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Ju. M. Antipov; et al: Institut fiziki vysokih énergij: dal'nejshie poiski kvarkov na 70-Gé protonnom sinhrotrone IFVÈ = Further Research for Quarks at 70 GeV Proton Synchrotron of IHEP Sommer, H. Oskar: The Vulgate Version of the Arthurian Romances, Volume II: Lestoire de Merlin Sommer, H. Oskar: The Vulgate Version of the Arthurian Romances, Volume VII: Supplement: Le livre d'Artus
Sommer, H. Oskar: The Vulgate Version of the Arthurian Romances, Volume VI: Les aventures ou la queste del Saint Graal; La mort le roi Artus Sommer, H. Oskar: The Vulgate Version of the Arthurian Romances, Volume I: Lestoire del Saint Graal Bacon, Francis: Francis Bacon: The Essays or Counsels, Civil and Moral, of Francis Ld. Verulam, Viscount St. Albans
Berkeley, George and Mary Whiton Calkins: Berkeley: Essay, Principles, Dialogues with Selections from Other Writings Wecter, Dixon: Edmund Burke and His Kinsmen. A Study of the Statesman's Financial Integrity and Private Relationships McKillop, Alan Dugald: The Early Masters of English Fiction
Bishop, Philippa and Peter Summers: William Beckford: Some Notes on His Life in Bath, 1822-1844 and a Catalogue of the Exhibition in the Holburne of Menstrie Museum, 14 June to 3 July 1966 Buchanan, Robert: Ballad Stories of the Affections, from the Scandivanian Vincent, Leon H: Dandies and Men of Letters
Gibbs, Barbara and Ulfert Wilke: Poems by Barbara Gibbs. The Meeting Place of the Colors Moglen, Helene: The Philosophical Irony of Laurence Sterne Freedman, William: Laurence Stern and the Origins of the Musical Novel
Connely, Willard: Laurence Sterne as Yorick Potter, Mabel Harrington: Karl Pomeroy Harrington: The Autobiography of a Versatile and Vigorous Professor McKillop. Alan Dugald: The Background of Thomson's Seasons
Swearingen, James E: Reflexivity in Tristram Shandy: An Essay in Phenomenological Criticism Cash, Arthur Hill: Sterne's Comedy of Moral Sentiments: The Ethical Dimension of the Journey. (Duquesne Studies Philological Series; 6) Corss, Wilbur L: The Life and Times of Laurence Sterne
Smart, Christopher and J. B. Boradbent: A Song to David Cash, Arthur H. and John M. Stedmond: The Winged Skull: Papers from the Laurence Sterne Bicentenary Conference Hartley, Lodwick: Laurence Sterne in the Twentieth Century: An Essay and a Bibliography of Sternean Studies, 1900-1965
Steinsaltz, Adin: Biblical Images: Men and Women of the Book Steinsaltz, Adin: Beggars and Prayers: Adin Steinsaltz retells the tales of Rabbi Nachman of Bratslav Shestov, Lev ; Bernard Martin (tr. ): Potestas clavium
Rawidowicz, Simon ; Nahum N. Glatzer (ed. ): Studies in Jewish Thought Shaked, Gershon: Shmuel Yosef Agnon: A Revolutionary Traditionalist Scholem, Gershon ; R. J. Zwei Werblowsky (ed. ): Origins of the Kabbalah
Levinas, Emmanuel ; Annette Aronowicz (tr. ): Nine Talmudic Readings Hitler, Adolf ; Telford Taylor (intr. ): Hitler's Secret Book Morison, J. L: Allenby's First Attempt on Jerusalem: A Chapter in Scottish Military History
Prince, A. E: Palestine in Transition from War to Peace Wessels, F. W: De N.S.B.-leiding ontmaskerd: de bloem der natie = [The conduct of the National Socialist movement exposed: the flower of the nation] Cohen, Irma Loeb: The intelligence of Jews as compared with non-Jews
