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written by Edith S. McCall and illustrated by Jack Faulkner in Orange & Green & B/W, NOT EX-LIBRARY, Blank Endpapers Scuff Mark: BUCKY BUTTON, Childrens Reader, with three-color illustrations on almost every page by Jack Faulkner ,Button family Adventures ! Edited & Selected with Intro By Professor T.O. Mabbott, by Edgar Allen Poe , Priceclipped, Grey & White Rockwell Kent Endpapers: Selected Poetry & Prose of Edgar Allen ALLAN Poe , Contains a wonderful range of Poe's works Quoth the Raven nevermore! MODERN LIBRARY (#82 in series) Katharine Bixby Hotchkis, SIGNED by Author ON FRONTISPIECE. Green endpapers, , illustrated in 2color tones by George Bartell, Designed by Robert A. Weinstein She was granddaughter of John and Susan Bixby: Trip with Father (California Historical Society. Special publication #48) SIGNED & Inscribed by Katharine Bixby Hotchkis,
Thorstein Veblen, 1857-1929 FOREWORD BY STUART CHASE, Inner DJ Flap 95 cents, Orange & White Rockwell Kent Endpapers: THEORY OF LEISURE CLASS, an economic Study of Institutions in Beige PRINTED DUSTJACKET WITH 2 BLUE LINES AT TOP & 2 AT BTM FRONT, Stated 1st Modern Library #63, A presentable copy Veblen's breakthrough and most enduring BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, Introduction by Nathan G. Goodman. INNER FLAP 95 CENTS but PC, Orange & White Rockwell Kent Endpapers: AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, Benjamin Franklin's Autobiography and Selections from His Other Writings, MODERN LIBRARY #39 VIRGINIA LEE BURTON, Inner Flap DJ has Original Price Intact of 8s 6d NET Intact at Btm , Bright blue/white/red pictorial endpapers of Red Snow Plow: KATY AND THE BIG SNOW , in DJ Stated 1st Published, 1st Impresseion,1947, Author of the Mike Mulligan books has a new main character - Katy the crawler tractor. Simple story of Katy the Tractor whose versatility working
Written & Drawn Nancy Spain , EX-LIBRARY USUAL WEAR STAMPS, Pocket ETC. Illustrated in Color: The Tiger who went to the Moon by Nancy Spain Color Pictorial CVR OF Yellow & Black Striped TIGER IN SPACE HELMENT & RED ROCKET, Extremley rare copy of the Book ARTHUR MILLER SIGNED,who was married to Actress, Marilyn Monroe, 2 color ILLUSTRATED BY Emily A. McCully. FlatSigned by Arthur Miller on the first blank page with no inscriptions: Jane's Blanket in color Dustjacket of Little girl in overalls by clothesline with clothes & blue bird, SIGNED by Playwright ARTHUR MILLER , who was married to Actress, Marilyn Monroe, A. & M. GOLDEN , Color ILLUSTRATED: The Ghosts Who were Nearly Forgotten. Once Upon a Time Long Long Ago in a Large Old English House in a small Old English village, there was an Old Forgotten & when the Fog Rolled over the Ground & Seeped Thru the Windows
Stuart Holmes Coleman ,SIGNED & Inscribed by Author, Blue & White Decorated Endpapers, Inner DJ Flap Original Price Intact $24.95 , Illustrated in Color & B/W: Eddie Would Go: The Story of Eddie Aikau, Hawaiian Hero, Biography of an icon in Hawaii and the surfing world. This book shows why Eddie has become such an enduring icon in Hawaii and the surfing world Howard, Robert E.[rvin] 1906-1936. Born in Texas, son of Pioneer Physician, With the dust jacket, illustrated by Hannes Bok ,Inner DJ flap $5 with chip at Top Margin,: Skull-Face and Others, SKULLFACE, With the dust jacket, illustrated by Hannes Bok, Contains: "Foreword" by August Derleth, "Robert Ervin Howard: A Memoriam" by H.P. Lovecraft, Graham GREENE, DJ & Illustrated Thruout in colour & B/W & Frontispiece by Dorothy Craigie, INNER FLAP $2.35, 2 pg Frontispiece, Back Flap PC: LITTLE STEAMROLLER, Adventure , Mystery, Detection, IN DUSTJACKET OF BLUE WITH Green & Yellow Train with man leaning on it, One of the four very uncommon Graham Greene children's adventures
