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U.S. Geological Survey: El Paso, Texas, NH-13-1 U.S. Geological Survey: Fort Stockton, Texas, NH-13-6 U.S. Geological Survey: Caliente, Nevada, NJ-11-9
U.S. Geological Survey: Kingman, Arizona, NI-11-3 U.S. Geological Survey: Athens, Georgia, NI-17-7 U.S. Geological Survey: Beeville, Texas, NH-14-12
U.S. Geological Survey: El Dorado, Arkansas, NI-15-8 U.S. Geological Survey: Greenwood, Mississippi, NI-15-9 U.S. Geological Survey: Millett, Nevada, NJ-11-2
U.S. Geological Survey: Tularosa, New Mexico, NI-13-7 U.S. Geological Survey: Van Horn, Texas, NH-13-2 U.S. Geological Survey: Carlsbad, New Mexico, NI-13-11
U.S. Geological Survey: Santa Cruz, California, NJ-10-12 (hand-colored) U.S. Geological Survey: Douglas, Arizona, NH-12-3 U.S. Geological Survey: Clifton, Arizona, NI-12-9
U.S. Geological Survey: El Centro, California, NI-11-12 U.S. Geological Survey: Hawaii Island, Hawaii, NE-5-15 U.S. Geological Survey: Oahu Island, Hawaii, NF-4-11
U.S. Geological Survey: Nome, Alaska, N6400-W16500/60x180 U.S. Geological Survey: Umnak, Alaska, N5300-W16800/60x120 U.S. Geological Survey: Kukuihaele, Hawaii, N2000-W15530/9x7.5
U.S. Geological Survey: Tampa Florida, NG-17-14 Dali, Salvador: The Bullfighter (The Golden Calf) Rothell, Hans and Jean Benjamin: Kandinsky. Catalogue Raisonné of the Oil Paintings, Volume Two, 1916-1944
Lennox-Boyd, Christopher and Rob Dixon, and Tim Clayton: George Stubbs: The Complete Engraved Work Sidey, Tessa: Editions Alecto: Original Graphics, Multiple Originals 1960-1981 Kenneth Nebenzahl, Inc. (Chicago, Ill.): Rare Americana. Catalogue Eight
Ellsworth, S. George (ed.): The Western Historical Quarterly. April 1975. Volume VI, No. 2 Poesse, Walter: Ensayo de una Bibliografía de Juan Ruiz de Alarcón y Mendoza. (Estudios de Hispanófila, 4) Johnson, Lucetta: Johnson's Civil War Regimentals Price Guide, Part III
Blazek, Douglas (ed.). Charles Bukowski, et al: Olé (Anthology) Joint Economic Committee: Instrumentation and Automation. Hearings before the Subcommittee on Economic Stabilization of the Joint Economic Committe Congress of the United States, 84th Congress, Second Session.. Ginsberg, Alan, et al: Writing 3. 12 Poets & 1 Painter
Dorotheum (Wien): Inkunabeln, Drucke, Holzschnitt und Kupferstich Werke des XV. und XVI. Jahr. & Illustrierte Bücher des XVI. bis XIX. Jahhunderts. 207. Auktion Hibbard, Howard (ed.): The Art Bulletin. June 1974. Vol. LVI, Number 2. Medieval Issue Joseph Baer (Frankfurt a. M.): Bibliothek des Herrn Carl Hirsch, Konstanz, teile der Bibliotheken des Grafen Grigorij Alexandrowitsch Stroganoff und der Eremitage in Leningrad u.a
Schröder, Anneliese: Synagoga: Kultgeräte und Kunstwerke von der Zeit der Patriarchen bis zur Gegenwart Phelps, G. H. (ed.): Living Writers. Being Critical Atudies Broadcast in the B.B.C. Third Programme by Desni Johnson on Sean O'Casey, etc K. Mochul'skij: Valerij Brjusov [Brusov]
S. G. Pushkarev: Obzor russkoj istorii = [A Survey of Russian History] Verbinski, Gore and Heinrichs, Rick: The Art of Pirates of the Caribbean Smith, Page: John Adams
Steinmann, Ernst: Ghirlandajo Gullini, Giorgio: I Mosaici di Palestrinia Edsman, Carl-Martin: Ignis Divinus: Le feu comme moyen de rejeunissement et d'immortalité: contes légends mythes et rites
Joseph Baer (Frankfurt a. M.): Bibliothek des Herrn George Nestle-John Röpke, Wilhelm: L'Économie mondiale aux XIX et XX siècles Morrison, William Douglas: Jugendliche Übelthäter
Coster, Charles de and Friedrich von Oppeln-Bronikowski: Tyll Ulenspiegel und Lamm Goedzak Winter, C. H: Stenographische Fibel: Ein Uebungsbuch zur Erlernung der Stolzeschen Stenographie Grigorevich, Moisej: Anglo-russkij slovar po plastmassam = English-Russian Plastics Dictionary
Bhagavantam, S. and T. Venkatarayudu: Teorija Grupp i ee Primenenie k Phizicheskim Problemam = Theory of Groups and Its Application to Physical Problems Dostoyevsky, Fyodor and Edward Wasiolek: The Notebooks for Crime and Punishment Dostoyevsky, Fyodor and Edward Wasiolek: The Notebooks for A Raw Youth
Dostoyevsky, Fyodor: The Diary of a Writer Clement, Oliver, et al: One Church. Vol. XVII, No. 5. September-October, 1963 Paalen, Wolfgang: Form and Sense: Meanings and Movements in Twentieth-Century Art
Shakespeare, William and Henry N. Hudson: Tragedy of Hamlet Orlan, Pierre Mac: A bord de l'étoile matutine Scoradkis, Peter, et al: One Church. Vol. XVI, No. 2. March-April 1962
Whitfield, Augustne, et al: One Church. Vol. XVI, No. 3. May-June 1962 Sotheby's (New York, N.Y.): Japanese and Korean Works of Art. Sale No. 7509. September 21, 2000 Sotheby's (New York, N.Y.): Japanese and Korean Works of Art. Sale No. 7620. March 21, 2001
Sotheby's (New York, N.Y.): Fine Classical Chinese Paintings. Sale No. September 13, 2012 Sotheby's (New York, N.Y.): Fine Chinese Ceramics & Works of Art. Sale No. N08872. September 11 & 12, 2012 Sotheby's (New York, N.Y.): Japanese and Korean Art. Sale No. NY7698. September 20, 2001
Sotheby's (London): 20th Century Asian Art. Sale No. L05213. July 14, 2005 Sotheby's (Hong Kong): Contemporary Asian Art. Sale No. HK0455. April 5, 2013 Sotheby's (Hong Kong): In Transition: The Didier Hirsch Collection of Contemporary Chinese Art from the 1990s. Sale No. HK0482. April 5, 2013
Sotheby's (New York, N.Y.): Japanese and Korean Art. Sale No. 7436. March 21, 2000 Sotheby's (London): Musical Instruments. Sale No. L07250. February 27, 2007 Sotheby's (London): Music and Continental Manuscripts. Sale No. L06409. November 30, 2006
Thomas Del Mar Ltd. (London): Property Sold by Order of the Trustees of John Woodman Higgins Armory Collection to Benefot Its Ongoing Study and Display. March 29, 2013 Sotheby's (London): Fine Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art. Sale No. L12211. November 7, 2012 Sotheby's (London): Contemporary Art (Afternoon). Sale No. L06023. June 22, 2006
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