. London 15 July 1998. Sale 6012/6002
Christie's (London): Fine Silver. London 8 July 1992. Sale 4801 Christie's (New York): Fine Silver, Objects of Vertu and Russian Works of Art. New York October 21, 1993. Sale 7748 Christie's (New York): Magnificent Silver Sold on behalf of the Republic of the Philippines through the Presidential Commission on Good Government. New York January 10, 1991. Sale 7208
Christie's (New York): Fine Silver and Objects of Vertu. New York April 18, 1991. Sale 7248 Christie's (New York): Fine English and French Furniture and Objects of Art form the Private Residence of Henry Francis du Pont at Winterthur. New York October 14, 1994. Sale 7968 Christie's: Important Wristwatches, Watches and Clocks. Geneva 17 November 1998. Sale 0230
Sotheby's (London): Important Silver, Portrait Miniatures and Objects of Vertu. London 28th February 1991. Sale 0591 Sotheby's (New York): Important English and Continental Silver. New York April 19, 1991. Sale 6161 Sotheby's (London): Silver and Objects of Vertu. London 23rd May 1991. Sale 1431
Sotheby's (London): Silver and Objects of Vertu. London 12th November 1991. Sale 3163 Sotheby's (New York): The Jaime Ortiz-Patiño Collection: English 17th Century Chinoiserie Silver. New York May 21, 1992. Sale 6300, Vol III Sotheby's (New York): Fine English and Continental Silver. New York October 28, 1992. Sale 6353
Sotheby's (London): Silver, Objects of Vertu and Portrait Miniatures. London 26th November 1992. Sale 3312 Sotheby's (London): The Harcourt Collection: Silver, Watches, Vertu. London 10th June 1993. Sale 93335 Sotheby's (London): Silver, Objects of Vertu and Portrait Miniatures. London 2nd March 1995. Sale 5121
Sotheby's (New York): Important American Silver. New York June 15, 1998. Sale 7171 Sotheby's (New York): Jewels from the Estate of Betsey Cushing Whitney. New York October 19, 1998. Sale 7202 Sotheby's (New York): 17th & 18th Century American Silver from the Church of the Presidents, Quincy, Mass. New York January 19, 2001. Sale 7589
Phillips: Fine English and Continental Silver and Collector's Items. 31st January 1997. Sale 30,272 Bonhams Knightsbridge: Fine English & Continental Silver & Objects of Vertu. 11th March 1997. Sale 27,292 Christie's (London): Fine Silver. London 2 March 1994. Sale 5125
Christie's (New York): Important Silver, Objects of Vertu and Russian Works of Art. New York April 14, 1994. Sale 7858 Christie's (London): Fine Silver, Objects of Vertu and Portrait Miniatures. London 11 May 1994. Sale 5168 Christie's (London): Works of Art from Collections of The Cholmondeley Family and The Late Sire Philip Sassoon, Bt from Houghton. London 8 December 1994. Sale 5266
Christie's (New York): Important Silver, Objects of Vertu and Russian Works of Art. New York, April 11, 1995. Sale 8174 Christie's (New York): Important Silver: Property of a California Charitable Institution. New York, April 11, 1995. Sale 8192 Christie's (London): Furniture, Pictures and Silver from Tythrop Park. London 27 April 1995. Sale 5378
Christie's (New York): Important Silver and Objects of Vertu. New York October 18, 1995. Sale 8296 Christie's (New York): Important Silver, Objects of Vertu and Fabergé from the Collection of Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Engelhard. New York October 18, 1995. Sale 8304 Christie's (New York): Important Silver and Objects of Vertu. New York April 17, 1996. Sale 8402
Christie's (London): Parham Park. Pulborough, West Sussex. 13 and 14 May 1996. Sale 5651 Christie's (London): Works of Art from the Bute Collection. London 3, 8 July 1996. Sales 5610, 5656 Christie's (New York): Important Silver, Objects of Vertu and Russian Works of Art. New York October 17, 1996. Sale 8492
Christie's (London): Fine Silver and Objects of Vertu. London 5 March 1997. Sale 5756 Christie's (New York): Silver. New York 22 October 1997. Sale 8035 Christie's (London): Fine Silver and Objects of Vertu. London 18 December 1997. Sale 5873
Sotheby's (New York): Important English, Irish and Continental Silver. New York April 16, 1996. Sale 6832 Sotheby's (London): Fine Silver. London 14th March 1996. Sale 6174 Sotheby's (London): Important Silver, Objects of Vertu and Portrait Miniatures including Silver from the Muncaster Castle Collection. London 9th November 1995. Sale 5666
Sotheby's (New York): Important English and Continental Silver. New York October 19 1995. Sale 6752 Sotheby's (New York): The Meech Collection of Silver, Part Two: George I and Later. New York October 17 1995. Sale 6765 Sotheby's (London): Silver, Jewels & Wemyss Ware. London 28th August 1995. Sale 5517
Sotheby's (New York): Fine English and Continental Silver. New York April 12, 1994. Sale 6546 Sotheby's (New York): Important Silver and Gold including Judaica. New York October 19, 1994. Sale 6608 Sotheby's (New York): Important English and Continental Silver including Judaica and the Raphael Weed Collection of Wine Labels. New York April 12, 1995. Sale 6686
Sotheby's (London): Silver, Portrait Miniatures and Objects of Vertu. London 6 June 1996. Sale 6320 Sotheby's (New York): Important English and Continental Silver. New York October 16, 1996. Sale 6897 Sotheby's (London): Silver, Portrait Miniatures and Objects of Vertu. London 7 November 1996. Sale 6668
Sotheby's (London): Silver, Portrait Miniatures and Objects of Vertu. London 6 March 1997. Sale 7150 Sotheby's (New York): Important English and Continental Silver. New York April 16, 1997. Sale 6972 Dodgson, Campbell: The Etchings and Aquatints of George Delotz [electronic file]
Mireur, Docteur H: Dictionnaire des Ventes d'Art faites en France et à l'Etranger pendant les XVIIIme & XIXme siècles. Tableaux. Dessins. Estampes. Aquarelles. Miniatures. Pastels. Gouaches. Sépias. Fusains. Emaux. Eventails peints & Vitraux Woolley & Wallis: Early Spoons, Silver & Fine Jewellery. 24th and 25th April 2002. Sale 240402 Woolley & Wallis: Early Spoons & Flatware, Literature, Coins & Medals, Fine Jewellery and Objects of Vertu. 23rd October 2003. and Silver, Plated Wares & Collector's Items. 24th October 2003. Sale 231003
Woolley & Wallis: Literature, Early Spoons and Flatware, Silver, Plated Wares and Collector's Items. 20th April 2005. and Jewellery and Vertu. 21st April 2005. Sale 200405 Bonhams: Fine Silver and Vertu. 29 November 2002. London. Sale 31366 Bonhams: Silver and Objects of Vertu including Seals. 5 September 2006. Knightsbridge. Sale 13607
Bonhams: Fine Silver and Objects of Vertu. 22 November 2006. London. Sale 14311 Christie's (London): Catalogue of Silver Treasures from English Churches. An Exhibition of Ecclesiastical Plate of Domestic Origin at Christie's Christie's (London): Highly Important English Silver and Fine Silver. London 14 July 1993. Sale 5015
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