LEILA BERG, Illustrated by Jean Bailey.FORMER OWNER STAMP Back Endpaper, INNER DJ FLAP 7S.6D. NET TANNED ENDPAPERS, Reinforced Library Edition,: TIRED TRAIN & OTHER STORIES Listen with Mother & Let?s Join In, in Yellow Dustjacket with Green & Black Train Katharine Bixby Hotchkis, Green endpapers, , illustrated in 2color tones By George Bartell, Designed by Robert A. Weinstein: Trip with Father (California Historical Society. Special publication) by Emmett Kelly, with F. Beverly Kelley, SIGNED & Inscribed BY EMMETT KELLY & Beverly Kelly dated 1954, with few Loose pgs with color Photo Painting from Readers Digest article by John Culhane, Decorations by ALICIA FIENE: Clown: My Life in Tatters and Smiles , SIGNED BY EMMETT & Beverly KELLY, with few pgs with color Photo Painting from Readers Digest article by John Culhane , Emmett one of the world's greatest Clowns
Edited J. H. Kellogg, M.D.Numerous advertisements and Articles: Good Health Magazine October 1914, Coca-Cola Poison Campaign No.10, Vol XLIX, Early Periodical, about danger of Caffein, Coffee in children, , Includes Measure of a Man, Vegetable diet in Colitis, Warm bath for Nervousness, Digestibility of Milk Carolyn Keene, Inner Flap DJ Not Priced says Book club Edition, , with gorgeous B/W charcoal Illustrated by Ruth Sanderson , NOT EX-Library , Blank Endpaper Former Owner Sticker: SECRET OF OLD LACE #59, Nancy Drew, RARE Hardcover w / Lavender Color DJ of Long Haired Nancy wearing Peach colored Blouse & Holding Piece of Lace near Castle , as Man Watches in Red Jacket on overhead Bridge , Edited by James E. Hickey, by Appointment: Complete Mixing Guide, Revised from 1912 & 1936, Small Pamphlet Like that you Flip Open to Read, Containing a full List of Formulas for making all Standard Mixed Drinks, Carefully Compiled & Alphabetically Arranged,
STANLEY POE, Compiled written & Photographed by Historian, Illustrated B/W Photos & Drawings: NAPLES Pictorial History, Naples Improvement Association 1988, includes NAPLES Its History in words & Pictures 1784 - 1987 cvr Photo B/W Edwardian Lady on Alamitos Bay in 1907, authors grandmother , Nell Adelia Baker SIGNED by WHOOPI Goldberg, Color Illustrated by John Rocco SIGNED by Rocco, Purple & white decorated endpapers, Inner Flap DJ Original Price of $15 Intact,: ALICE , in Color Dustjacket, SIGNED BY WHOOPI GOLDBERG & JOHN ROCCO Illustrator, Hip retelling of Alice in Wonderland, Award winning actress, Whoopi Goldberg writes her first book with a retelling of Alice in Wonderland Cleopatra starred Claudette Colbert 25 cents on front cvr, May Ninomiya, Editor, Directed by John Ford: Screen Romances October 1934 MAGAZINE Claudette Colbert as Cleopatra Pin-Up on Cover HOLLYWOOD MOVIE, includes Article on Movie Chained Joan Crawford & Clark Gable & She loves me Not starring Bing Crosby & Kitty Carlisle,
KURT WIESE, WRITTEN ILLUSTRATED in Green & B/W, Inner DJ Flap $2, pictorial color Sticker has EX LIBRIS Bookplate: CUNNING TURTLE, in Dustjacket, Mr Turtle decides to attend a meeting of musicians in Cloudland. He doesn't let not having wings stand in his way, Delightful story written and illustrated by Wiese was written by Ludwig Bemelmans [1898 - 1962], Illustrated in Color by Author: Rare 1956 Booklet "Madeline's Christmas"-INCLUDES ORIGINAL ENVELOPE for Insert First appearence of this charming Madeline Christmas story. True first edition,Years later released as a stand alone hardcover in 1985. Very rare vintage booklet Gloria Vanderbilt, SIGNED and Dated by author in year of publication (no inscription ). FORMER OWNER STAMP BACK Bland Flyleaf, Inner dJ flap $16.95, Pictorial endpapers, Illustrated 32 B/W Photos, DJ Design Sara Eisenman: Once Upon A Time A True Story SIGNED
