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Ross, Paula (ed.): Across The Generations, Volume IV. Writings by Young and Old
Thwaite, Ann (ed.): Allsorts 2
Patton, Annaleone D. (President): The Ina Coolbrith Golden Circle
Bell, Marvin (ed.): Iowa Workshop Poets, 1963
Jones, Stephanie, and Suzanne Korey (ed.): The Midnight Sun: Stories and Poems on Old Age
Blackman, Gary A., Timothy Jacobs, Daniel Kakook, Robert Matte, Jr: Wheel Of Fortune: Four California Poets
Montag, Tom: Prospectus for Between Zen and Midwestern: Sixteen Poems
Raos, E: In their Euclidean lineage these tough fish create a nauseous delivery
W. Thomas Taylor (Austin, Tex.): Prospectus for Texfake: An Account of the Theft and Forgery of Early Texas Printed Documents
Interplayers (San Francisco, Calif.): Ring Round the Moon: A Charade by Jean Anouilh; Translated by Christopher Fry. Opening March 9
Interplayers (San Francisco, Calif.): The Madwoman of Chaillot by Jean Giradoux
Interplayers (San Francisco, Calif.): Interplayers at the Bella Union Theater, San Francisco. Arms & the Man
Liebling, A. J., De La Bruyere and Shenstone: Autobiography by A. J. Liebling; Each According to His Need by De La Bruyere & Shenstone
Fields, George: Prospectus for The Life and Adventures of James W. Marshall
Writers Books (Rochester, N.Y.): Prospectus for Cometh with Clouds by Dick McBride
McCune, Donovan James: The Vallejo Albion
Amsterdam Continental Types (New York, N.Y.): An alphabetical listing of additonal new types which are now available from stock
Bieler Press (Madison, Wis.): Prospectus for Pentimento by Christopher Buckley
Engdahl Typography (Vineburg, Calif.): Forthcoming Titles and Selected Backlist
New Directions (New York, N.Y.): Prospectus for Displaced Person by Charles Simic
Vitte, S.U: Vospominaniya = [Memories]. Volumes 1,2,3
Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing House: Moscow = [Moscow]
Klueva, V.N: Kraktkiy slovar' sinonimov russkogo yazika = [Abridged dictionary of synonyms in Russian]
Alekseev, M.P. Ed: Pushkin issledovania i materiali = [Pushkin research and materials]
Gorenshtein, V.O. Ed: Mark Tulliy Ciceron; Rechi = [Mark Tulliy Ciceron; Orationes]. Volume 1 only
Prokopovich, N.N: Sohetaniya narechiy s imenami prilagatel'nimi v sovremennom russkom yazike = [Combining adverbs with adjectives in Russian]
Tanci Narodov SSSR: Tanci narodov SSSR = [Dances of the peoples' of USSR]
Guliga, Arseniy: Uroki klassiki i sovremennost' = [Lessons of classics and contemporary literature]
Nazarevskiy, A.A: O literaturnoi storone gramot i drugih dokumentov moskovskoi rusi nachala XVII veka = [On literary writings and other documents of Muscovite-Russia beginning of XVII century]
Gorodetskiy, B.P. Ed: Istoriya russkoi kritiki = [History of Russian critique]. Volume 2 only
Vinogradov, V.V. Ed: Grammatika russkogo yazika = [Russsian language grammar]. Volume 1 only
Strugackiy, Arkadiy and Strugackiy, Boris: Trudno byt; bogom, ponedelnik nachinaetsya v subbotu; Biblioteka sovremennoi fantastiki v 15ti tomah = [It's difficult to be a God, Monday begins on Saturday]. Volume 7 only
Tynyanov, Yuriy: Sochineniya = [Essays]. Volume 1 only
Gessenom, G.V. Ed: Arhiv russkoi revolucii = [Archive of Russian Revolution]. Volume 1 only
Afanasiev, A.N: Narodnie russkie skazki = [Russian folk tales]. Volume 2 only
Afanasiev, A.N: Narodnie russkie skazki = [Russian folk tales]. Volume 3 only
Ivanov, U.I: Poeti pushkinskoi epohi = [Poets of the Pushkin Era]
