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Mintz, Alan and Roskies, David G. (eds. ); Isaac Bashevis Singer: Prooftexts: A Journal of Jewish Literary History: Vol. 9, No. 1 (Jan. 1989) Halkin, Simon: Modern Hebrew Literature from the Enlightenment to the Birth of Israel: Trends and Values Katzir, Yehudit: Closing the Sea: Stories
Kaniuk, Yoram: His Daughter Hoffman, Yoel: Katschen: The Book of Joseph Kimchi, Alona: Lunar Eclipse
Bartov, Hanoch: Whose little boy are you? Cohen, Joseph: Voices of Israel: Essays on and interviews with Yehuda Amichai, A.B. Yehoshua, T. Carmi, Aharon Appelfeld, Amos Oz Feilchenfeld, Alfred: Denkwurdigkeiten der Gluckel von Hamelin= Memoirs of Gluckel von Hamelin
Asch, Sholem: O Martirio da Fe = The Martyrdom of the Faith Bamberger, Bernard J: Fallen Angels Barash, Asher: Pictures from a Brewery
Kahn, Sholom J. (ed. ); S.Y. Agnon, Aharon Meged, S. Yizhar, Moshe Shamir: A Whole Loaf: Stories from Israel Blum-Alquit, Eliezer: Revolt of the Apprentices Kliger, Hannah (ed. ): Jewish Hometown Associations and Family Circles in New York: The WPA Yiddish Writers' Group Study
Poliakov, Leon: The History of Anti-Semitism : From the Time of Christ to the Court Jews (Vol. 1) Halter, Marek: The Book of Abraham: A Novel Gilboa, Amir: The Light of Lost Suns: Selected Poems of Amir Gilboa
Avidan, David: Cryptogrammes d'un Telestar: Poemes Transmissions, Documents = Cryptograms from a Distant Star Hoffman, Yoel: Bernhard Asch, Sholem: The Nazarene
Bar-On, Dan: Legacy of Silence: Encounters with Children of the Third Reich Ben-Ari, Raikin: Habima: The story of a unique dramatic group that achieved world acclaim in the theater Herberg, Will: Judaism and modern man: An interpretation of Jewish religion
Dinur, Ben Zion: Israel and the Diaspora Katsh, Abraham Isaac: Judaism and the Koran: Biblical and Talmudic backgrounds of the Koran and its commentaries Baron, Salo Wittmayer: Modern Nationalism and Religion
Wiesel, Elie: Four Hasidic masters and their struggle against melancholy Wiesel, Elie: The Testament: A Novel Wiesel, Elie: Messengers of God: Biblical portraits and legends
Wiesel, Elie: And the sea is never full: Memoirs, 1969 - Wiesel, Elie: Legends of our time Wiesel, Elie: Twilight
Wiesel, Elie: The Trial of God (as it was held on February 25, 1649 in Shamgorod): A Play in Three Acts Sibelman, Simon P: Silence in the novels of Elie Wiesel DeMott, Robert J. and Sanford E. Marovtiz (eds. ): Artful Thunder: Versions of the Romantic Tradition in American Literature in Honor of Howard P. Vincent
Wiesel, Elie: Zalmen, or the madness of God Abramowitz, Molly (ed. ): Elie Wiesel: A Bibliography. (Scarecrow Author Bibliographies, no. 22) Wiesel, Elie: The Forgotten: A Novel
Hilberg, Raul: Documents of Destruction: Germany and Jewry 1933-1945 Wiesel, Elie: Inside a Library and The Stranger in the Bible Alter, Robert: After the Tradition: Essays on Modern Jewish Writing
Friedman, Maurice S: Abraham Joshua Heschel & Elie Wiesel, You Are My Witnesses Rosenfeld, Alvin H.; Irving Greenberg (eds. ); Elie Wiesel: Confronting the Holocaust: The Impact of Elie Wiesel Leftwich, Joseph (ed. ); I.L. Peretz, Shalom Aleichem, Aaron Zeitlin, Jacob Lestchinsky, Sholem Asch: The Way We Think: A Collection of Essays from the Yiddish (2 vol.)
Patai, Raphael: Tents of Jacob: The Diaspora, Yesterday and Today Oesterreicher, John M: The Bridge : A Yearbook of Judaeo-Christian Studies, Vol. 4 Altshuler, David (ed. ): The Precious Legacy: Judaic Treasures from the Czechoslovak State Collection by Altschuler, David
Alter, Robert (ed. ); I.L. Peretz, S.Y. Agnon, Yehuda Amichai, Amos Oz: Modern Hebrew Literature Rubenstein, Richard L: After Auschwitz: Essays in Contemporary Judaism Robert, Marthe; Ralph Manheim (tr. ): From Oedipus to Moses: Freud's Jewish Identity
Rosenau, Helen: A Short History of Jewish Art Olin, Margaret: The Nation Without Art: Examining Modern Discourses on Jewish Art Steinsaltz, Adin: The Passover Haggadah
Heschel, Abraham J.; Fritz A. Rothschild (ed. ): Between God and Man: An Interpretation of Judaism from the Writings of Abraham J. Heschel Pais, Abraham: Subtle is the Lord: The Science and the Life of Albert Einstein Steinberg, Michael P. (ed. ): Walter Benjamin and the Demands of History
Burnshaw, Stanley (ed. ): The Modern Hebrew Poem Itself Rosenzweig, Franz; Nahum Glatzer (ed. ): Understanding the Sick and the Healthy: A View of World, Man, and God Runes, Dagobert D: Understanding the Sick and the Healthy: A View of World, Man, and God
Ross, Robert W: So It Was True: The American Protestant Press and the Nazi Persecution of the Jews Rass, Rebecca; Brafman, Morris: From Moscow to Jerusalem: The Dramatic Story of the Jewish Liberation Movement and its Impact on Israel Wisse, Ruth R. (ed. ); I.L. Peretz: The I.L. Peretz Reader
Eisen, Arnold M: Galut: Modern Jewish Reflection on Homelessness and Homecoming Eisen, Arnold M: Shir hashirim = Song of Songs: The "Song of Songs" as echoed in its Midrash Darmesteter, Arsene: The Talmud (Special Series no. 4)
Burla, Yehuda: In Darkness Striving Ben-Sasson, H. H. (ed. ): A History of the Jewish People: By leading scholars at the Hebrew University, Jerusalem Colin, Amy: Paul Celan: Holograms of Darkness
Shalev, Meir: Esau: a novel Pinsker, Leo ; Israel Cohen: Auto-Emancipation: A call to his people by a Russian Jew Biale, David: Gershom Scholem: Kabbalah and Cuunter-History
Singer, Isaac Bashevis; Chuji Kunitaka (tr. ): Ai no ientoru = Yentl the yeshiva boy Cixous, Helen: Portrait of Jacques Derrida as a Young Jewish Saint Friedlander, Saul: Reflections of Nazism: An Essay on Kitsch and Death
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