Stephen Crane, Edited Introduction by Vincent Starrett, Title pg tiny edge Tape repair, Inner Hinges starting Cracked, Rockwell Kent Orange & White Endpapers BOOKPLATE & small red Star Stamp, 1 Endpaper Missing: MAGGIE GIRL OF Streets & Other Stories,, 1st Modern Library #102, Blue & white Pictorial DJ of Downtrotten Girl walking in Saloon Written & Drawn in Color Nancy Spain , Inner DJ flap 9'6 NET Library Edition, BOOKPLATE Former OWNER Back Blank Endpaper: The Tiger who Found the Treasure by Nancy Spain Color DJ Pictorial CVR, Extremley rare copy of the book, Simpkin the wonderful Tiger who couldn?t Meat must be about most travelled Tiger there is. Together with Capt. Nicky, John Travolta, SIGNED by Author on blank endpaper, illustrations by John Travolta & Anson Downes,INNER DJ Flap $14 Adapted from Original Design by McCoy Co. ,: Propeller One-Way Night Coach a Fable for all Ages, by John Travolta, SIGNED , An uncommon signature, and in a book he wrote dealing with his great passion, flying Airplanes
By LEILA BERG ,Former OWNER Bookplate BACK BLANK ENDPAPER ,B/W green, pink line drawings by B. Chapman, Priceclipped: The Hidden Road, The story of a hidden house in a hidden road. in blue jacket with children looking through the gates of a small road, surrounded by greenery, Jeremy & Nicola find a hidden road tucked away Behind Trees Ethel Todd Anderson , SIGNED on a bookplate laid in on the front free foxed end paper. Dustjacket designed by Margaret Ayer. INNER DJ Flap $2.25, NO OTHER Illustrations: Rainbow Campus Signed by Ethel Todd Anderson First Edition , in Yellow , blue, green &white DJ of 5 students on steps school, Undercover work by the young People turn up another Puzzle Dacre Stoker and Ian Holt ,SIGNED in Red BY DACRE & DATED 12/1/10 ON TITLE PG WITH HIS TRADEMARK HEART MONITOR LINE. by the author Bram Stoker's great Grandnephew DACRE , Dracula Historian: Dracula the Un-Dead - SIGNED by Dacre Stoker ,UNDEAD, official sequel to Bram Stoker's classic novel Dracula, written by his direct descendent GRANDNEPHEW and endorsed by the Stoker family. The story begins in 1912 ,25 years after the events
Ann Ruffell, Graduate of Exeter Univ, plays cello & Piano in concerts, BOOKPLATE BACK Blank Endpaper, NOT EX-LIBRARY, Inner DJ Flap £3.50, DJ Design Beryl Sanders: CUCKOO Genius, The, Bradley?s seemed normal Enough Family, but strange things kept happening to them. Like when Uncle Ted arrived from Africa & gave Richard a Garishly decorated Ostrich Egg Grace Livingston Hill , Inner DJ Flap PriceCODE 125/125, FORMER OWNER Bookplate back Blank foxed Endpaper: The Enchanted Barn in Color ORANGE Dustjacket with white Titles in black rectangle, Forced to Abandom their home because of Professor Hollister, the problem was too much for their bright Ingenious Minds, P. Thomas ,Coloured frontispiece and 237 black & white HALF-TONE illustrations Listed . Priceclipped: Epics, Myths And Legends of India - A Comprehensive Study of the Sacred Lore of the Hindus, Buddhists and Jains. Second Revised and Enlarged Edition
