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Del Re, Marisa; Léger, Fernand: Léger. Ceramics, Tapestries, Mosaics, Sculpture
Arisi, Ferdinando; Groppi, Georgio: Maioliche di Giorgio Groppi
Parinaud, André; Rose, Arden: Arden Rose: The Vision of a Painter
Godfrey, Tony; Barceló, Miquel: Miquel Barceló: New Paintings and Ceramics
Sirolli, Larry J: Larry Sirolli Fine Art: a private dealership. Catalog
Sims Reed: British Prints 2008
Hubert, Greg. Matisse, Henri: Henri Matisse: Works on Paper
Bianchini, Luca: Luca Bianchini: Scultore. Maternità, Nudi, Cavalli, Ritratti
Arisi, Ferdinando; Fiorentini, Fausto; Maj, Igino; Pasquali, Marilena. Groppi, Georgio: Papa Gregorio X - Beato (Tedaldo Visconti, 1210 - 1276). a cura di Fausto Fiorentini
Pasquali, Marilena; Groppi, Georgio: Giorgio Groppi: Bronzetti, Mitologici
Veitzer, Lynn: Lynn Veitzer
Harris, Richard; Spink, Anne. van Rijn, Rembrandt: Rembrandt: The Richard Harris Collection
Cummings, Paul. Smith, David: David Smith: Nudes. Drawings and Paintings from 1927 - 1964
Maj, Igino; Groppi, Georgio: Giorgio Groppi: mostra antologica
Schwartz, Gary. van Rijn, Rembrandt: Etching in Time: Rembrandt the Printmaker
Weston, William. Bonnard, Pierre; Vuillard, Édouard: Agnew's Masterworks in Lithography: Pierre Bonnard, Édouard Vuillard
Garbato, Sergio. Cristini, Alberto: Alberto Cristini: corpi nello spazio
Garbato, Sergio. Cristini, Alberto: Alberto Cristini: interni e interiorità
Garbato, Sergio. Cristini, Alberto: Alberto Cristini: Paesaggi d'acqua
Gilot, Françoise: Françoise Gilot: Portraits from a Life
Hammer Galleries: La Femme Eternelle: 19th and 20th Century European Collection. 2005
Hammer Galleries. Hemingway, Andrew: Andrew Hemingway: Master of Pastel
Hammer Galleries; Lynch, Richard. Yiming, Chen: Yiming Chen: Recent Paintings
Darst, Henry; Schwartz, Michael. van Rijn, Rembrandt: Rembrandt: Master Etchings and Comparative Views
Norton, Richard P. Klein, Medard: Medard Klein (1905 - 2002)
Hopkins, Henry T.; Larsen, Susan C. Wight, Frederick: Frederick Wight: Visions of California
Alessandrini, Don Riccardo; Francou, Carlo; Maj, Igino; Monari, Luciano; Ponzini, Carlo; Tagliaferri, Antonio. Groppi, Georgio: San Pio da Pietrelcina di Georgio Groppi
Maj, Igino; Monari, Luciano; Ponzini, Domenico. Groppi, Georgio: Ivstina Placentiae Patrona di Giorgio Groppi
Gianni Purgato: Incisioni di Antichi Maestri
Druout Richelieu: Design 1950 - 2000. 20 Dec 2001. Salle No. 16
Druout Richelieu: Ceramiques Européennes. 10 Mar 1999
Harvey Clars Estate Auction Gallery: Important Estate Auction. Sale of Fine Property from the Estates of Forrest and Glenda Shaklee, Fred Kuh and others. 20 Sep 1998. Oakland, California
Druout Richelieu: Livres Illustrés Modernes. Dessins originaux, Reliures mosaïquées. 7 Oct 1996. Salle 1
Hubert Gallery: La Femme
Wentworth, Michael Justin: James Tissot. Catalogue Raisonné of His Prints
William Weston Gallery: A comprehensive Exhibition of Lithographs by Richard Parkes Bonington 1801 - 1828. Catalogue No. 9, 1976. (Year 9, Issue No. 101)
William Weston Gallery: Pierre Bonnard, 1867 - 1947. Catalogue 2, 1984. (Year 17, Issue No. 174)
William Weston Gallery: John Brunsdon: The English Lakes & the Seychelles. Colour Etchings
William Weston Gallery: Félix Buhot 1847 - 1898. Etchings. Catalogue No. 2, 1980. (Year 13, Issue 140)
William Weston Gallery: John Constable and David Lucas. English Landscape. Catalogue No. 1, 1979. (Year 12, Issue No. 128)
William Weston Gallery: Charles François Daubigny 1817 - 1878. Etchings. A unique selection of brilliant proof impressions mostly from a single private collection. Catalogue No. 5, 1983. (Year 16, Issue No. 169)
