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Serendipity Books (Berkeley, Calif.) and Peter B. Howard: Serendipity Books Catalogue 42: Nineteenth & Twentieth Century Literature, Fine Printing, Detective Fiction Babtkis, Randall: Mission at Tenth Inter-Arts Journal: The Hieroglyph Issue. Vol. 2, Spring 2011 Sharjah Art Foundation: Provisions: Sharjah Biennial 9, Book 2
Niven, Alastair and James Porter: Under Another Sky: The Commonwealth Poetry Prize Anthology Pinter, Harold, John Fuller and Peter Redgrove: New Poems, 1967: A P.E.N. Anthology of Contemporary Poetry Halpert, Stephen and Richard Johns: A Return to Pagany: The History, Correspondence, and Selections from a Little Magazine, 1929-1932
Tambimuttu: Poetry London X. Vol. .2, No. 10 Perlman, Jim: Brother Songs: A Male Anthology of Poetry Spivey, John, et al: Tunnel Road: A Poetry Anthology
Elstob, Winston: Birds: An Anthology of Poems and Prose Johnson, Margaret, Gloria Ataide and Susan Roberts: Octoberfest; No Logic in Motion; The Light on the Table Was Formica Pink Moore, Robert T: Borestone Mountain Poetry Awards 1955
Ferrall, Russell: Prize Poems of the National Federation of State Poetry Societies 1979 Kherdian, David: Six Poets of the San Francisco Renaissance: Portraits and Checklists Symons, Julian: New Poetry 9: An Arts Council Anthology
Chappel, Monzo and E. A. Duyckinck: National Portrait Gallery of Eminent Americans from Original Paintings by Monzo Chappel with Biographies by E. A. Duyckinck Unknown Abstract Painter: Abstract Painting Haynes, Lorraine Drury: Some Developments in Written Expression of Children During the Elementary School Period
Betts, Doris: Halfway Home and a Long Way To Go Victor, Walther: Von Gestern, für Morgen. Legenden und Balladen Amamoo, J. G: The New Ghana: The Birth of a Nation
Miller, [Chas?]: Ex-Libris P. Howard Hunt Friend or Family of David Sachs: Davis Sachs Savage, Sibela and Elizabeth Taylor: Green Blue Dog
Arthur Sanderson & Sons: The Sanderson Archive Collection 12 Aguilar, Otto: Otto Aguilar Open Studio 2011 Thomas Gibson Fine Art (London) and Lefevre Fine Art (New York, N.Y.): Works on Paper from Turner to Freud
Richard Davies Autographs (Nottingham): British Prime Ministers 1721-1997 Sociedad de Arte Moderno (México, D.F.): Máscaras Mexicanas. 2a Exposición de la Sociedad de Arte Moderno, México, Enero de 1945 Zora Gallery (Los Angeles, Calif.): Prospectus for Two, a Portfolio of Ten Lithographs by Arnold Belkin, with Poems by Jack Hirschman
Shaw, L. S: Steps in Chinese Painting, Part One: How to Paint a Landscape Giedymin, Jerzy: Problemy, zalozenia, rozstrzygniecia: Studia nad logicznymi podstawami nauk spolecznych = Questions, Assumptions, Decidability: Essays Concerning the Logical Foundations of the Social Sciences Kronshtadtskiy, Ioann (St. John of Kronstadt): V mirie molitvy = [The World of Prayers]
Majer, Nikita V: Gorod (Roman) = [City] Majer, Nikita V: Gorod (Roman) = [City]. [Incomplete] Liaskovskii, Alexandr Ivanovivch: Martirolog Russkix Pisateleij, 1700-1900 = [Martyrology of Russian Writers]
Gorbunov, I. F: Polnoe sobranie sochinenii = [Complete Works]. Tom 1 Gozman, L., et al: Neva. July 1989 Kaverin, V., et al: Neva. August 1989
Zlobin, A., et al: Neva. June 1989 Zlobin, A., et al: Neva. May 1989 Koneckij, V., et al: Neva. February 1989
Dudin, M., et al: Neva. January 1989 Semenov, Ju., et al: Neva. April 1989 Rossii, Sojuz, et al: Moskva. April 1989
Rossii, Sojuz, et al: Moskva. January 1989 Rossii, Sojuz, et al: Moskva. May 1989 Rossii, Sojuz, et al: Moskva. June 1989
Rossii, Sojuz, et al: Moskva. March 1989 Rossii, Sojuz, et al: Moskva. February 1989 Blazek, Doug, et al: Hard Pressed. No. 2
Muscalus, John A: Famous Paintings Reproduced on Paper Money of State Banks 1800-1866 Simon J. Lubin Society (San Francisco, Calif.): Prospectus for Carey McWilliams' Factories in the Field George Philip & Son (London): Thomas Hardy's Wessex
Franek, Albert D: TLS to Prof. George B. Noyes, December 23, 1942 Deerfield Press (Deerfield, Mass.): [New Works from] Deerfield Press Duhig, Ian: The Emperor of Squab
Jeff Maser Bookseller (Richmond, Calif.): Jeff Maser Bookseller Whalen, Philip (admirer of): Quiet Return to San Francisco, Thanksgiving, 1970 (for Philip Whalen) Galperin, I. R: An Essay in Stylistic Analysis
Shaumjan, S. K: Problemy teoretichkoj fonologii = [Problems in Theoretical Phonology] Mel'nikov, G. P: Azbyka matematicheskoj logiki Panov, V: Sorok dem za shaxmatnoj doskoj: Vospominanija i 50 izbrannyx partij
Shaumjan, S. K: Applikativnaja grammatika kak semanticheskaja teorija estestvennyx jaz'kov Berkov, V. P., et al: Tezisy soveshchaniz po matematicheskoj lingvistike 15-21 aprelja 1959 goda Drabkina, Marija E: Logicheskie uprashnenija po elementarnoj matematike
Kniazevskaia, O. A., et al: Pravila lingvisticheskogo izdanija pamjatnikov drevnerusskoj pis'mennosti Große, Rudolph, et al: Linguistische Arbeits Berichte 3 Sixth International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (Prague): Programme. Sixth International Congress of Phonetic Sciences
Shaumjan, S. K: Istorija sistemy differenchial'nyx elementov v pol'skom jazyke, Shumjan, S. K: Nekotorye voprosy primenenija dixotomiceskoj fonologij pol'skogo jazyka Shaumjan, S. K: Applikativnaja grammatika i perspecpektiva razvitija informachionnyx jazykov
Decker, Peter and Karl Held: DDR kaputt Deutschland ganz. Eine Abrechnung mit dem Realen Sozialismus und dem Imperialismus deutscher Nation Dostojevski (Dostoyevsky), Fedor: Valitut Kertomukset Gofman', M. L. (Modeste Hoffman): Russkoe pravopisanie = [Russian Spelling]
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