Edward Maddin Ainsworth, SIGNED in Red by Newspaperman born in Texas, FORMER OWNER BOOKPLATE Back Blank endpaper. INNER FLAP $5.95, DJ Painting & Illustrations by Bill Bender,: Beckoning Desert Impressions of the Sunlit Land, Its People, Its Miracles, Old and New, SIGNED, Desert is coming into its own from Golfing & Tramway riding at Swank Palms Springs, California & water skiing at Salton Sea Nevada C. Colley, SIGNED on Title & on Front Endpapers, FORMER OWNER BOOKPLATE Back Blank Endpaper, Illustrated Charles C. Colley, Inner Dj Flap $5.95, with Erratum slip on Half title pg,: From Maine to Mecca, SIGNED by Nevada Colley, About Pioneers who settled Coachella Valley, , Homespun Saga of young man who left his boyhood home in Maine, Roger S. Baum , SIGNED & Inscribed by author great-grandson of Frank L. Baum, the original creator of Oz. - Illustrated CHARLOTTE HART, color pictorial endpapers map drawn by G. Butterturtle III: Rewolf of Oz, The SIGNED by Roger S. Baum
GLORIA VANDERBILT, SIGNED, Inscribed & DATED, DJ DESIGN BY CHIP KIDD: The Memory Book of Starr Faithfull SIGNED, Vanderbilt's take on a N. Y. society death of the early 30's GLORIA VANDERBILT, SIGNED: The Memory Book of Starr Faithfull SIGNED, Vanderbilt's take on a N. Y. society death of the early 30's by Phyllis Hingston Roderick, GLORIA VANDERBILT, SIGNED IN BLACK FELT PEN on Grey Endpapers. Inner DJ Flap $12.95, Illustrated B/W & Color, Photographs by Suzan Wood: GLORIA VANDERBILT DESIGNS FOR YOUR HOME SIGNED by Vanderbilt , Interior Design & Her Artwork, with complete directions & Diagrams for over 70 Original Needlework,
Roger S. Baum , SIGNED with comment of "Toto, Too on Title pg, Illustrated COLOR Ronit Berkovitz, FORMER OWNER BOOKPLATE ON BACK Endpaper,: Toto in Candy Land of Oz, SIGNED, Indeed there is a CandyLand in Oz. Although it is not very well known, it truly does exist. Story Adapted from book authored by Roger Baum Long Ears Roger S. Baum , SIGNED with comment of "Toto, Too on Title pg, Illustrated Victoria Seitzinger, FORMER OWNER BOOKPLATE ON BACK Endpaper,: The Wizard of Oz and the Magic Merry-Go-Round , Astrid and Tyler find an old carnival merry-go-round in a junkyard, enchanted by Oscar Zoroaster Diggs, by Elsie Kimmell Field / Illustrated by Bernard Case , Dustjacket price of $3.00 is on the inside flap but Priceclipped. NO BOOK, DJ ONLY: Prairie Winter by Elsie Kimmell Field / Illustrated by Bernard Case - 1st Edit DJ Only! NO Book! DUST JACKET DUSTJACKET ONLY,
Gladys L. Adshead, PICTURES by Velma Ilsley, Dustjacket price of $2.75 is on the inside flap but Priceclipped. NO BOOK, DJ ONLY: Smallest Brownie's Fearful Adventure DJ ONLY, , NO BOOK, 1st Edit DJ Only! NO Book! DUST JACKET DUSTJACKET ONLY, Everyone knows that magical Things by George Barr / Over 100 drawings by William D. Hayes, Front INNER DJ FLAP $3 with 03807 on DJ back, NO BOOK, DJ ONLY,: Young Scientist Takes A Ride, Guide to outdoor observations from a car window DJ ONLY, , NO BOOK, 1st Edit DJ Only! DUST JACKET DUSTJACKET ONLY, Why do tires sing ?, by W. Ryerson Johnson / ILLUST. by Lois Lignell, INNER DJ FLAP $2.50 with Priceclipped, NO BOOK, DJ ONLY,: Gozo's Wonderful Kite DJ ONLY, NO BOOK, 1st Edit DJ Only! NO Book! DUST JACKET DUSTJACKET ONLY, it was his own Idea to paste pictures of the 5 Geese on His Kite
By Kay Roberts - Illust Drawings Nora S. Unwin - NO BOOK, DJ ONLY, Inner DJ Flap $1: Bobby Bunnyfly 1st Ed DJ Only! NO Book Kids DJ ONLY , Children will find a lovable bunny close to their hearts. Bobby, tiring of keeping his big ears By Frank Crisp , Illustrated by R. richard M. Powers, NO BOOK, DJ ONLY, Inner DJ Flap $2.75 has pencil Word: The Haunted Reef DJ ONLY , NO BOOK, South Sea Mystery Story, Dirk & His Young cousin , Jim listened curiously to strange stories by Martha Johnson, Priceclipped but INNER DJ FLAP $2 Intact with Pencil Nursing comment,: Ann Bartlett At Bataan Adventures of a Navy Nurse, 1ST EDITION BOOK 1943, with 5TH PRINTING on Inner DJ Flap, SERIES #2, She was member of Navy Nurse Corps