William Weston Gallery: Maurice Dumont 1870 - 1899. Symbolist Aquatints Relief Prints and Lithographs. Catalogue No. 2A, 1981. (Year 14, Issue No. 153)
William Weston Gallery: Norbert Goeneutte 1854 - 94. Catalogue No. 8, 1978. (Year 11, Issue No. 124)
William Weston Gallery: Some Early French Lithographs. A Selection of unusual and interesting lithographs by: Boulanger, Charlet, Deveria, Diaz, Dupre, Gavarni, Hervier, Huet, Isabey, Raffet, Roqueplan
William Weston Gallery: Etchings by the Norwich School
William Weston Gallery: Five Masters of the Barbizon School
William Weston Gallery: Victorian Etchers
William Weston Gallery: An Exhibition of Fine Etchings and Lithographs by Modern European and British Masters
William Weston Gallery: Prints for Collectors 1776-1966. Special Summer Exhibition of Fine Prints by European and British Masters
William Weston Gallery: Fine Prints by 19th and 20th Century British and European Masters
William Weston Gallery: 100 19th and 20th Century Etchings and Lithographs by European Masters
William Weston Gallery: Catalogue No. 150. Fine Prints by 19th and 20th Century European and British Masters
William Weston Gallery: 19th and 20th Century Etchings and Lithographs by European and British Masters.Toulouse-Lautrec: Nine Lithographs on the theme of Yvette Guilbert and Recent Acquisitions
William Weston Gallery: Fine 19th and 20th Century Etchings and Lithographs by European and British Masters
William Weston Gallery: Original Printmaking in Britain 1750-1935
William Weston Gallery: Original Printmaking in Britain (Part III). The Post-War Decades
William Weston Gallery: The British Etchers. 1860-1940
William Weston Gallery: From Impressionism to Abstraction. British Prints 1885-1953
William Weston Gallery: A Survey of Printmaking in Britain from the 1890's to the 1950's
William Weston Gallery: 20th Century British Prints 1915-1970
William Weston Gallery: An Exhibition of Rare and Unusual Etchings and Lithographs by Modern European and British Masters
William Weston Gallery: Fine Prints by European and British Artists 1775-1948
William Weston Gallery: Special Summer Exhibition. A Fine Selection of Major Etchings and Lithographs by 19th and 20th Century European and British Masters
William Weston Gallery: Fine Prints by British and European Masters. 1750-1935
William Weston Gallery: From Blake to Miro. Fine Prints by 19th and 20th Century English and European Masters
William Weston Gallery: Etchings and Lithographs by 19th and 20th Century English and European Masters
William Weston Gallery: Annual Summer Exhibition. Selected Etchings and Lithographs by 19th and 20th Century European and British Masters
William Weston Gallery: Fine Prints by 19th and 20th Century European and British Masters
William Weston Gallery: An Exhibition in Honor of The Silver Jubilee of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II 1952-1977. A Special Selection of Etchings and Lithographs by 19th and 20th Century Masters
William Weston Gallery: Fine Prints by 19th and 20th Century Masters
William Weston Gallery: From Stubbs to Picasso. Fine Prints by 19th and 20th Century British and European Masters
William Weston Gallery: A Collection of 16 William Weston Gallery Print Exhibition Catalogues
William Weston Gallery: Scenes of City Life. London and Paris. Etchings by Donald MacKenzie
William Weston Gallery: Édouard Manet
William Weston Gallery: Henri Matisse 1869-1954
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