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Senefelder, Alois: Alois Senefelder Pesne, I: Poussin Condeixa, Vindima: Moi (Self Portrait)
Central Argentine Buildings (Buenos Aires): Central Argentine Railway. Map of the Argentine Railways, 1913 Klee, Paul: [Abstract Face] H.G: Faschingsball Cave 54 Filmclub. Unter den Dächern von Heidelberg
Fairfax, W. M. C., J. Lambert and J. J. Ricketss: Preliminary Chart of Entrance to San Francisco Bay, California Fuchs, Ernst: Self Portrait of Ali Mirza Forain, Jean-Louis: Portrait of Ambroise Vollard
Deschamps, Henri (after Picasso): XXXIIe Festival d'Avignon Charensol, Georges: Georges Rouault: L'homme et l'oeuvre. (Deluxe edition lacking the original lithograph) Baskin, Leonard: Ten Woodcuts. (Signed by the publisher.)
Curtis, Atherton: Some Masters of Lithography Jackson, John: A Treatise on Wood Engraving, Historical and Practical. (With the George Baxter colour woodcut) Hazard, N.-A. and Loys Delteil: Catalogue raisonné de l'oeuvre lithographié de Honoré Daumier
Cézanne, Paul: Cézanne au beret devant un chevalet. (Cézanne wearing a beret before an Easel) Aftograf: Poems Bryant, William (Billy Copley): Clouds
Weiner, Hannah: Signal Flag Poems Landfield, Ronnie: Two Drawings Ray, Man: The Father of Mona Lisa
Penrose, Roland: Bush in Hand Baj, Enrico: Glove Schwedler, William: Against the Grain
Rotella, Domenico: 6 Prison Poems Steinberg, Saul: View of the World from 9th Avenue. (The New Yorker) The Picasso Project: Picasso's Paintings, Watercolors, Drawings & Sculpture: The Rose Period. 1905-1906. Paris, Holland and Gósol
The Picasso Project: Picasso's Paintings, Watercolors, Drawings & Sculpture: The Complete Linoleum Cuts, 1939-1968 Arman: Tortured Color Winifred, Princess: Asylum Manuscripts
Bergtold, Paul: Concept Bergtold Stanley, Robert: SMS, No. 4, Cover Design Steiner, Paul: Johns in Art Galleries
Dodson, Betty: Friends Nutbeem, Adrian: Twenty Down Reavey, Jean: Adora
Giorno, John: The Chinese Fortune Game Mussman, Toby: Ten Xerox Sheets Ferri, Ronoldo: Neon Construction
Petrov, Mischa: Junior Historical Theatre Playroom Kit Artschwager, Richard: Cover from SMS: A Collection of Multiples, No. 6, December 1968 Picard, Lil: Burned Bow Tie
Redon, Odilon: Tentation of Saint-Antoine. Suite d'Odilon Redon. (Portfolio only) Chirico, Giorgio de: L'Apocalisse. (Colophon only/solo) Kollwitz, Käthe: Käthe Kollwitz. Ten Lithographs. (Portfolio and text only)
Kollwitz, Käthe: Käthe Kollwitz. Zehn Originalradierungen. (Portfolio and text only) Severini, Gino: Gino Severini. Fleurs et Masques. (Portfolio and text only) Canessa, C & E: Illustrated Catalogue of the Art Collection of the Expert Antiquarians C. & E. Canessa. Egyptian Greek, Roman. Gothic, Limoges, Majolica, etc
Klinkosch, Josef C. Ritter von: Katalog der reichhaltigen und vorzüglichen Sammlung von Alten Handzeichnungen.. Tabanelli, M. R: Edgar Chahine: Catalogue de l'oeuvre gravé Blaizot, Claude & Jean-Edouard Gautrot: Chahine illustrateur (1874-1947). Catalogue raisonné
Donald, Wm: Greek Theater. Taormina. Mt. Etna in Background Leguenec: Mont St.-Michel vue générale, no. 1 Cowles, William A., and Wheeler, George M: Whitney Peak, Highest of the Sierra Nevada, near Head of Kern River, California. (Called also Fisherman's Peak), 1875
Balllou's Artist: Hon. James Buchanan and John C. Breckinridge, the Democratic Candidates for the Presidency and Vice-Presidency Balllou's Artist: Scene in the Canadian Fur District, North America Miró, Joan (after): Poster for the exhibition Sculpture-Art Graphique
Matisse, Henri (after): Nice. Travail & Joie Osswald, Eugen: Germany, a Leading Country for Winter Sport (with racing horses) Berkeley Save our Ferry Committee Artist: The Berkeley Ferry. The Wave of the Future
Fried, Bob: Bob Fried. Phoenix Gallery. 1970 Lichtenstein, Roy: "The Enemy Would Have Been Warned" from As I Opened Fire Lichtenstein, Roy: "That My Ship Was below Them" from As I Opened Fire
Graphics Division, Office of War Information: Wanted for Victory Graphics Division, Office of War Information: What Do You Say, America? War Production Board (Washington, D.C.): Every Man Woman and Child is a Partner
Division of Information, Office for Emergency Management (Washington, D.C.): We Are Now in This War Dohanos, Steven: Good News from Home Lista, Giovanni: Balla
Galerie Patrick Cramer (Genève): Georges Braque: 30 livres illustrés Palau i Fabre, Josep: Pablo Ruiz Picasso: Academic and Anti-Academic (1895-1900) Arts et Livres de Provence (Marseille, France): Paul Cézanne: Pour le centième anniversaire de ses eaux fortes
Chagall, Marc and Klaus Mayer: Der Gott der Väter, Die Chagall-Fenster zu St. Stephan in Mainz, Band 1. Das Mittelfenster Pfalzgalerie Kaiserslautern: Eugène Delacroix, 1798-1863. Augewählte Graphik und Zeichnungen aus der Sammlung der Kunsthalle Bremen Fantin-Latour: Fantin-Latour: Toute la lithographie
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