By William Wise - Illustrated Pictures by Paul Galdone, Inner DJ Flap $2.19, NOT EX-LIBRARY: The Cowboy Surprise , LIBRARY EDITION on DJ, The story of Mike and Sally who don't like their glasses and the surprise that's part of the visit of "Wild Bill Williams, worlds greatest Cowboy By Adele and Cateau DeLeeuw , Illustrated drawings by Don Sibley, INNER DJ FLAP $2.75, NO BOOK, DJ ONLY,: The Expandable Browns ,DJ ONLY, NO BOOK, 1st Edit DJ Only! NO Book! DUST JACKET DUSTJACKET ONLY, Story of a Family, how they grew when other People discovered what a By Laura Sootin - Illustrated George Wilde , NO BOOK, DJ ONLY, Inner DJ Flap $1.95: Let's Go to an Airport By Laura Sootin - George Wilde DJ ONLY, , NO BOOK, 1st Edition, 2nd Printing, Stated DJ Only! NO Book! DUST JACKET DUSTJACKET ONLY,
by Ethel Collier, Illustrated by Honore Guilbeau, Native Of BATON ROGUE, NO BOOK, DJ ONLY, Inner DJ Flap Priceclipped But $3 INTACT WITH Pencil Farm Stories: I know A Farm - a First Reading book Told in Limited Vocabulary of 177 Words, 1st Edition , DJ ONLY, , NO BOOK, DJ Only! NO Book! DUST JACKET DUSTJACKET ONLY, attractive picturebook of a girl's visit to a Farm by CLYDE Robert Bulla - ILLUST. By Peter Burchard , INNER DJ FLAP $2.50 priceclipped but with 007-010 Code Intact, NO BOOK, DJ ONLY,: Down The Mississippi By Robert Bulla - Peter Burchard 1st Edition ,DJ ONLY, , NO BOOK, 1st Edit DJ, A Minnesota farm boy gets a much desired opportunity to go down the Mississippi written & Illustrated by Hetty Burlingame Beatty, NO BOOK, DJ ONLY, Inner DJ Flap $2.50: Droopy by Hetty Burlingame Beatty ,1st Edition DJ ONLY, NO BOOK,DUST JACKET DUSTJACKET ONLY , How Droopy the sometimes stubborn mule rescued Joe from the pond
WRITTEN & Illustrated By Leonard Shortall , Dustjacket price of $2.78 is on the inside flap but Priceclipped. NO BOOK, DJ ONLY: John and his Thumbs , DJ ONLY, , NO BOOK, 1st Edit DJ Only! NO Book! DUST JACKET DUSTJACKET ONLY, You are all thumbs, John. That was what his family Said By Jean Lee Latham & Bee Lewi, ILLUSTRATED by Jacqueline Chwast, Priceclipped But 4-8 Intact at btm, NO BOOK, DJ ONLY: The Cuckoo That Couldn't Count By Jean Lee Latham ,DJ ONLY, , NO BOOK, 1st Edit DJ Only! NO Book! DUST JACKET DUSTJACKET ONLY, a tell together Story, WRITTEN & ILLUSTRATED by Tony Palazzo, INNER DJ FLAP $2.95 & 003005 AT BTM, , NO BOOK, DJ ONLY: Let?s go to the Circus, , NO BOOK, 1st Edition DJ ONLY, NO BOOK ,DUST JACKET DUSTJACKET ONLY , See the Musical Bears, funny Monkeys
By Janice & ILLUST BY Mariana , PRICECLIPPED , NO BOOK, DJ ONLY: Little Bear's Sunday Breakfast DJ ONLY, NO BOOK, 1st Edit DJ Only! NO Book! DUST JACKET DUSTJACKET ONLY by Maxine W. Kumin / 3 color ILLUST by Artur Marokvia, INNER DJ FLAP Priceclipped but $2.52 INTACT , NO BOOK, DJ ONLY,: Follow The Fall, 1ST edition, 2nd Impression STATED DJ ONLY , NO BOOK,Series #3, see & read storybook in verse, Boys there were too many of them in Anne's Class by Maxine W. Kumin - COLOR & B/W Illustrated by Elliott Gilbert, Graduate of Parsons School of Design, Inner DJ flap $2.19 but PriceClipped with wrinkling, Ex Library: Mittens in May in dustjacket of kid in Class wearing red Mittens with 2 other students, See & Read, Authors 1st bk in Prose, Look at Funny Peter Day,
