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Loewinsohn, Ron: The Mendacity of Sculpture Williams, Jonathan: A French 75! (Salut Milhaudious) BRAUTIGAN, Richard,: THE SAN FRANCISCO WEATHER REPORT
Spicer, Jack: Berkeley in a Time of Plague WELCH, LEW: Early Summer Hermit Song Adam, Helen: At the Window
Brewer, William A., Lawton Kennedy, printer: This is my America Norris, Frank, James D. Hart: A Page from McTeague by Frank Norris Meltzer, David: Yod Beth Letter
SNYDER, Gary: O Mother Gaia Moore, Daniel: Hibernation Rothenberg, Jerome: Polish Anecdote: The Banquet
Di Prima, Diane: XV Dedications Merwin, W. S: Japanese Figures Vallejo, Cesar, translated by Robert Bly: Masses
Tate, James: Nobody Goes to Visit the Insane Anymore Bly, Robert: Hearing Gary Snyder Read Rothenberg, Jerome: Net of Sun. Net of Moon. Pawnee Hand Game Visions for Paul Blackburn
REYNOLDS, Tim: I'm Sorry TARN, Nathaniel: For Buffy Sainte- Marie de Angulo, Jaime: Shelter
Lax, Robert, and Emil Antonucci, artist: Sea Poem NERUDA, Pablo, Alistair Reid, TRANSLATOR: To the Foot From Its Child Ford, Michael C: Whatever Happened to the Orange-Groves, Grandma?
DUNCAN, Robert: UP RISING Borregaard, Ebbe, Ralph T. Field (Tom Field): Ralph T. Field. Paintings: 54 - 61, March 6 to April 1 Waldman, Anne: Light & Shadow
Blake, William: Prospectus for William Blake's Illustrations of the Book of Job Foolscap Press (Berkeley, Calif.) and Francesco Petrarca: Prospectus for Phisicke against Fortune, as Well as Prosperous as Adverse; Forty-Six Dialogues by Francesco Petrarca Grabhorn Press (San Francisco, Calif.) and George Fields: Prospectus for The Life and Adventures of James W. Marshall, Discoverer of Gold in California, by George F. Parsons
Sterling, J. E. Wallace, Charles Easton Rothwell, et al: The Hoover Institute and Library on War, Revolution, and Peace of the Leland Stanford Junior University is Honored by the Visit of His Excellency Celal Bayar, President of the Republic of Turkey, February 8, 1954 Hiersoux, Powers, Thomas (Berkeley, Calif.) and Robert Kelly: Announcing Publication of a Poem by Robert Kelly: Mulberry Women; Drypoints by Matt Phillips Twowindows Press, Don Gray, and Ed. André: Announcing a New Edition of Bromeliaceae Andreanae par Ed. André. An Accounting of His Explorations and Collections in Colombia, Ecuador & Venezuela from Twowindows Press
Rohauer, Raymond: A Tribute to Albert Lewin Alter, Robert and Arion Press (San Francisco, Calif.): Prospectus for a New Limited Edition of Genesis, Translated from the Hebrew by Robert Alter; Etching by Michael Mazur Maunick, Edouard: Is This Christmas and Manger?
McLean, Austin J: An Exhibit from the Vincent Starrett Library: Books, Periodicals, Manuscripts, Letters, Photographs, Memorabilia. September 1-October 13, 1989 Treib, Marc: Some Architectural Graphic Information (Working Draft, Rough Stage) Davies, Raymond Arthur: Canada and Russia: Neighbors and Friends
Bowman, Karl M: The Treatment of Acute Deliria Willard Gallery and Kleemann Galleries (New York, N.Y.), David Smith, and Howard Nemerov: David Smith: Sculpture and Drawing Rowland, Mary and Paul: Pasternak's Use of Folklore, Myth, and Epic Song in Doctor Zhivago
Rowland, Mary and Paul: The Mission of Yury and Evgraf Zhivago Greene, Thomas M: Roger Ascham: The Perfect End of Shooting K. T. P: English Drawings in the Ashmolean Museum
Noyes, Robert Gale: A Manuscript Restoration Prologue for Volpone Baehr, Stephen L: From History to National Myth: Translatio Imperii in Eighteenth-Century Russia Gilman, Stephen: Literature and Historical Insight
Henderson, Thomas G: Santayana: A Departed Guest Keller, Abraham C: Calvin and the Question of War Roazen, Deborah Heller: The Surrogate Self in Ibsen's Mature Plays
Joghlin, G. Louis: The Catholic Problem Again Simpson, Claude M., Jr: Wagner and the Tannhäuser Tradition Damell, David, et al: Tor, Vol. XIII, 1969
Rydh, Stig, et al: Tor, Vol. VIII, 1962 Nylén, Erik, et al: Tor, Vol. VII, 1961 Herschend, Frands, et al: Tor, Vol. XV, 1972-1973
Hagberg, Ulf Erik, et al: Tor, Vol. XII, 1967-1968 Zetterberg, Inger, et al: Tor, Vol. IV, 1958 Keller, Abraham-Charles: Michel de l'Hospital and the Edict of Toleration of 1562
Bowman, Karl M. and Paul M. Howard: Report of a Case of Lead Encephalitis Due to Tri-Ethyl Lead Wortis, Joseph, Karl Bowman and Walter Goldfarb: Human Brain Metabolism: Normal Values and Values in Certain Clinical States Bowman, Karl: Psychoses with Pernicious Anaemia
Bowman, Karl and Alice F. Raymond: A Statistical Study of Delusions in the Manic-Depressive Psychoses Krause, W. E. F: The Man of the World Arbman, Holger, et al: Tor, 1948
Wright, Louis B: Pious Reading in Colonial Virginia Gallego, Candido Perez: To the Lighthouse y la Estructura de las Novelas de Virginia Woolf Lang, Hans-Joachim: Versuch über den amerikanischen Roman
Lang, Hans-Joachim: Ein Spiel von Göttern und menschen. Vorläufige Bemerkungen zu Thornton Wilders Alkestiade Lang, Hans-Joachim: Hawthorne: The Artist of the Beautiful Davis, Derek Russell: A Re-Appraisal of Ibsen's Ghosts
Fisher, Edna M: The Osteology and Myology of the California River Otter Kinsman, Clare D. (ed.): Contemporary Authors: Permanent Series, Volume 1 Ethridge, James M. & Barbara Kopala (eds.): Contemporary Authors: Cumulative Index of Volume 1-12, Volume 11-12
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