Shakespeare, W: Sheikspir; biblioteka velikih pisatelei = [Shakespeare]. 4 Volumes
Isakovskiy, Mikhail: Rossiya rodina moya; biblioteka russkoi sovestkoi poezii v 50 knigah = [Russia, my homeland]
Vasiliev, Sergey: Rossiya rodina moya; biblioteka russkoi sovestkoi poezii v 50 knigah = [Russia, my homeland]
Ushakov, Nikolai: Rossiya rodina moya; biblioteka russkoi sovestkoi poezii v 50 knigah = [Russia, my homeland]
Kornilov, Boris: Rossiya rodina moya; biblioteka russkoi sovestkoi poezii v 50 knigah = [Russia, my homeland]
Bergolc, Olga: Rossiya rodina moya; biblioteka russkoi sovestkoi poezii v 50 knigah = [Russia, my homeland]
Orlov, Sergey: Rossiya rodina moya; biblioteka russkoi sovestkoi poezii v 50 knigah = [Russia, my homeland]
Aliger, Margarita: Rossiya rodina moya; biblioteka russkoi sovestkoi poezii v 50 knigah = [Russia, my homeland]
Yashin, Aleksandr: Rossiya rodina moya; biblioteka russkoi sovestkoi poezii v 50 knigah = [Russia, my homeland]
Smelyakov, Yaroslav: Rossiya rodina moya; biblioteka russkoi sovestkoi poezii v 50 knigah = [Russia, my homeland]
Rylenkov, Nikolay: Rossiya rodina moya; biblioteka russkoi sovestkoi poezii v 50 knigah = [Russia, my homeland]
Kirsanov, Semyon: Rossiya rodina moya; biblioteka russkoi sovestkoi poezii v 50 knigah = [Russia, my homeland]
Fedorov, Vasiliy: Rossiya rodina moya; biblioteka russkoi sovestkoi poezii v 50 knigah = [Russia, my homeland]
Surkov, Aleksey: Rossiya rodina moya; biblioteka russkoi sovestkoi poezii v 50 knigah = [Russia, my homeland]
Lugovskiy, Vladimir: Rossiya rodina moya; biblioteka russkoi sovestkoi poezii v 50 knigah = [Russia, my homeland]
Ruch'ev, Boris: Rossiya rodina moya; biblioteka russkoi sovestkoi poezii v 50 knigah = [Russia, my homeland]
Taho-Godi, A.A. Ed: Losevskie chteniya; obraz mira-struktura i celoe = [Losev's readings; identitiy of the world-structure and whole]
Taho-Godi, A.A: Losev; zhizn' zamechatelnih ludei = [Losev; life of fascinating personalities]
Losev, A.F: Imya; sochineniya i perevody = [Name]
Taho-Godi, A.A: Voprosi klassicheskoi filologii; vypusk XI = [Questions of classical philology]
Losev, A.F: Mif, chislo, sushnost' = [Myth, number, essence]
Losev, A.F: Forma, styl', vyrazhenie = [Form, style, expression]
Losev, A.F: Haos i struktura = [Chaos and structure]
Losev, A.F: Bytie, imya, kosmos = [Being, name, space]
Losev, A.F: Ocherki antichnogo simvolizma i mifologii = [Remarks on ancient symbolism and mythology]
Losev, A.F: Lichnost' i absolut = [Identity and the absolute]
Losev, A.F: Znak, symvol, mif = [Sign, symbol, myth]
Losev, A.F: Derzanie duha = [Attempts of the spirit]
Losev, A.F: Mne bylo 19 let; dnevniki, pis'ma, proza = [I was 19]
Losev, A.F: Gomer = [Homer]
Losev, A.F: Vvedenie v obshuu teoriu yazikovyh modelei = [Attachment to the general theory of linguistics]
Losev, A.F: Yazikovaya struktura; uchebnoe posobie = [The structure of language]
Gusserl, Edmund: Filosofia kak strogaya nauka = [Philosophy as science]
Bailey, Philip James: Festus: A Poem
Curle, Richard, (ed.): Robert Browning And Julia Wedgwood: a Broken Friendship as Revealed by Their Letters
Brown, Wallace Cable: The Triumph Of Form: a Study of the Later Masters of the Heroic Couplet
Griggs, Edward Howard: The Poetry And Philosophy of Browning: a Handbook of Eight Lectures
Orr, Mrs. Sutherland (ed.): Life And Letters of Robert Browning
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