by Joan Lexau / Illust by Ben Shecter NO BOOK, DJ ONLY, INNER DJ FLAP $2.75 & CODE 004008: Millicent's Ghost by Joan Lexau /Illustrated by Ben Shecter - 1st Ed DJ Only! No Book! This is a rare cute fiction story about a little girl and a haunted house, All millicent's Brothers By Charlotte Becker , NO BOOK, DJ ONLY, 75 CENTS ON INNER DJ Flap: The Unlike Twins By Charlotte Becker 1st Ed DJ Only! No Book!, Tommy & Timmy are twin boys who do not look in the least Alike, tells how they got their twin Dogs, Muggins & Nuggins by Joan Lexau, NO BOOK, DJ ONLY, Illustrated by Irene Murray: The Trouble With Terry by Joan Lexau -Illustrated by Irene Murray, 1st Ed DJ Only! No Book, . Everything 10 year old Terry tries she does wrong,
By Charlotte Steiner , NO BOOK, DJ ONLY, Inner DJ Flap Priceclipped but shows $2.50, author's four color Illustrations: Bobby follows the Butterfly By Charlotte Steiner 1st Ed DJ Only! No Book! When Bobby sees a butterfly much like the butterfly ornament on his breakfast dish, by Maxine W. Kumin - Illust Artur Marokvia, NO BOOK, DJ ONLY, inner DJ flap is $2.68: Summer Story by Maxine W. Kumin - Artur Marokvia - 1st Ed, Second Printing DJ Only! No Book! - 1st Ed DJ Only! No Book! SEE & READ by Elizabeth Tate - Illust by Helen Stone in Flower Colors, INNER DJ FLAP $2.50 pencil note, Decorated Endpapers: The Little Flower Girl by Elizabeth Tate - Illustrated by Helen Stone 1st Ed, 1956,. Ready Laurie, whispered the Maid of Honor,
by Joan Lexau - illust by Irene Murray NO BOOK, DJ ONLY, INNER DJ FLAP $2.95 with 08012 at Btm: The Trouble With Terry by Joan Lexau - illust by Irene Murray 1st Ed DJ Only! No Book! - 1st Ed DJ Only! No Book! By Myra Berry Brown - Illust Dorothy Marino ,NO BOOK, DJ ONLY, INNER DJ FLAP $1.95: First Night Away From Home By Myra Berry Brown - Illust Dorothy Marino 1st Ed, 1960, DJ Only! NO BOOK, Stevie was going to Davie's House written & Illustrated By Shirley Hughes, English author artist, NO BOOK, DJ ONLY , INNER DJ FLAP $2.75: Lucy & Tom's Day By Shirley Hughes 1st Ed DJ Only! No Book! This is a story in pictures of daily doings of 2 pre-school English children
By Miriam Schlein - Illust Elizabeth Donald ,NO BOOK, DJ ONLY, INNER DJ FLAP $2.75 but priceclipped,: Laurie's New Brother By Miriam Schlein - Illust Elizabeth Donald 1st Ed DJ Only! The appearance of a baby sister or brother by Susan Dorritt / Illust Elizabeth Donald, NO BOOK, DJ ONLY, INNER DJ FLAP $2.75 BUT PRICECLIPPED: The Learning Book by Susan Dorritt / Illust Elizabeth Donald - 1st Ed DJ Only! No Book! This is David, by Charles E. Tuttle Tokyo,Illustrated thruout by Yoshiuke Kurosaki, NO BOOK, DJ ONLY, INNER DJ FLAP $3.50 but priceclipped with Crease: Japanese Children's Favorite Stories -Charles E. Tuttle Tokyo - 1st Ed DJ Only! 20 Stories like: The magic Teakettle
written & Illustrated by Billy Warren, NO BOOK, DJ ONLY, INNER DJ FLAP $2.50 says second printing with pencil word Horses: The Golden Palomino by Billy Warren - 1st Ed DJ Only! No Book! 14 yr. old Ted shared a Love & an ambition with his Father Bob Farraday, owner of Wagon Wheel Ranch, Both Farradays Written & Illustrated in color by Su Zan Noguchi Swain, trained Biologist ,INNER DJ FLAP $2.95, NOT EX-LIBRARY, yellow & Brown Illustrated Endpapers: Plants of Woodland and Wayside by Su Zan Noguchi Swain in DUSTJACKET, includes Poison Oak Introduction to fascinating world of Plants for beginners, PRESENTS BRIEFLY BASIC FACTS by Henry B. Kane , INNER DJ FLAP $1.50 WITH PENCIL WORD INSECT, B/W Photographic Endpapers & Illustrations: The Tale of the White-Faced Hornet, Wild World Tales by Henry B. Kane - 1st Ed in Dustjacket Very hard to find & one of the earlier series from the children's science genre, SCIENCE PICTURE BOOK
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