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Becker, Robert H: [Prospectus] Diseños of California Ranchos. Maps of thirty-seven Land Grants [1822-1846] from the records of the United States District Court, San Francisco Magee, David: [Prospectus] The Hundredth Book: A Bibliography of the Publications of the Book Club of California & a History of the Club M'Ilvaine, Jr., William: [Prospectus] Sketches of Scenery and notes of personal Adventure in California & Mexico.
Labaudt, Lucien: C'est Paris Cope/Moulton Family: Letters to Alice Moulton Cope/Moulton Family: Letters to William J. Moulton
Cope/Moulton Family: Letters to Allie (Moulton) Cope Cope/Moulton Family: Letters to Donna Cope Padgett, Ron, and George Schneeman: Poem
Waldman, Anne: Distance Traveled Aleixandre, Vicente, Stephen Kessler, trans: I am Destiny The Provincetown Players: The Provincetown Players: Eighth Season, 1921-22. The Second Bill, Dec. 5th - Dec. 18th Inclusive. 133 MacDougal Street, New York City
The Provincetown Players: The Provincetown Players: Eighth Season, 1921-22. The Fourth Bill, Jan.30th - Feb. 12th Inclusive. 133 MacDougal Street, New York City The Provincetown Players: The Provincetown Players: Eighth Season, 1921-22. The Sixth Bill, Beginning April 27th. 133 MacDougal Street, New York City Gassenmeier, Michael: Der Typus Des Man of Feeling: Studien zum sentimentalen Roman des 18. Jahrhunderts in England
Tinker, Chauncey Brewster: Essays in Retrospect: Collected Articles and Addresses Harris, Victor: All Coherence Gone Drew, Elizabeth: The Literature of Gossip: Nine English Letterwriters
Delafield, E. M: Ladies and Gentlemen in Victorian Fiction Rance Nicholas: The Historical Novel and Popular Politics in Nineteenth-Century England Sergeant, Howard: For Those Who Are Alive: An Anthology of New Poetry
Bentley, G. E., Jr: Editing Eighteenth Century Novels: Papers on Fielding, Lesage, Richardson, Sterne, and Smollett Given at the Conference on Editorial Problems, University of Toronto, November 1973 Sutherland, James.: English Satire: The Clark Lectures, 1956 Stalin, J. V: Tal av ordföranden i Sovjetunionens Statliga Försvarskommitté
Athanas, G: Droseroi Kaymoi Griswold, Rufus Willmot: The Poets and Poetry of America Kiplling, Rudyard: Departmental Ditties and Other Verses
Thompson, Alan Reynolds: The Anatomy of Drama Grigson, Geoffrey: The Victorians: An Anthology Birley, Robert: Sunk without Trace: Some Forgotten Masterpieces Reconsidered. The Clark Lectures, 1960-1961
Carr, Philip: Days with the French Romantics in the Paris of 1830 Willey, Basil: More Nineteenth Century Studies: A Group of Honest Doubters Willey, Basil: The Eighteenth Century Background: Studies on the Idea of Nature in the Thought of the Period
Carter, John and Michael Sadleir: Victorian Fiction: An Exhibition of Original Editions at 7 Albemarle Street, London, January to February 1947 Selincourt, E. de: Oxford Lectures on Poetry Kumar, Shiv K: British Victorian Literature: Recent Evaluations
Howard, Peter B: Serendipity Books Catalogue 38: American Fiction in the 1960s Howard, Peter B: Serendipity Books Catalogue 48: William Faulkner -- The Carl Petersen Collection Gurewitch, Morton: Comedy: The Irrational Vision
Mell, Donald C., Jr: English Poetry, 1660-1800: A Guide to Information Sources Bush, Donald: English Literature in the Earlier Seventeenth Century, 1600-1660 Sutherland, W. O. S., Jr: The Art of the Satirist: Essays on the Satire of Augustan England
Willey, Basil: Nineteenth Century Studies: Coleridge to Matthew Arnold Mare, Walter de la: The Eighteen-Eighties: Essays Anderson, Warren D. and Thomas D. Clareson: Victorian Essays: A Symposium
Lucas, F. L: Eight Victorian Poets Sievers, Eduard: Das Igorlied metrisch und sprachlich bearbeitet Grimm, Jacob and Wilhelm: Deutsche Märchen gesammelt durch die Brüder Grimm
Zemlyanoiy, Y. M: Sverkhsvetovye skorosti v mirovom prostranstve = Hyperrelativistic Velocities in the Universe Librairie F. Roth (Lausanne): Catalogue de très beaux livres. Catalogue no. 8 Cameron, Evan: Cinema Studies No. 1. Spring 1967. An Analysis of A Diary for Timothy, a Film by Humphrey Jennings
Oak Knoll Books (New Castle, Del.): From the Reference Library of H. P. Kraus, Part III. Catalogue 258 Glenn Horowitz (New York, N.Y.): Catalogue No. 1 Glenn Horowitz (New York, N.Y.): Catalogue No. 5
Burke, Clifford: Hollow Orange No. 4 Nicolas Rauch S.A. (Genève): Livres modernes illustrés A & B Booksellers (New York, N.Y.): Building the Theatre Library. An Annotated Buying Guide to 6000 Books on the Theatre, Drama, Costuming, and the Related Performing Arts. Catalog AB 553
Pasdermadjian, G: Why Armenia Should Be Free: Armenia's Role in the Present War Bridwell Library (Dallas, Tex.): One Hundred Books from the Special Collections of Bridwell Library, Perkins School of Theology, Southern Mehodist University Galleria Henze (Lugano): Modern Graphik / Grafica Moderna 8. Spring 1974
Enslow, Frank W: New York Scenes. The Sex Newspapers: High Profit in Porn. Vol. 2, No. 1, July 1969 Moore, Thurston: The "Pop" Scrapbook. Photo Story Features. Over 200 Recording Artists Simon, John Oliver: Aldebaran Review No. 3
Rosset, Barney: Evergreen Review Vol. 14, No. 79. June 1970 Ziebarth, Marilyn: California Historical Quarterly. Vol. LV, No. 3. Fall 1976 Narkiss, Bezalel: Journal of Jewish Art. Vol. 9, 1982
Narkiss, Bezalel: Journal of Jewish Art. Vol. 8, 1981 Am Here Books (Santa Barbara, Calif.): Catalogue 5. A Collection of Post-Modern Poetry, Books, Manuscripts & Letters Tenement House Committee (Albany, N.Y.): Report of the Tenement House Committee as Authorized by Chapter 479 of the Laws of 1894. Transmitted to the Legislature January 17, 1895
Sunday Ramparts (San Francisco, Calif.): Sunday Ramparts. Whole No. 1. October 2, 1966 Mano, Guy Lévis: Mal à l'homme Unbekannter Meister des 18. Jahrhunderts: Sonate für Altblockflöte in f' (Querflöte, Oboe, Violine) und Cembalo (Klavier), Gambe (Violoncello ad lib.)
Bach, J. S. and Edgar H. Hunt: Sheep May Safely, While Their Shepherd (for Sporano Voice, Two Treble Recorders and Continuo) and Stone, Above All Others Treasured (for Soprano Voice, Trebel Recorder, Viola d'Amore, and Continuo) Valéry, Paul: Les divers essais sur Léonard de Vinci Actor's Workshop (San Francisco, Calif.): Announcement for stage production of Clifford Odet's The Flowering Peach, Marines' Memorial Theatre, San Francisco
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