Winkler, Manfred ; Mary Zilzer (tr. ) ; Howard Schwartz (ed. ): If my hands were mute (The Cauldron Press Series of Hebrew Poets) Broznick, Shifra and Cohen, Mitchell (eds. ): Response: A Contemporary Jewish Review (Vol. XI, No. 2) Vermes, Geza (ed. ): Journal of Jewish Studies (Vol. XXXVII, No. 1)
Gubitz, Myron B. (ed. ): Orim: A Jewish Journal at Yale (Vol. II, No. 2) Mintz, Alan, and Roskies, David G. (eds. ): Prooftexts: A Journal of Jewish Literary History (Vol. 10, No. 1: Tenth Anniversary Issue, Part 1) Aronsfeld, C. C. (ed. ): Christian Jewish Relations: A Documentary Survey (Vol. 14, No. 4)
Soloman, Rabbi Norman: Christian Jewish Relations: A Documentary Survey (Vol. 19, No. 1) Anderson, Perry (ed. ): New Left Review: Industrialization in the Third World (No. 81, Sept.-Oct. 1973) Anderson, Perry (ed. ): New Left Review: Feminism and Bolshevism (No. 110, July-August 1978)
Kochan, Lionel: Jewish Self-Hatred (Noah Barou Memorial Lecture, 1970) Kirschner, Robert. (ed. and tr. ): Rabbinic Responsa of the Holocaust Era Klausner, Joseph: Menahem Ussishkin: His life and work
Owens, Rochelle: The Joe 82 Creation Poems Owens, Rochelle: The Joe Chronicles: Part 2 Lazare, Bernard: Anti-Semitism, its history and causes
Kofman, Sarah: Smothered Words Koestler, Arthur ; Silone, Ignazio ; Gide, Andre ; Wright, Richard ; Fischer, Louis ; Spender, Stephen: The God that Failed: Six Studies in Communism Palliere, Aime ; Louise Waterman Wise (tr. ): The Unknown Sanctuary: A Pilgrimage from Rome to Israel
Twersky, David (ed. ): Shdemot: Cultural forum of the Kibbutz movement (No. 12) Baumgarten, Murray (ed. ): Judaism (Vol. 44, No. 1) Bathrick, David et al. (eds. ): New German Critique: Special Walter Benjamin Issue (No. 17)
Rabinovitch, Sasha ; Laurence Lerner (intr. ): Heroes and Others Lehrman, Rabbi Dr. S. M: Rabbi Joseph Karo: His Life and Times (Leading Figures in Jewish History) Filmus, Tully ; Isaac Bashevis Singer (intr. ): Tully Filmus: Selected Drawings
Cohen, Arthur A. ; Philip Garvin (photog. ): A People Apart: Hasidism in America Singer, Isaac Bashevis ; Symeon Shimin (illus. ): Joseph and Koza, or the Sacrifice to the Vistula The Jewish Western Bulletin: The Jewish Western Bulletin: Chanuka, Second Section (Dec. 17, 1965)
Moked, Gabriel (ed. ) ; Yehuda Amichai, Alan Montefiore, A. B. Yehoshua, Yoram Kaniuk, et al: The Tel Aviv Review (Vol. 1, No. 1) Tucker, Martin (ed. ) ; Isaac Bashevis Singer et al: Confrontation: The Morality of Prize-Giving (No. 13) Singer, Isaac Bashevis: Quando Shlemiel ando' a Varsavia = When Shlemiel went to Warsaw
Singer, Isaac Bashevis: Stories for Children Singer, Isaac Bashevis: A Crown of Feathers Singer, Israel Joshua ; Irving Howe (intr. ): The Brothers Ashkenazi
Singer, Isaac Bashevis: The Collected Stories of Isaac Bashevis Singer Singer, Isaac Bashevis: Love and Exile: The Early Years - A Memoir Singer, Isaac Bashevis: The Seance
Singer, Isaac Bashevis: The Image Singer, Isaac Bashevis: Shadows on the Hudson Singer, Isaac Bashevis: A Friend of Kafka
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